Can you imagine making an expansion so shitty and vastly inferior to fanmod that you pull it from sale? Well, that just happened.
Here what based Eggdaddy said about the whole situation >Dad bought me a steak so why would I buy that shitty sandwich
Steakmund and Nicalis nearing amount of BTFO that shouldn't even be possible. What's gonna happen next?
maybe they can take inspiration from antibirth and doing something good for a change
im enjoying the shit out of this fanmod
Logan Barnes
>Here what based Eggdaddy said about the whole situation >>Dad bought me a steak so why would I buy that shitty sandwich you aht
Levi Cook
>it's another indie dev hack episode
When will you fags learn to not give these dipshits money?
Logan Peterson
>What's gonna happen next? hopefully edmund just fucking stops shitting on isaac and lets modders do his job
Nicholas Scott
>>Dad bought me a steak so why would I buy that shitty sandwich source?
Henry Perry
> We're passing the torch to the community! > By the way mods disable progress in the game!
Jonathan Fisher
They didn't remove it from sale though, what are you talking about?
Tyler Flores
>Can you imagine making an expansion so shitty and vastly inferior to fanmod that you pull it from sale? Well, that just happened.
I don't get, it is still on sale
Brayden Adams
>51% of the reviews are positive
Lincoln Lopez
bruh, we all like antibirth, but still [citation needed]
Angel Moore
All of the Binding of Isaac content has been consistently good, Afterbirth+ is where they are trying to cut corners and see if they can get away with it.
It gets worse, they released mods with 0 commented documentation. Quite a few of the mod examples DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING WORK.
A RETARDED MONKEY could have made better mod tools. Couldn't even DETECT BUTTON PRESSES. Could even CHANGE PLAYER STATS. What mod tool swere they thinking to fucking make!?
>All of the Binding of Isaac content has been consistently good *unzips head of krampus, the lost, and lilith"
Kevin Reed
I highly doubt that a retarded monkey would be able to code, let alone create modding tools for some shitty indie game.
Landon Parker
oh i get it now
Josiah Reed
It's in the bundle so people cannot buy Plus without having or buying Afterbirth
Aaron Powell
They didn't pull it from sale, they just made it so you couldn't buy it separately from Afterbirth
Daniel Cox
How mods should have been embraced.
Sebastian Murphy
But wasn't afterbirth required before? I think the page was just changed to note that afterbirth was required so people didn't get mad.
Hudson Ross
Neither could Nicalis.
Luis Martin
You used to be able to buy Afterbirth+ without Afterbirth being owned which didn't work. This forces you to buy everything to get it (it subtracts other bundled items so it's still the regular price).
Ryan Smith
I heard the dev was honestly saying he was running out of ideas, and Afterbirth+'s idea was mostly to add powerful content creation tools since he's moving to making new games next. He said that in some podcast.
Juan Nguyen
But all the good games these days are indie, user.
Cameron Martinez
Isn't that a good thing though? Still the regular price and takes care of a problem. Like I know we love hyperbole but I dont see no hate train to jump on here.
Easton Watson
Or maybe "content creation tools" isn't the right idea. Just easier-to-mod stuff.
Aiden Kelly
No, I'm explaining the change. It's definitely a good thing, even if it's a bit weird to look at.
Jonathan Richardson
Sup Forums once again the vocal minority.
Jordan Ross
NorthernLion keeps fucking backpedalling and defending this shit, it's frustrating.
Angel Stewart
>> By the way mods disable progress in the game!
But this makes sense though. Otherwise people would just install some mod that makes them super OP and get every unlock without any challenge.
Dominic Stewart
>locking mods behind 20 dollars of DLC when everyone got the game for 10 bucks on release or even cheaper on sale I heard the dev can suck my dick
Connor Lee
I don't think he's backpedaling as much as he's trying to prevent being accused of fanning the flames.
And? The amount of people that want to get everything already can. Fucking over the people that want to extend of the life of the game with high quality content is bullshit.
Leo Turner
the tedium of shooting ultra greed and delirium to death through their 5 minutes of super armor on every single character is fucking killing me
Gabriel Allen
He is trying to stay on good ground with Steakmund and Tyrone.
