Want to start playing an MMO. Does anyone know one that isn't complete garbage and have a relatively high first world players and not a bunch of retarded third worlders?
is this real life?'
Anything Korean is complete garbage and is bound to have third worlders.
What gets me the most is every time you start up a new Korean mmo, the UI is always cluttered with shit like login rewards, popup costume ads, gold bots, that shitty transparent map.
Hot garbage
Black Desert
Why is the combat so shit
Flashy, fluid, but somehow still shit
>horse riding:the game
The Secret World is pretty cool.
b2p+cash shop with essential items and it's only going to get worse
but this game is so ugly tho
GW2 but only if you've never played GW1.
Otherwise ESO, WoW or FF14, pick your poison.
I've never played GW1 and GW2 is fucking garbage
Holy fucking shit what the fuck
>Complete garbage
It's like the one game that holds up if they made better content after G9
FFXIV is the best themepark.
Runescape is the best Sandbox.
Wildstar is the best bad MMO.
Sadly, no.
World of Warcraft is the only one worth anything. But it's way too late to get into it now.
>Wildstar is the best bad MMO
You take that back.
Wildstar is the worst good MMO.
Are there any current MMOs where you don't just spam stuff every second?
Elite: Dangerous.
It's a no from me.
If you're going to play an mmo just go all out and play eve, and end up losing way too much money and time, likely resulting in your own suicide.
Elite Dangerous is literally the definition of MMO.
Are you one of those people who complains about lack of innovation in MMO's but only considers hotkey WoW clones MMO's?
This is Pitchford level of writing
>WoW is the most casual it has ever been
>Too hard to get into
Whatever you say scrub
From what I hear you can only play with a few other players at a time, and meeting people is rare due to how fucking big the galaxy is.
TERA is great but I wish they hadn't streamlined 1-65 as hard as they did. It really doesn't let you stop to enjoy the game by the time you're suddenly realize that you're playing a KMMO with some pretty steep grinding. Boss difficulties all take a huge leap at this point too. It's fun if you're dedicated, but I wish it was like before where you could just burn an afternoon fighting BAM's and have something to show for it afterwards.
This is untrue to the max.
>Giant sword grinding on ground making sparks everywhere
Muh dick
ok well what is the max truth broski
EVE Online
I want to play ffxiv but I don't want to be a cuck and spend over $60 just to play a game.
I have NEVER spent over 60 for a single game and I don't intend to
>spending 60
I spent like 20 on the game and the expansion.
It's boring as shit for casuals though. Only way to have fun is endgame PVE and leveling for the first at the start of an expansion.
I wish they were still making low budget early 00s korean F2P MMOs, always made for a solid 3-4 months of fun before moving to the next one
Every player plays on the same server.
It's called "Open Play."
It's the only MMO with a good atmosphere. Graphism aren't top notch but they do the work.
It looks cool. But every time this webm gets posted you should know that this guy is wearing the toppest of tier armor and weapons (or at least was when this was made) with enchantments that explode your gear if they fail.
He's sporting a shit ton of attack speed and I can't tell because of how blurry it is but he might also have an item that you have to grind the awful pvp to get.
Why does no one ever post Hurk gameplay without all that fucking gear.
What do you mean.
We got Blade and Soul, Tree of Savior, and Bless all this year.
how often do you run across other players
what is player interaction like
are there ever any relatively large space battles
high quality hurk gameplay
crap garbage and shit
>Tree of Savior
>this year
Who is "we"?
I'm talking about the sub fee
Every station you stop at youll see players.
Every time you're in hyperspace you'll see other players.
Players pull you out of hyperspace and fucking kill you and you lose all your items.
WoW subscription model is a pretty good shitworlder filter.
People will tell you shit about wow and Legion especially, but as a casual player I'm enjoying it for what it is. Maybe because i play so little that I don't clear all content out in 2 days and then feel frustrated at all the timegated shit.
That said, don't get into MMOs. They're a gigantic waste of your time. Unless you already have a group a friends to play a specific MMO with, you're better off clearing your steam backlog, even if it's full of indie garbage.
Yeah, sub fees suck.
They do guarantee a lot of quality control and a decent playerbase though.
Ok I'll have to check the game out for real then.
I was under the impression that it was essentially a singleplayer game.
WoW, ESO or FF14 are the best ones. Don't bother with the others.
If you want a F2P, then go with TERA. You could also try GW2 if you don't mind getting cancer.
Blade and Soul was fun for the 2-3 months i played it on release
fool me once
not falling for the flashy colors and animations again
>Only way to have fun is endgame PVE
You mean the like 10 of the same retarded world quests you do every day?
there's a single player mode for bitches where you only meet npcs
I mean it's slow paced, but it's definitely alive.
VR makes it 200% more engaging if you have a headset.
Does every faction do the same quests?
just play on the private server dude B)
Stop shilling ESO Todd, everyone knows it's a piece of shit.
Why the fuck would anyone ever mean that? I mean mythic raiding, dingus.
its better than skyrim which was true shit imho
Only ones that cost money. F2P games are full of scum.
t. Someone who's never played ESO
Don't try to salvage it Todd
I've played ESO and i'm too attached to the mechanics and lore of the elder scrolls to EVER play that garbage
t. loremaster
It still boggles my mind that despite being up for 5 years, Tera is STILL optimized like shit.
