

Halo 1 is the best.

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Never played a Halo game. What order will give me the most (You)'s?


I agree OP. Good taste.


ODST isnt that good you tryhard you think you have cool taste



3 > ODST > 1 > Reach > 2 > 4 > 5

I only have one difference but we rank all the Bungie games in the same order, and that is what matters.

You have high quality taste.
>Would talk about Halo memories with/10

God I'm getting sick of dealing with Promethean/AI bullshit.

>caring about story of a multiplayer focused series

You are a bad person. People say bad things about you.

You obviously didn't read the post I responded to.

>ODST isnt that good you tryhard you think you have cool taste
>tryhard think you have cool taste

Actually laughed. You guys are wonderful faggots.

Damn. I love you guys. Nice to see we all see eye to eye on this matter.

I dropped this series after the first game when I realized the marketing hyped it up to be more than the generic consolized shooter it is.

So basically
1 > all the games I didn't play

It was better than Halo 3 if only because of the field of view increase and Carbine recoil making it feel like it's a strong weapon.

yeah pretty much spot on. never played ODST but I've heard its good, I'll take your word for it.


Thanks, v seems to have good taste.
Halo 1 is the game to play if you never ever played any, its truly unique and has the best Halo atmlaphere along with ODST, but the console ones are good too.

I've only played the first Halo game, and it was shit.

>Boring, repetitive, copy-pasted, empty levels with nothing to interact with

The outdoor sections were nice, though. The problem is they usually lasted 5 minutes and then you went indoor for another hour or two.

The only reason Halo was a hit was because it revolutionized the console FPS. It would have been seen as a mediocre game had it been released for the PC.

>anything worse than 4
>3 not at the top
>5 not at the middle

Shit ranking, OP

this user has it about right

I'm a Halo fan and I agree, CE has serious issues with tedious level design and reused content, and I have no fucking clue why so much of the fanbase sucks's it's dick so badly when the sequels fix so many of it's issues

No other campaign is like it for Halo, its like a cyberpunk halo, and has a unique playstyle. Highly recommend it.

That's not tryhard, I'll show you tryhard.


>That faggot on Youtube with his "[Game] X years later" series
>Hates ODST and reach but loves 4
>Excuses the shit designs by saying "w-well they worked hard on the designs and there's a lot that we probably never even saw", as if saying Bungie didn't work hard on the designs either
>Tries to justify himself by saying "w-well i played halo 2 multiplayer a lot..."
>Is one of those people that will ignore actual criticism and acts like his opinions are facts

Played it once in 2007. Now I see where they got that skull from.

Literally the only reason casual babies hate Reach and ODST is because neither have automatically regenerating HP.

Are we talking campaign or multiplayer? Because for me my ranking changes considerably taking either into account.

If you ask me, they are all pretty fucking gay to me. Which is the reason destiny is also a piece of shit

I am tired of people shitting on ODST when shit like Reach and post Bungie Halo exists. ODST was simply overpriced but it was still a good game. Solid 7 or 8 out of 10. Firefight was best in ODST.

Mine is campaign but you can post both, my multiplayer is

>ODST was simply overpriced
If you didn't own Halo 3 first like me, it was actually a bargain because you get 3's multiplayer and all the DLC




Plus ODST is as long as any other Halo campaign, firefight should've had matchmaking though.


For campaign my ranking goes:
CE > 2 > 3 > ODST > Reach

3 > 2 > Reach > CE

I don't even care for 4 or 5 and barely played 4. CE's pistol imo is way too strong and I never played the games multiplayer nearly as much as the others. I didn't even play 2's online until I got a 360. 3 is probably my favorite online FPS.

3 > 2 > ODST > Reach > CE > 5 > 4

Mine is 1, 2, 3, Reach and then ODST, 5, 4.
But I dont even really think 4 and 5 compare to the rest

Dont even bother replying


Same 3's my favorite console online fps, its just really close to Halo 1 for me because the first is a gem on PC.

