What are you playing

>What are you playing

>Your opinion so far

Other urls found in this thread:


>Shitposting on Sup Forums
>It's shit

>kill me i want to be a neet again

>GTA online
>fun because i play with real friends and my character is a sexy asian girl and people love to help me

>pokemon sun
>great game.
Perhaps if the switch has pokemon, animal crossing and fire emblem, I might consider buying it.

Let it die, love it

The game of 9-5

End me

>Isaac Antibirth
>It's making me feel worse about buying AB+

>Gundam Breaker 3
>Doesn't have Reborns gundam so it's pretty shit, my man.

Best game of 2016 to be honest

>GTAO character creator
>Sexy girl

Prove it, faggot.

Still good, DLC is pretty necessary to really enjoy the game though. Only shit change made was colonial nations since release.

Witcher 3

Very good so far, a bit over-welling with all the DLC but never played a game with so much production value.

>Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
>I hate Gessen so much but need to play as them in order to unlock Homura's Crimson Squad
Can't express it enough. What were they thinking? Hanzo is good, nu-Hebijo is great, Gessen is pure garbage besides Shiki.

>Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
>not very good if you compare it with PC

>darkest dungeon
>darkest fungeon

FFXV, just beat it

It's Shit --> No wait, it's good? --> Fuck this, it's shit --> Man, it's really shi- IGNIS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --> Actually it's pretty alright


>it's bretty good

Color splash
Surprisingly comfy. Great opposed to sticker star.

ffx on ps4

holy shit why didnt i play this game before


Dungeon fighter online

It's more fun than I expected

Day Of the Tentacle Remastered.

Fucking awesome and hilarious, old LucasArts games were GOAT

>Transformers Devastation
Combat is fun, music is amazing. Would recommend.

Really? FFX is regarded as one of the worst in the series.

Banner Saga

Really loving the art and music

Grim Dawn. Great as always.

the 4 hr waiting game

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters

Love it; getting fucked up by horse man

>Kind of shitty, and I hope the rest of the series isn't like this

Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning.

So far it's pretty great.

>HITMAN (2016)
>'s fun


It's...meh. Can't quite put my finger on it, but the handling doesn't feel as on point as Wipeout. Probably going to try Formula Fusion next.

>tfw It's my favorite one
>tfw nobody ever has a good argument for why it's bad besides 'muh hallways' or 'ha ha ha ha ha ha ha'

By who? VIIfags?

Why should their bandwagoning ass have any merit for this series? FFX is easily top 5 FF games.

>Can't quite put my finger on it, but the handling doesn't feel as on point as Wipeout
same, i asked for refund
it was kinda dissappointing that there is no airbrakes

>Grand Kingdom

Loving my team composition and finding the game really great to lay on the couch and just enjoy, which is something I haven't felt in awhile.

>Valkyrie chronicles 2
>not bad, I enjoy the combat but getting the credits is a pain in the dick. Can't wait to blow this smug bitch out of the water in the class cup.

Playing Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen.

I hate it. It's too big, no way to get around faster (barring fast travel to very specific places). The combat is janky and clunky imo. Playing on hard adds to the complaints as a wolf can still OHKO me.

Playing Midnight Club 3 Remix on hardware. This bike handles like SHIT.

>Being this bad a video games

Stick to Biocuck and Bethesda game, pleb.

x com 2

It's rage inducing as fuck. My soldiers keep missing 81 percent shots and then get killed by a sectoid behind heavy cover + smoke.

>It's too big
>no way to get around faster (barring fast travel to very specific places)
>The combat is janky and clunky imo
you are inexperienced
>Playing on hard adds to the complaints as a wolf can still OHKO me.
get good or drop down to normal


>Not bad.

I like their twist on turn-based combat.


I should replay this game

>Street Fighter V

>the only reason I'm playing is because of F.A.N.G.

You're suffering from confirmation bias.

>their twist on turn-based combat
Do tell.

Two Worlds.

I'm confused. And not just because I'm drunk out of my fucking mind and therefore putting way too much effort into writing this.

It had good design. A shitload of good design. Playing on Hard has forced me to adapt and I think I can comment on the design as much as the next guy.