Anthony Kelly
you can literally just download a perfect save, drop it in directory, and get every achievement in 2 minutes if you want to cheat
Aiden Nelson
Is that the true power of the Isaac fandom?
Jeremiah Nelson
>I heard the dev can suck my dick I bought Rebirth with TF2 keys. Bought Afterbirth and hated it. Bought AB+ and I hate it even more.
Game feels like they don't even understand why people enjoyed the game in the first place.
>Hold R until you get damage.
Levi Wilson
His livelihood depends on this shit. Of course he would defend it or at least try to stay as neutral as possible.
Josiah Jones
No one wants to chew your steak, Edmund.
Colton Butler
That's because Eggmund and Nicalis listen to the plebs at Reddit and all the popular Streamers, who don't understand what made Isaac good.
Grayson King
>Sup Forums discussed a fucking newgrounds flash game
>antibirth devs'd need the source code to implement ab+ to their standards >I can understand why Nicalis wouldnt wanna give them the decompiled source code >It could be used to make a better isaac Based egg daddy telling it straight.
Aiden Rogers
pls no
Cooper Baker
Carson Martin
Go figure these posts didn't get a reply.
Afterbirth is a DLC that requires the DLC, this is unusual. Normally you put on the DLC page "This DLC requires a base game", but never "This DLC requires a base game AND a DLC" So using the bundle feature makes a lot of sense, to make sure people don't buy Afterbirth+ without owning the regular Afterbirth DLC
As for the quality of the DLC being buggy and unbalanced Isaac was always shit, you're playing a game solely because it's popular.
Nathaniel Nguyen
Even the retards with 10,000 hours played are complaining.
That's some special kind of incompetence.
Bentley Fisher
In fact, I'd say people who haven't played much don't realise how bad it is.
Xavier Williams
Jordan Perez
I've honestly only played 70 hours on and off total and I played a few runs and refunded it. It really does make the entire game tedious. Stuff they added should have just been in the new chapters and not spread throughout the entire game.
Andrew Evans
Reddit hates the expansions too.
Michael Kelly
Can you image OP bein so retarded he can't even see the DLC is available on the store?
Dylan Brown
I haven't played since the original rebirth release. What did they fuck up?
Henry Anderson
Post yrw Northernlion destroyed Steakman and Nicalis in the most professional way possible
Leo White
I want to have consensual intercourse with her for the sole purpose of procreation under christian guidelines!
Grayson Ross
jesus christ nick is the ultimate nu-male
Henry Miller
That's gay, dude.
Jace Allen
dry baby
Alexander Kelly
I like NL a lot, but it's funny listening to him shitting on it but defending it at the same time.
"I mean I get that you had a launch date, but why not take some time to fix the bugs....although bugs happen and it's complicated"
Nathaniel Smith
Jaxson White
That's his Canadian Blood trying to keep him from saying anything terribly bad about it.
Jace Wilson
>Try to stay as neutral as possible Yeah but neutral is his default setting. Everytime he expresses an opinion he starts backpeddling to stay neutral. like he's scared to have an opinion or something.
Tyler Ward
I think he's just trying to make sure his criticisms don't come off as personal. He wants to make sure people knows that he hates the expansion, not the people involved. Pretty class honestly.
Isaac Evans
I know, but it's just funny because you can tell what he really thinks of AB+, but he's dancing around it. I get why he has to do it, it's just kinda funny
Zachary Nguyen
Nathan Moore
I'm reminded of a video that Jim Sterling did about what would happen if BoI was in the hands of a AAA publisher, including all sorts of jew shit like microtransactions and paywalls among other things (censorship, giving Isaac a gun etc). It's almost chilling how prophetic this video seems now.
>You slammed a foot down onto his leg. >It snapped backwards with a loud noise akin to wall plaster breaking off. > Samson cried out with adoration as he began to squirm, but you held him in place by his unusable limb and struck down onto the other leg.
"I-I thought we were friends!"
"We're lovers, Samson."
>You shifted your feet left and right, grinding the leg tissue into a pulp and then slowly separating them. >You then shifted another set to his arms, doing the same thing. >He was a handless, footless wife. >You weaved him a silken veil and hung it over his scraggly, brown hair as he wept. "This is our wedding now." >You licked away his tears and some of the blood from his limb stumps. "Why? W-why'd you do this?! I hate you, I-I--" "That's no way to speak to me." >You gritted your strange teeth together, slamming your foot into his ribcage and nearly destroying it. "There's more room to inhabit our children now."