Can someone explain why someone would render the ui in flash? I'm actually genuinely curious.
I keep hearing TESO has vastly improved since its launch. Haven't tried it myself though.
FFXIV has a pretty good community. It's a beautiful theme park with fairly interesting story. The more you play it, the more you realize how shallow the progression, character building and combat mechanics are though.
Secret World has shitty animations but an interesting setting and exceptionally good quests for an MMO.
EvE Online is an actual sandbox. Hope you like getting ganked by Russians though.
Guild Wars 2 is free to play and I haven't at least seen that many third worlders there. May feel sort of grindy with its progression system though.
Blade & Soul has great combat mechanics. It's one of those that hs been censored to oblivion though.
Neverwinter has a generous F2P system and a great quest maker for your own stories to share with others, though lockbox spam is annoying.
better than oblivion
It's getting worse. I was able to play it a year or 2 ago with no problems, but when I tried it again recently to see how brawler was it would freeze my computer after playing for about 10 minutes. Same computer.
My experiences with private servers are it's either bugged to hell, p2w, ridiculous rates, updates extremely slowly, or dead.
Mostly a mixture of those things.
>play eve
I've been playing EVE for about 3 weeks now, and it's just really slow and the core gameplay is dull.
Exploration is kinda cool but the payout is so random, FW just pays better
PvE missions are super dull and very trivial
Haven't done Incursions, I'm sure they're kinda more interesting because you have people, but I imagine in a way it wont' be because it'll be broken down into per person tasks
Faction Warfare plexing is awful and pays extremely well, the solo fights are either a wallet measuring contest or rock paper scissors based on ship fit
I don't know what fleet vs fleet engagements are like, but I imagine it's rock_group_1 target and destroy their long range scissor units before they can kill all our paper logistic ships
Hauling, mining, and market stuff are very boring even though they now pay well
Lowsec is stupid, it's either people quasi-dueling via FW, derpy gate camps, or empty
Nullsec is mostly empty
Wormholes are kinda cool but if you can't cloak it's pretty dumb and you're going to be killed, and it doesn't pay on average even 1/10th what FW d-plexing (let alone o-plexing) pays
I've been doing some FW missions, they're all dull as the other PvE missions; people can show up but that's not at all "fun" because you're going to be mission fit so you just warp away or die in seconds
I haven't tried Nullsec ratting yet but I imagine it's like belt ratting combined with "be ready to warp to your safe spot at a moment's notice"
The complexity of the game doesn't feel rewarding, it's just very broad but very shallow, it's all burden of knowledge. The fact that you have to look up so much shit on wikis is really frustrating, especially the enemy damage type stuff (both PvE and PvP).
Being in an Alpha player is okay but Omegas have a huge advantage over me in PvP.
It should be easier to turn ISK into Skills; the character buying system is shit, and the limitations on skill injectors are stupid too
Woops, I meant to format that a bit better; oh well.
The TL;DR is EVE is better than people think, and all the side systems (all the things that aren't the core combat gameplay) are really good, but the core shooty gameplay bits are so dull that it sabotages the whole thing.
I noticed
I used to play on a craptop and manage ~20 fps
Now i'm on an 'meh' rig with a 770 and fx-8320 and manage 20 in major cities while i barely hit 50 in open empty areas, even though technically it should run reasonably well.
stop being a poorfag
get to the point in life where complaining about $15 a month is like complaining about having to pay .15c for a stick of gum
Once you get to that point you're too tired for MMOs.
>Play Blade and Soul
>Gameplay actually is decent
Why are 99% of the mobs completely harmless to the player though
because most of the harm comes from other players and boss monsters
It's an easy game. The only remotely challenging part of it's pve is finding competent people to listen to instructions. But once you find it, it becomes dull and boring because it's so easy.
>remove boob slider from western release, because muh children and ratings
>later sell items that let you adjust boobs for certain costumes anyway
>oh btw said costumes cost money too
The amount of jewery in TERA was unprecedented.
Then again, horny weebs and pedophiles deserve to get pumped dry
Bro, the MMO genre is dead. We all have to move on.
>Generous F2P system
>Lockbox spam
That doesn't add up
I was thinking of getting back into it, haven't played since launch.
Thank me later.
It's dead user. Just let RO die. The magic will never come back the same as it was before.
I GaiaOnline any good? I heard you can meet real girls there
>tfw somebody I know that never played RO wants to play RO
>I warn them the modern community is trash and full of nostalgiafag assholes that don't ever allow new people
>They still want to try
I want to try it again, but I know it will never be the same,
Is it a lost cause trying to run TERA with a fx-6300 CPU? How CPU intensive is it?
GPU not that important, but since TERA is an optimized turd, you need an Intel or wait and hope Zen have good IPC.
Either way you'd gonna have to swap mobo for Ryzen anyway so wait for that to be released and then pick which side you wanna go.
I use a 4690K and I can hit 60FPS on 4K with a 1070 and 25FPS at 8K. 5-9FPS on 10K :O