You get your i-framed backstep, the idea that you always get the drop on the enemy, that you're always faster then them, but that you take less hits than them, and suddenly discount Oblivion turns into a Director's Cut of it. The alchemy is broken without wrecking the game, the teleportation/fast travel doesn't let you travel to a place without walking/horsing to it first, the traps and bombs and spells and arrows all get good without wrecking the game (well traps aside, holy shit that destroys everything).

To just minor things like the protagonist never voicing the first line that you choose, so it can be fully displayed without having to bastardize it.

It has that design. And aside from absolutely ugly armor, it should have it in the bag.

But the execution, of the core mechanics, is dogshit. Everything plays like a crap MMO, where enemies just teleport when sidestepping, where the world constantly stutters struggling to load in the world while on the horse, where for all the aRPG stuff the hotbar shit (not to mention you're restricted to three spells unless you want to fuck with your menu every time), it just massively fucks the game.

I don't know. I'm drunk and rambling. But I don't know what to think and I'm only 15 hours in. RPGs never pickup. So I'm settling for a shrug of a steam review.

>The Witcher 2

Honestly prefer it to the original. The original felt like a demo you send to a company to show them what you can do by yourself, and the sequel feels like what the original should've been.

It took me a year and a half to finish the original, and I clocked 45 hours on it. I'm already 29 hours into 2 and I only started playing 2 weeks ago. It just feel more fun to play, more engaging, and looks stunning even today.

I'm happy I did play the original even if I didn't have a lot of fun with it. I at least feel like I know Dandelion, Zoltan, Triss and others since I've met them in the first game, and it's nice for people to reference things I did in The Witcher 1. The Order of the Flaming Rose will always dislike me for my neutrality in the original, and that's something I think is really cool.

The only thing I hate is the fact I have to prepare potions beforehand. It's a waste of time and some potions are really stupid, like having to meditate to drink a Cat potion.

it's not big enough
explore more and get the warp stones, there's like 3 you can get early on and just throw them in corners of the map and you can get anywhere in like 3 minutes
combat is fantastic, especially when fighting big ass enemies
you shouldn't do hardmode your first time through, the one shot kills just make it unfun if you have no experience fighting the enemies

Pillars of Eternity

Initially I was struggling because it's a bit stodgy but I'm about 20 hrs deep and I'm beginning to really enjoy myself

Dragon's Dogma
fun and pretty but do pawns ever shut up and why do I have to have two extra shitters on top of me and my created pal
I like the exploration and the climbing mechanics though, and seeing things go down the snake's throat was pretty ___hot

Breath of Fire 3

I like it

its about the clothes, not the character. people will hit on anything they think is a girl online if you dont give yourself away

i'm currently wearing a long hoody and no pants but have no pic

Ys seven

15 hours in and really liking it so far. The story may not be the best or most original but itll keep you going. The boss fights is where most of the fun is

God Eater 2

Pretty great, seems like a more animu monster hunter with actual camera controls. Progression seems a little slow, but then again I'm only at chapter 3.

The combat is okay on Strider/Assassin. Any other class is a waste of time, it's dogshit.

But the overworld stays shit and is the main reason that Everfall/BBI is what people recommend. No dungeons, no real sidequest beyond that DLC notice board shit, no reason to play endurance run due to that self-defeating teleport stone shit:

It wastes your time. Deliberately. And can't make up for it be because they obviously fucking ran out of money. It's the remaints of a dead dream. But a good dream, so Sup Forums likes it anyway.

I love it, it's the first game I've truly enjoyed since Dark Souls.

I just got to Chapter 2 now and I'm beginning to see where they ran out of money though, which is pretty depressing.

i was mapping in UE4
im going to have to relearn everything after being used to UDK3. on the up side UE4 doesn't crash all the time

Every time a level editor crashes I take five minutes to appreciate all the times that level editors have not crashed on me.

God of war 3

I love god of war 3

I disagree and resent you for having this opinion.

>Xcom enemy unknown

I'm enjoying it but the rng can be a pain. I also dislike that enemies get a free move when you spot them. Otherwise it's pretty fun.

>it's shit

>The combat is okay on Strider/Assassin. Any other class is a waste of time, it's dogshit.



They didn't run out of money, they ran out of taking-Kojima's-shit. But yeah, I stopped playing shoprtly after reaching Chapter 2 just because it was so depressing, seeing could've been.

vehicles feel too light

It's ok


It's my first real MMO and I love it, even if I don't fully understand all of the minute mechanics. Tons of content to run through, and even after about a year it hasn't felt stale or boring to me, but I think that's only because I can't play all day, every day.

