What is the secret to making the game industry crash?
What is the secret to making the game industry crash?
Literally nothing, you underage fucks. Vidya is now an over $100 billion dollar a year industry employing tens of millions of people across dozens of countries.
But it does need to happen.
Doesn't matter if it's feasible.
>Stop preordering
>Don't buy season passes
>Buy the game 3 days after release, maybe even a week
There, when they can't sell the hype anymore they will either crash or revert back to making good games. Too bad that 90% are braindead monkeys and will always board the hypetrain.
avoid early-access as well
>Promote Digital
>Promote DLC
>More buggy, broken games with large patches
>Promote cinematic, expensive AAA games.
Yeah forgot that and kikestarter. The only sad thing is that there are some legit people who try early access or kikestarter but the majority seems to be hot garbage.
If you're excluding mobile, it'll happen eventually. If you're including mobile, it'll never happen. Gaming is trending more and more toward short, repetitive, easily accessible products. While more involved gaming will always exist, it'll become more of a niche hobby as the working class of this generation finds itself with less time or desire to invest in gaming as a hobby.
>>Buy the game 3 days after release, maybe even a week
No, you gotta wait until the PlayDate
With just stop preordering that would be more than enough to kill a lot of shit AAA games that infest this industry.
There isn't one. The video game industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars now. It's now joined the ranks of the music and film industries, and it will NEVER crash no matter how shitty things get.
Collective bargaining
I won't
Today some neckbeards in a garage can make a game, even if some AAA companies fail, there will still be games being made. There are also companies rolling in dosh that aren't in a vulnerable position to say the least, such as Rockstar/2K.
A ton of devs and publishers give absolutely zero fucks about the projects they have. It's just a money cycle around budget and sales. Conveyor belt development.
Why not just ignore the shit you don't like and look towards what's good. You're not gonna get any more good games out of an industry crash.
the day every single game is filled with SJW propaganda is the day it crashes.
literally a case of too big to fail, even if the entire US gaming industry died it wouldnt change anything as other countries pick up the pieces.
Weren't software sales dwindling every year?
I don't think a crash will ever happen, too many companies out there to pick up the slack, plus how accessible it is to make games today thanks to digital distribution and free engines.
We're going backward. It's just going to end up being like the old Nintendo/Sega and arcade games but on a phone.
Oversaturate it. Just like every other industry in the world.
you could buy only indie games. right now that seems like a terrible idea though
once AAA studios don't have a monopoly I imagine it will wind up like the music industry, where it still exists but everyone's favorite band/group is some obscure shit you've never even heard of. Making music is a lot easier than vidya though
convince 2 billion people to stop playing them
lol I hope you unironically believe this
We'd need a half-year filled with AAA titles so shit that even normies can tell they are bad.
First post is worst post. Sales are down this year. Why, because most AAA releases this year were buggy disasters that needed a day one patch.
Dishonored 2 the "Game of the Year" is actually hated for being so horribly optimized.
Don't preorder, don't buy into the hype, be an informed customer, consider price/reward ratios, avoid f2p.
In short, don't throw your money around like a retard.
The only way to win is to not buy.
Building media machines instead of video game systems
The only thing that needs to crash is the phone game industry.
Nobody but paid shills think Dishonored 2: Feminist Boogaloo is GOTY.
Remember this. When the industry crash, the only one survive is China and perhaps Korea because they have cash cows which vurtually detached from the rest of the world.
If the industry crashed and they are the only one with the money? Enjoy your Tencent overlord.
How the fuck Dishonored 2 is feminist.
I've never seen anyone claiming Dishonored 2 is the GOTY
I hope it crashes. It would be the most hilarious thing to happpen in decades.
>Buy the game 3 days after release, maybe even a week
you mean buy the game when it's the definitive edition
about half of the important characters are female and you can play a girl HOW CAN'T YOU SEE THAT IT'S A CONSPIRACY
>A crash will fix everything I don't like
Considering that the crash of '84 led to the golden age of gaming, then maybe yes.
OP said nothing about liking or disliking
An outright crash is impossible at this point.
A decline, sure. A crash, no. It would require a ton of people to stop buying games at the same time.
The industry has already over-expanded imo and is due for a major contraction. There's probably a AAA titles out in the next year with eight-digit budgets.
as a whole it can't and won't crash, some genre can crash (rts and mmo are basically dead). the problem is, the industry is tentacular, if something fail just cut the arm and start working on something that actually bring money, like mobile games
Videogames have been significantly bigger than the music and film industries combined for a while m8. The industry is fucked if it goes to the level of the music industry.