Adam Lopez
He's supposed to be playing off what you'd expect and what is true, but it does a shitty job at it.
Christian Campbell
that is quite literally how the internet behaves in general now.
Look at the OP's of various threads, you'll see loads of "I like this game, BUT..." or "This is a pretty shit game, EXCEPT.." or other such bullshit that lets them stay on both sides of an argument.
It's reddit shit, plain and simple, you have to hedge and compromise your opinions lest you run the risk of getting downvoted into oblivion
Matthew Gutierrez
Isaac didn't die for this basic-tier fanfiction.
Alexander Morales
>the egg ever criticizing edmund proof, he's a shill
Tyler Ortiz
>linking Jim Sterling >ever
Blake Rodriguez
None of that really happened though. We just got a shitty expansion.
Leo Ward
Sebastian Young
>He coughed out blood and shook his head, trying to wriggle away. >This required assistance. >You flicked your legs against the ground, and millions of your brothers and sisters came crawling out of the fleshy walls. >They understood the call, and each one dug their fangs into his skin. >The bite wounds swelled into painful red welts. Moving at all, by now, would be extremely painful. >Samson wailed, sitting in a puddle of his own blood.
>But he wouldn't move. >You pressed a hand to his chest, blood and pus seeping out of every pore in his body. >You caress him and you wipe away the gunk, slipping the yellowish-reddish mixture across his cheeks. >The poisons in his veins were causing him pain - you knew that. >He shook and pissed and vomited all over.
>Your brothers and sisters looked at you proudly, having weaved a wedding dress for little Samson. >His blood seeped clean through the fabric, and you knelt down to remove his little shorts from underneath. >You smiled at his swollen, bloody face, your tongue licking away the grume on his brow. "We're going to have kids, Samson." >You wanted to hold him so close. He shook his head violently in response.
We got the evil opposite. Hiding all the good things behind steak walls instead of paywalls.
Evan Richardson
Not entirely, compare him to the other people on his podcast, all of them either ignore a matter because they don't have enough information or give their opinion and reasoning. wether they call a game bad or good. Egg is the only one who always backpaddles from his opinions
I bet my ass there's a skeleton character hidden or added with update
Dylan Fisher
Daniel Cooper
So...what does Antibirth have that AB+ doesn't that makes this such a big deal? Mind you, I've played both. Like, what's the problem?
John Cook
Alex is cool but he aint Eggdaddy
Eli Gray
I love this man.
Caleb Gonzalez
>i havent unlocked the alt. route yet
Jonathan Myers
>new items >new bosses >mod support >costs as much as lunch
I'm happy enough.
Michael Powell
Parker Perry
They fixed it, all the errors the game had at launch were fixed. It just doesn't have as much content as Antibirth. Once they fix the mod tools, that should change.
Luis Harris
>Sister Longlegs was carrying numerous egg-sacs with her.
>Brothers and sisters pulled his leg stubs apart as he shouted in pain and love. >You put the sacs in your mouth, and then pressed your strange lips to his backside, worming your tongue through his intestines. >Bloody cracks developed around the rim as you allowed the eggs to enter through a hole in the back of your tongue, and then came out through the tip into Samson's belly. >His tummy bulged out beneath the silk dress, tearing through the fabric and barely remaining shut. >The wounds opened wide around the tight flesh as you fired in the last of them. >Then, with a tooth, you fertilized them. >Then, finally, Sister lodged it shut with her silk. >Everyone collaborated to cover Samson's wounds. > You lifted him up and held him close.
"Please kill me..." >He whined, voice hoarse from all of his crying. "Please. Please let me die."
>You nuzzled him softly, licking his bloody lips.
"I love you."
Kevin Reyes
Cheats exist for every game you retarded monkey
Owen Anderson
was isaac autistic?
Lucas Martin
>Can you imagine making an expansion so shitty and vastly inferior to fanmod that you pull it from sale? Well, that just happened. The new Age of Mythology expansion was worse but they never removed that from sale