You can move around on the field before attacking. Some moves have cones/AoEs and you can line up your character to attack more than one person.

Like, if FF7 had this, you could position Cloud so that he could get more than one enemy with his Omnislash.

Or see the gif.

Majora's Mask 3D
Game is fucking great, but the waggle controls can get in the way a bit, and some of the quests are kind of hard to figure out unless I dedicate myself to it for the whole loop.

>Phantom Dust

Holy shit, why has nobody told me about this game earlier. I'm in love.

Thanks. Looks interesting.

>Late game is super fun but it keeps fucking crashing every two missions

Dark Souls 3, I like it a lot so far but apparently I'm way worse at Souls games than I remember. 30 hours in and not even halfway through the game. But IMO it seems a lot more polished than DaS1 and has more interesting enemies (e.g. those nuns that reduce your health bar were a cool idea, as were the GIANT ENEMY CRABS).

Halfway through Breath of Fire 2

Mainly started playing it again for the nostalgia trip but it's actually more fun than I remembered. Would recommend.

>Final Fantasy XV
90% of this game is fucking boring but I need to finish it.
Currently doing the armirger dungeons before going off on the boat. The dungeons are kind of fun at least. Game needs more complex ones though.

>Pokémon Sun

Is this your first Pokémon game?

>Picked up SupCom: Forged Alliance during steam sale
>Why had I never done this sooner, It's all so satisfying, the artillery, the nukes, the massive battles.

made a webm of

Dishonored 2. Fun, but levels are too long.


Starts off garbage but once you get a few power ups and weapons it's amazing

>Silent Hunter 3
>seems like it'll be fun, but still kinda scared because I'm inexperienced with sims

Lots of fucking dialogue holy shit. So far the game is alright.

>I'm already depressed. Great game so far 10/10

>By who? VIIfags?
Anyone who isn't an XIIIfag in denial

Risk of Rain.

I'm a big fan so far but still can't get used to how spongey enemies get without glass on, yet with it on the game becomes a cakewalk even without bullshit like ceremonial dagger. Only monsoon no-artifact wins I have are sniper (2), acrid, and mercenary.

i was going to pick one up until the remaster was announced

booting up AC Rogue every 3 hours to do another fleet mission otherwise i've 100%ed the game

Konami literally put an end to the development of the game halfway into it's dev cycle. You know the first half you put 40+ hours into and had a good time playing? That was Kojima's half. The last half was Konami literally hazing their employees and forcing them to slap together a product.

Titanfall 2 and battlefield 1

Origin is not as bad as it used to be.
Titanfall 2 is literally GOTY of 2016 im sad that it was squashed between BF1 and CoD when its better than both of them

It's okay

Yakuza 5
Still great but I'm really running out of steam

Killer Is Dead

>Dark Souls 3 pvp

Gank squads, seed users and meta faggots everywhere. Honestly the chaos makes it pretty fun even if I die like a dumb retard most of the time.

Just 100% pirate warriors 3. Musous are way too grind, not recommend to 100%, but overall fun.

I need to open some space on my HDD, have Serious Sam 3 and LA noire both instaled. Which one should i beat and delet?

Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed

>Meme reviews on all major sites
>YouTubers lampoon its blatant perversion and general weebish nature
>Buy the game during the Winter Sale to see just how bad it could be
It's actually fantastic; the story and dialogue is cheesy as fuck, but you end up liking most of the characters anyways because they're written well. You can also customize pretty much everything about the game, which leads to some pretty funny scenarios. Biggest pleasant surprise of the year for me.

>Fallout 3

>It's decent but the setting/atmosphere just doesn't grab me the way the other Fallouts do. I think part of the problem is that I find several of the voice actors annoying (particularly Paul Eiding's old coot voice)

Been playing for almost 20 hours.

Paid full price for it way back. No regrets.

Is Titanfall 2 even still active? I've been considering picking it up for my Xbone.

About to 100% FFXV.

No, not Platinum, 100%. All Hunts, lvl99, all optional content, the works.

Game was good, but more focused needs to be put on interesting fights and party commands. Pretty much take the best parts in XII and put it into XV's foundation.