It's not gonna happen. Even if it happened, nothing good would come of it as it would effectively eliminate AAA, AA, big profile indies and basically anything that requires any sort money investment and nothing would take its place so I hope you like arthouse vignette indie "games".
The industry doesn't "need" to crash anyway, from an economic point of view everyone is still making bank. Markets are becoming overcrowded, something that was bound to happen sooner or later which will cause certain competitors out, but for the rest it's business as usual.
Another thing to bear in mind is that Sup Forums is not representative of the industry's consumer base, and in terms of economics (which is what you're talking about when mentioning a market crash) a good game is the one that generates good return proportional to its investment. Therefore a steep decline in sales or an outright crash wouldn't see the industry pursuing Sup Forums's niche tastes in order to save themselves, they would go where the real money is at instead which is with the "casual" audience.
good answer, buying hype is the number one problem.
Small reminder that GTAV grossed more cash dollars than Episode VII.
I do wonder if Steam loading up with junk could cause a mini-crash, especially on the indie side, as people struggle to filter through the garbage.
Surely people have got to be tired of broken Early Access survival shit, assets flips and broken ports?
Happened before with Atari, right?
That seems more for my benefit than the industry's.
And on top of that that would just drive me to enjoy my shit less.
I think mobile could crash. Built on exploitative manipulative business models, the App Store is in decline with people trying fewer new apps (and there seems to be a decline around iOS), and a very non-loyal uncommitted audience.
It's incredibly hard to stand out already, it wouldn't take much for the whole thing to start imploding imo. We've all seen something similar with Facebook games waning
Yes, the indie gaming bubble burst and people were crying doomsday prophecies about it. That was uh, a few years ago, maybe you can find articles about it. And in case you haven't noticed, not much has changed. The ease of digital distribution and the wealth of cheap/free tools for making games means there's very little to lose in making a small game and releasing it on Steam to see if it makes a few bucks, so junk will exist forever. In the Atari era even the cheapest, most sloppily made game had to be manufactured, packaged, distributed, and stores needed to be convinced it was worth the shelf space before it could make any money at all.
Fill it with feminist and political pandering games.
they're already doing it now, and it's not really happening
>Sales are down this year.
The popularity of social networks has its up and downs, and Facebook games were already a tough sell because you need a computer for that and if you're in a computer you might as well play a real game.
Smartphones are here to stay though, and people will always want to kill a few minutes while commuting or whatever so phone games will forever be in demand. Markets getting overcrowded and people being forced out is entirely normal, it's how capitalism works.
>I do wonder if Steam loading up with junk could cause a mini-crash, especially on the indie side, as people struggle to filter through the garbage.
I do not struggle at all, I simply dropped Steam entirely.
Other stores selling physical vidya are still around.
Inflated budgets, low profits. Same thing with movies. We'll reach a point where the AAA will crash, and we'll be back to step one, ready to begin the whole thing again. That's capitalism for ya.
I only buy humble bundles these days as trying to filter shit out yourself is too hard. This wasn't the case even a year ago
>We'll reach a point where the AAA will crash, and we'll be back to step one,
Why would that happen? Smaller mobile devs and the indie scene are stronger and more relevant than ever, so even if AAA development were to take a dive, the industry as a whole would hardly go back to zero or anything like that.
That's why I excluded indie and small teams, get some glasses.
You didn't. You said that a crash of AAA development will take us "back to step one". I'm not seeing how you account for small devs and indies at all in that statement. Don't blame your inability to articulate your point properly on me.
Not him but I think he's right, I remember reading software sales were down and they were down in recent years
Sure you have outliers like GTA V, however I think people are getting tired, AssCreed is selling less, so bad Ubisoft decided to give their cash cow a break, I think Call of Duty is also having very underwhelming sales
No, it's literally bullshit, and by literally I mean figuratively:
You have to have NO SURVIVORS
What you're saying is that some flaghship titles from industry giants are selling less than they had anticipated. Which probably means that they expected too much, rather than that sales have decreased.
If I wanted to include the indie scene and tiny teams with tiny budgets, I'd have said industry, not specifically AAA.
Imo, the console market is showing various tells and signs of a possible future upcoming implosion.
Mobile will thrive and perhaps overtake consoles eventually.
>less and less people buying consoles in later generations
>AAA companies getting bought up
>largest marketed games being shit
It's already happening, user. These things take years anyways; it's not just going to be one game release and then suddenly everybody stops buying.