Games that have an average framerate on par with Bloodborne.
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I thought bloodborne was 30fps
N64 OOT is dead now.
We have better versions to shitpost about.
on a good day
it is but butthurt PCucks are so mad they cant play it they make memes about it being not-even 30fps
*up to
it hovers between 20-30 with near constant frame pacing issues and dips literally into the single digits whenever something particle heavy like a boss dying happens close to the camera viewpoint
It is but the frame pacing is all fucked up which makes it look like it's running worse than it actually is.
That's after the post-release patches anyway. At launch it regularly went down to 20 or below 10 in multiplayer. Of course Sonydrones will deny that ever happened because they're desperate to support their first decent exclusive in one year and 3 days (literally nothing of value came out between this and Infamous: Second Son)
Are there any games that have loading times on par with Bloodborne?
they are called sonyggers, user
*cough* Caddicarus *cough*
Rock solid 30fps
If you want a consistent framerate you need to stop being so entitled
>people paid for this
Holy fuck
If it weren't for them showing off that alpha build that ran at like 5fps and 20% speed literally nobody would give a shit about this games performance.
It was funny when the game actually looked like completely dogshit, now you're just going "haha wow it's exactly as bad as literally every other recent AAA game"
>not fighting anything
From intended for it to be played at 20fps so it's not our place to complain about that!
>fighting dead enemies
>THIS is the big game on Sony's platform
Oh wow.
While it does visually display at 20fps, the game polls the inputs at 60Hz so it's not a straight 20fps game.
Ocarina was so ahead of its time it even run @20fps
So do I always have a 40 ms input lag when playing BB?
not really. the average was 30. smash and f-zero x run at 60 at the cost of less polygons.
Better than bloodborne
all the souls games have shitty fps even on pc
2 and 3 ran at a perfect 60 for me
Nope. 60 fps is standard on pc(you have to mod dark souls one to get 60fps though).
No I meant OoT. And it's not so much input lag as much as "I press a button on what would be frame 1, frame 2 happens, frame 3 happens and the screen refreshes and I see 3 frames worth of movement because even though it wasn't rendering, it was still happening".
Neo-Sup Forums will defend this
Gotcha. Game logic still running at 60? That's...interesting though I'll admit to not knowing a lot about the topic
There is so much goddamn waiting!
This game is fucking terrible. I hate it.