>>Is one of those people that will ignore actual criticism and acts like his opinions are facts

I've been leaving literal 6+ paragraph comments on his videos since he started explaining where I differ from his take on it and giving him criticism and in all but the final Halo 5 one, he's responded to every single thing I've said in them point by point in detail.

I think you just have a stick up your ass, user.

Are the Halo 1 servers still up on PC?

I'd like to see you explain your love for CE's campaign more given and

Yeah you just need to download the latest Bungie patch online

Some are. Not alot though

5's campaign is absolute garbage of the nth degree. It's really not even fun. Multiplayer is nice though. I just rated my list on Campaign strength alone.

ODST has godlike firefight


Best forge:

Best multiplayer maps:
Halo 1 PC>3>Reach>2>5>4

Rip Death Island, Gephyrophobia, Infinity, Boarding Action, Chrion TL-34, Derelict, Wizard, and Rat Race. God tier maps that didn't get redmade I think.

I hope 6 is not shit.

God, I'm so tempted to buy an Xbox one just to play the master chief collection. Send help.


>3's MP above 2's and 5's

Would love you to justify that as well.

Why does scorpio have to exist

torn between the decision of buying xbone s and waiting for scorpio

kill me

It wasn't that good at all, it was only 2 hours long, while having terrible character development, the hub world served no purpose, there really wasn't a point for the flashbacks, the plot inly starts when Dare contacts the Rookie, the game constantly forces firefight mode into the campaign, and you still feel like a Spartan even though you're a Human. Firefight didn't have matchmaking, and if you already have Halo 3 the mp maps are worthless.

Those maps are fucking epic, nothing will ever beat them unless they make maps 3 times there size with controllable pelicans for Halo 6.
The atmosphere and open levels of Halo 1 was the best. The other Halo's are open too but not as much as the first.

I want to know why you give a shit about peoples opinions?

Wait for that scorpio, gonna play 360, xbone, and scorpio games (like halo 6). Its literally the ultimate xbox and considering its releasing soon just wait for it. The MCC servers will still be up by then.




MCC Remasters


Because unlike some of you fags I actually enjoy discussing things?

>The atmosphere and open levels of Halo 1 was the best. The other Halo's are open too but not as much as the first.
How open CE is is part of why I dislike it. It's open just for the sake of it and they are overly empty. It's not even scaled in a way that makes the openess and size of it itself a worthwhile novelty in the same way it might be in something like the new zelda.

Nostalgia and growing up factor in. The quality isn't in question for future games.

Halo wasn't perfect, especially not the story, but it was completely new to me as it was the first "real" 3D game I had ever played. Everything looked so good, the controls were smooth (except for the warthog, fuck that piece of shit vehicle in CE). The point of the outdoor sections is a great one and I agree with it, but as I had played DOOM before they were more familiar to me as corridor shooters. It was memorable and I haven't had many experiences from beating a campaign since CE.

Multiplayer for 2 wasn't as fun. I didn't enjoy the maps like 3 and 1, but the gameplay was fine. 5 was great, but without a lot of time ( or friends) nowadays, I can't enjoy it as much. It's quality isn't in question at all. They've always gotten better (except 4). Yes this is a me problem and not a fault of the game. This is an opinion post so I don't see why it matters. If I had the time 5 might be all I play for months.

Maybe I like Halo 1 because it's campaign is better than a majority of the game's you got a problem with that?

Why don't more people play Halo Online/Eldewrito? It works fairly well and it's free on PC

Reach is a bit low, but yeah.

Also, 4 and 5 shouldn't even be on the list.

Halo 5 Forge is free on PC too.

I'd like you got explain why you think it's better

Literally any other Halo campaign>5

And I like you to fuck off. If I give two shits about your opinion even though I know it's garbage anyway why should I tell you mine? Halo 2 campaign was a disappointment after Halo 1 since it's levels weren't even close to being as good and I'm not going into detail about that.

