Have you ever fell in love with a male videogame character?

Have you ever fell in love with a male videogame character?

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I used to fap to Zangief if that counts.

holy fuck, i haven't seen that artist in years

what's worse
gay posters or bara posters?

Only with (You)

By "accident".

No but I shlick to them often



I used to find Balthier extremely sexy, his voice helped a lot too.

Its literally distracting while I'm playing

also tfw made not one but two successful cute threads today

For some reason it's either furry or shota, i'm sorry

ow in general has some pretty good hasubando

Homosexuals are a a genetic mistake

someone posted their hairy belly tho
i unfortunately saw them

>you will never cuddle your husbando

Nah, it seems to be beneficial or it would have been removed by natural selection.


gay furshits

the absolute bottom of the barrel scum

lmao cry more

Get out whore.

if by "a a genetic mistake" you mean "the the next step in human evolution" then yes

just reposting this one art i fucking love

>tfw Sup Forums only likes you if you're chubby and hairy or a mega twink

I had a thing for Drake but he could use more ass.

>yfw our species will eventually become a lesbian race

didn't mean to link but whatever

What's he look like behind the mask?

>having this shit of taste
I bet you like fucking chris evans, don't you

Yes, and it's pure love.

But I like any guy if he has body hair

The FFXV bros are all surprisingly likable. Their great chemistry and character dynamics also help.

No, I like Chris Pratt. He's my 3dpd husbando.

why exactly do you like hair senpai?
body hair especially wet are icky


Like a man whose had a fucking rough life and needs love

Only a sociopath wouldn't like cute animals.

Do women with dicks count?

>tfw I know the original pic
I don't like twinks though

finally people with taste

Homos pls go

It feels nice and adds aesthetic

>Do women-

Thats not a board for posting video game characters.

Die of AIDS smelly dumb fag scum.

Having found out I'm an otter this pleases me.

It looks manly I guess but too much is kinda gross.

Mass Effect is cruel.

I love Garrus but I could never imagine him being gay

>tfw your bf left you on new year's eve for being too attentive and caring

Adam Jensen. I want to fuck his ass.

Image would be so shit, but then Kratos is lighting his condom on fire with his rage, and isn't even there for the sex. He probably doesn't even know what that thing he's holding is.

I want to frazzle モリタカくん's paws です!

Sup Forums has always been gayer than /y/, /lgbt/ and /hm/ combined
That's a fact, not an opinion

Hey I'm fine with calling them men if that means I can now count myself as an oppressed minority.

Garrus is too good for women, honestly.


>tfw I'm still Moritaka-less


stuff like this makes me afraid of relationships

The gay "I'm 100% straight and totally not gay even though I really want to fuck feminine men in the ass instead of women" posters are the worst.

what does the tranny board have to do with this?


>these threads

get aids and die. fuck off with ur faggot recruitment drive shit

he was probably clingy as fuck

Fucking faggots, the best are twinks and cute males. You can go and die for all I care.

Homos were abused when they were young


Why can't you just go fap in or something

I know the original.

This is way better.

>tfw no Sup Forumsf to play vidya together and be lewd

>your bf
and stopped reading

Consider suicide, please.

>not at least enjoying traps
>being this new to Sup Forums

Yoshi IS a cute male.

He's mine

i don't get how can this be bad tho

Don't let that scare you. You have to see what "caring" and "attentive" means to that user, he might have been a plague to that dude. There's a chance that user wasn't with the right person, but you never know.

You'll be fine, Shinji.

Everyone here knows the original.

The one on the right kinda had a cute face.

Get out.

>atleast traps
>implying traps are gay at all in the first place

Not liking traps might literally be the gayest thing ever.

They may just be jailhouse gay.

because chicks r gross

Moritaka will be mine some day.

For now Im saving for the dragon.

Garrus is perfect how he is

>people that won't leave you the fuck alone
>people that will constantly text you even after you tell them to stop
>people doting on you to the point of being suffocating
>people wanting to push themselves into your business into to help and feel wanted
that's probably what was happening
>people who can't stop touching you

>tfw tend to be clingy but unlikeable
Just fry me already Pence

That guy has a nice penis. Would play videogames with.

I love Takumi!

Imagine if we could have those bara fags and hair lovers banned, how better this place would be.


will be yours in your dreams*

Who is this perfect specimen?

I always imagined he felt like kissing a crab because of the plating. Or like it would be like sandpaper.

Kris Irons.

Do want.

Not everyone wants a vapid sissy cocksleeve.

still sounds pretty good, but i'm an unexperienced virgin so idk
i don't like being ignored
ikezaki misa

>lethal injection

Hey there literal faggots, have you caught AIDS yet?

Fuck off already and take your fur bara shit out of here.

Post the girl praying