Schmorky dun diddled


Other urls found in this thread:

>you'll never be good friends with Schmorky

holy shit

Tell me more about how GamerGate doesn't harass people.

>you will never livestream games with your cute daughter

It's real

Were they ever really friends, or was it just a show?

Wait is he only just finding out that Shmorky is a pedo

>It's honor
>Can't even into English

that's the correct usage
remember: its not it's

Is that Lowtax?

It was one of those things he was warned about and ignored for years upon years. Just recently, one of Shmorky's exes posted chatlogs of him getting her to engage in incest pedo diaper roleplay when she was like 16 and he was in his 30s. 91 pages of it to be exact

>91 pages of it to be exact

More disgusted that someone would date that thing than anything else

Is cyber sexing it up with a 16 year old illegal? If so, why isn't Shmorky in prison yet?

jesus fucking Christ


v& incoming

She's off her rocker too, if that explains anything.

was she the one shmorky hid her meds from her?

Shmorky's so talented but it's a shame he's such a mess

They once had a fight that involved Lowtax and he twitted some stuff. They're both fucking crazy.


What the fuck

>fagtax doing damage control because he operated a haven and covered for pedos for years
who cares what this loser has to say, his most remember moment was getting his shit pushed in by uwe boll.

That is still my favorite internet moment

>heh like half of my views come from me ripping into uwe boll movies :^|
>haha uwe boll wants to fite me what could go wrong :^)
>oh god it was serious, he kicked the shit out of me, I didn't know it was going to be a real fight, internet help :^(

who the fuck is schmorky

can someone fill me in on this or link me to something that'll fill me in

After the great CWC thread a while earlier, I honestly feel like staying up just to watch this shit.

Was it the same genderfluid muscle girl he recorded himself having a domestic argument with?

>I put your dick in my mouth and do a very good job in that aspect of the scenario

Schmorky was some artist for something awful and friend with lowtax for years. He made some flash animations for SA too.


This much autism should be illegal

At this point I believe everything you just said.

I mean the proof is right here

I can't believe a pushover like Uwe Boll beat him. He said that shit to every single one of his critics until he tried the farce on Seanbaby, who's into muay thai, then immediatly shut the fuck up when he found out.

>it is honor
It's not its.


No skill < Amateur < Enthusiast < Professional

lowtax had never put on gloves before
Uwe Boll at least went to the gym once or twice a month

His daughter is cute.

Does Lowtax seriously think he can save face over this shit after being Schmorky's defense force for years?
SA had encouraged this bullshit for over a fucking decade and banned members who told him what a fuck Schmorky was

Where did it all go so wrong

Who? And why should i care?

psure lowtax's actual biggest claim to fame was banning moot and his pedophile brigade

Literally who.

What even happened with SA that allowed this shit to fester like this and take over the entire site

Most people don't want to realize that the crazies are everywhere around you, if you're not one of them yourself

Its Sup Forums history, a newfag like you wouldnt understand.

>Sup Forums history

to be fair he has not been friends with shmorky for several years already

it just so happens he is beating on an already dead horse for more views on his stream and he doesnt want to take down the videos of him and shmorky from his channel cause it would be mostly empty

Man, makes me wish I saved more of my logs. I have some erp partners I've been playing with since fucking yiffchat. I had to have passed 91 pages with some of them.

In b4 retarded newfag mods delete this thread despite Sup Forums being created by somethingawful users (including moot)

SA discussion is allowed on all boards, it's Sup Forums culture.

Like i said, you wouldnt understand.