Campaign: 3>2>1>Reach>4

I never played ODST or 5. Halo 3 is at the top for me because it is the most epic, you fight flood, brutes, 2 scaraps at the same time, and the end is just amazing.

Why did you even bother to post to begin with if you weren't interested in having a disscusion then faggot?

Reach was shit! Horrible characters who are cunts to you for no reason. I was pleased when they all died, especially that fucking female one! She was the biggest cunt of them all.

>wanting to have a discussion on Sup Forums
You must be new here

Halo 2's levels were the coolest though

or you must be a faggot who goes away whenever someone gives arguments. I have seen a lot of good discussions in here

>Not focusing on the fact that he put Halo 5 that high

I'm not even the guy you're arguing with, fucktard

I never played 5. Played the first 2 missions of 4 and was like, this is shit and never played another one

I'm I'll give you some reasons.

1. Well I'll admit nostalgia does play somewhat of a part but that goes for so many games for me so I don't see this as an issue. People can be rightfully nostalgic about many things not just games.

2. The repeated levels never bothered me and I thought it was cool to go back to some of them. Had the levels been awful okay then this is a much more solid complaint. Yeah the levels reuse a lot of hallways but again never bothered me and I loved the large scale levels for some of them. The series never really captured this again imo until Reach but Reach has its own issues. Overall loved almost every level. Library is weakest level I suppose.

3. It started the series that I liked for awhile. IDK how some people on here can ever hate a first game of a series that they might love when the first game in a series is the introduction to a series. If a first game to a series sucked then the series likely wouldn't take off becoming successful. This applies to most series out there and yeah there are exceptions to this rule but not many.

4. Great weapon balance.

5. Great AI

6. Physics felt heavier, blows and shots more impactful if compared with 2.

7. The ending level and warthog drive was so cool.

Want more reasons?

If everyone wants to post their favorite Halo, why do they need to explain why they like it?

Not a bad list.

3 > 2 > 1 > ODST > Reach > 343's other shit than 4 > 4


*but I fucking loved the library though. That was like fighting in hell.

Not really Chief had great missions but none of them came close to the first half of Halo 1 and even though Two Betrayals was a repeat mission it was better than Halo 2's missions. Arbiter only had one good mission while his final mission was mediocre at best.

I never post ODST or Reach in my which Halo is better than which list because I consider both irrelevant like the Halo Wars series and Spartan series.

I know he's a faggot, just mad that I have a different opinion on the games then he does and wants to start an argument as soon as I tell him why I think Halo 2's campaign is inferior to both Halo 1 & 3.

I didn't want to start an arguement, I wanted to start a disscusion.

Maybe even, I don't know, have my opinion changed

Don't mind me, just posting Martys best song.

OST official ranking
2=ODST>Reach>CE>3>Wars>SS>SA>what i've heard of HW2>4>5
Official best song

Halo Wars>ODST>Reach>3>1>2>4


The fact that this was canceled is disappointing. I mean fuck for a vertical slice it looks damn fun.

>tfw a Mega Bloks game has more Master Chief then a mainline game

Came here to post this.


It's broken shit. Don't bother.

For the campaigns it's the best versions, regardless of the bugs.

>Halo 1-3
>Established that Spartans are rare as fuck
>There's a single one left
>ODST are trained to be above regular grunts
>There's a good amount around for missions that are too dangerous for regular infantries

>Halo 4 and 5
>Spartans are a dime a dozen
>Filled with Chads
>ODST basically don't exist anymore because the Spartan serum got handed out like candy
>Regular grunts are still a thing
>Let's just inject a bunch of people with Spartan juice and think about the consequences later

>the best
It has the worst campaign ever in a FPS

>playing halo for the story
Dont tell me you actualy enjoy the mp of a FPS made for console


I also love Halo Wars.

Every FPS is made for consoles now, pcuck. Crawl into a hole and die.

>>Established that Spartans are rare as fuck
>>There's a single one left
citation please