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Nah, I'm good.
Where to?
VAMPYR, from creators that brought you Remember my ass and Life is Tumblr.
Will it be a good game, per se?
No fucking way
i-it's back
Wow, pass.
>Life is Tumblr
That game is a fucking masterpiece. Simply phenomenal.
I hope it won't be another LiS with exaggeration of every single line.
I'll wait for the inevitable Obsidian game using the actual license
don't even compare this fucking turd to the masterpiece that is VTMB
Wowsers, can't wait to be hella undead. Totes gonna suck some blood!
be my qt gf
I'm not a girl and neither are you
fuck you caine
im the cab driver now
Both of you can just pretend, we're on the internet
>Game all about choice
>Has two endings that don't change at all depending on choices
lol fuck off.
>made by the same guys who did Life is Strange and Remember Me
lol at your impotent white male rage
I've been mildly following it, since I like Focus and follow several of their people on twitter.
Cromwelp is a pretty cool guy, browses Sup Forums, and gives a lot of insight into the production of games.
It looks like they work a lot on it, changed a lot of things and as he said, WIP means something at Focus, so loads of things are changed and upgraded all the time. I'll keep an eye on it, the "morality" system looks interesting.
>I'm not a girl
I'll make you into one
I mean, you already have the "liking soppy melodrama" part down.
fuck you this has nothing to do with vtmb
it looks ok tho
looks like trash
>muh choices
Go play Tyranny or AoD. Life is Strange is a little too deep for you.
It looks like absolute shit on the same level as games of Spiders like Technomancer.
Developer's game list ain't inspiring too.
Well I'd take both over Overwatch any day.
>VTMB is back
God I fucking hope not
looks so fucking grimdark and takes it self way too serious to be compared to VTMB
the word you're looking for is sickdark
>that terrible lip sync
>that skyrim compass
There better be a journal system and a way to turn that shit off.
And this doesnt look like VTMB at all fuck off
First smart reply ITT.
sickdark will never become a thing no matter how hard you try to force it
VtM invented grimdark along with 40K
Sickdark is a meme word invented by redditors morally offended by bloodborne.
fuck off, sickdark is legit
I'm not seeing the VTMB connection
Looking at the video they have some work to do, the actual game part looked really rough and it seems all they have right now are pretty environments
>you will never be a vampire
Trying so hard to be a vampire Witcher 3
Focus Home only publishes terrible, undercooked shit which concepts that can sound anywhere from mildly interesting to geniunely captivating, but the end product is ALWAYS underwhelming. Combine with dont fucking nod with their terrbile writers and poor gameplay and you get another guaranteed mediocre trash.
How is it anything like witcher 3? Are you retarded?
>Dumb frogposter
What a surprise
If you think that looks like VTMB then you have either never played it or deeply misunderstood why people liked it.
looks pretty clunky in terms of gameplay. but its prealpha so im sure they will make it better
>Dontnod Entertainment
Can't wait for my choices to not fucking matter.
Why are there so many retards in this thread holy shit
For terribly implemented mechanics like clunky melee? That seems to be in this Vampyr.
Meh, it seems to run on the premise that any feeding is lethal for the victim, like when he bites the guy and he's dead in 10 seconds. That's an instant turn off for me in vampire stories.
The balance between having to feed and maybe trying to keep the victim alive is what appeals to me.
Welcome to Sup Forums where no one plays vidya and everyone try to shit on things more than each other to try and be the coolest edgyest kid on an anonymous chinese memes and frogposting board.
Remember to sage all shill threads.
>that Bethesda/Bioware style "dialogue" wheel
Nah fuck this console garbage.
>vampire game
>you can use firearms
>tfw you'll never ride on papa caine's knee
>deeply misunderstood
good job proving his point
it looks very witcher 3 inspired imo
Just kill my shit, pham
Why are nu-AAA developers so afraid to put in list based dialogue options?
Just like in VTMB (and Redemption).
arent these the devs that did life is strange?
life is strange was a cute little story, this looks like generic trash
Nah man, it's the "muh big tits waifus :PPPP :333!!!" and "m-m-mm-muh atmosphere!!!!"
>skipping through at minute intervals
>just the same kind of annoying walk animation no matter where i click
is they no actual gameplay?
Is this another set protagonist role-playing game? What's the fucking point.
Because they're not AAA devs you buzzwords spouter.
Plus it's easy to understand why they'd want to appeal to consoles, it's not like they have a big ass budget and can focus on PC.
>ps4/xbox one
>same devs from life is tumblr
just no
please go away
Looks like a shitty mix of TW3 and Dishonored with lmao vampires. It's nothing like vtmb.
>they dont like my game im paid to shill
>better call them all retards
tell your boss to make a better game
>old timey setting
>not modern day vampire wesley snipes shit
this aint masquerade this is some twilight shit i tell you hwuat
>mfw Chimeristry 10
just embrace my shit up, sire
>From the genius minds behind Life Is Strange and Remember Me
How to spot a shill in 1 easy step.
Looks like crap, don't you ever say vtmb is back you stupid fuck
>get hyped
>devs (only) previous games include remember me and life is strange, a shit game nobody has ever heard of and lesbian simulator
>gameplay looks like generic shit
They have to write/voice act more dialogue and it also is harder to present on a screen
Compare KOTOR's letterbox list options to Mass Effects dialogue wheel, the wheel looks much nicer on screen and if you are a hack developer like Bioware then you probably don't need more than 4 options anyways
fuck I thought it would be a Spiders/Cyanide game
Why are so many devs console exclusive now. So many new games aren't on pc it seems.
>120 developers
>publisher had made mad dosh from all the simulator games
>not AAA
Wow, they really slowed it down. That combat looks like unresponsive garbage.
Apart from the setting it looks generic as hell. Combat looks like shit and the "roleplaying" looks like straight out of a Bethesda and Bioware handbook.
>horrible combat
>way too serious mood
>boring setting
>boring characters
>dialogue wheel
>quest markers
>that awful lipsync
I don't see the appeal
Dumb frogposter
>$0.25 has been deposited in your account
Kotors problem was just that, Bioware decided to put in the letterbox for muh cinematic feel. It would have looked way nicer if they just pasted it over the game.
because it was SO responsive before
>Bethesda and Bioware
More like lack thereof.
When your game has an actual budget it's hard to profit with only a PC version which will have people actively searching for discounts or pirating
Fuck off, shill.
dumb Sup Forumsposter
looks fucking shit
They have more developers than Bethesda so...yeah.
It looked faster. The problem with Remember Me's combat wasn't that it was unresponsive, it was the forced "I Win" buttons because of enemies that were immune to everything else, and the Bamham tier telegraphing.
It originally looked like that and I was hoping it'd get better. Not worse. It's like they took insult to all the people who compared it to Bloodborne and deliberately distanced themselves.
Only Bloodborne was the perfect Van Helsing game. This now just looks like garbage.
>that ambiance & scenery
How can telltale even compete?
>how can poo compete with doo doo
>Only Bloodborne was the perfect Van Helsing game. This now just looks like garbage.
>It will be available for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2017.
looks like The Order 1886 but with worse graphics