Ding to 110 just now

>Ding to 110 just now
>WQ open up
>Go to Class hall
>Wait 14 days for an upgrade
>Wait 2 days to finish this mission
>Wait for lockouts on world quest
>Wait for professions to CD
>Wait x hours for mission to be done
>Grind this item that respawns once a week
Welp back to xiv.

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If you want to play a game that you can complete all the content in a week, try something else.

Yea time gating people experiences for
FOURTEEN DAYS (which is nearly half a month for a sub) is totally acceptable you autistic blizz shill.

WoW has always been a black hole that time just falls in to.

Oh you really need that item that has less than 1% chance to drop? Better get to work then. Oh yeah but you can only try for it once a week.

That item that you've spent two months trying to get finally dropped? Oh but now you have to let luck decide if you get it or if one of the other people that rolled on it gets it.

Damn, that other person got the item? That's a shame. Maybe you'll get another chance in two month's time! Better keep your subscription up if you want it my dude.

t-thank you blizzard! you're truly the best

What takes 14 days to upgrade? You mean equipping a second legendary? Unless you play 24/7 you won't be getting two legendaries by that point. You're supposed to do other things with your life than just play WoW.

I dont mind that logic assuming I'm actuallying in charge of playing the game vs telling an NPC I want X done and being forcibly locked out until its ready.

OP forgot
>wait 90 days for RNG to finally give you a legendary
>it's the worst possible one for your spec

If you removed all of the pointless time restraints then all of the content in Legion could be completed in a week. The time restraints are in place to give off a shoddy illusion of longer lasting content.

Its what I refering to but that isnt my point I just dinged to 110 I'm not worriee about the legendary crap yet. Yea I shouldnt be playing the game I pay monthly for and also freezes my account when the time runs out you fucking idiot.

How else will they milk your subscription money, user-kun? With quality content?

What do you define as all Actually I just remembered the campaign bullshit, on that you're right your class campaign progress shouldn't be gated. Really fucked me off when I completed it on my alt.

>wait 90 days for RNG to finally give you a legendary
>actually makes you perform WORSE in PvE

this, portal pants and the interrupt ring is the biggest shit shat onto warlocks

Nah mate.

portal pants are good on elerethe

>>Wait for professions to CD
What profession CD?

>2 months of mythic +, raids and other shit
>First legendary finally drops
>Sephuz Secret, as Warrior


>roll a BM hunter
>its shit
>quit once we clear ToV HC within the first week

>want to make a new character
>grind through boring content to 100
>remember time-gated quests
>remember WQs
>remember rep grinding
>remember artifact power grinding
>remember running the same raid 4 times
>remember that a single legendary determines whether i get to raid or not

>whining about something that's actually useful in giving you more DPS AND is getting buffed in 7.1.5

stop whining, at least you didn't get the necklace

If I atleast could work on shit and use my time the way I want.

Want to sink your teeth into cooking?
>gated fuck you

Want to keep doing WQ and emmissaries for Rep/AP/Chance for Legendary?
>gated fuck you

Want to grind out Mythics/Mythic+ to raise your iLevel?
>gated fuck you

I hate that fucking system so much, especially since the gating is paired with fucking random drops. If you gat atleast get weekly tokens or some shit so you can plan it out.


>Idiotic Classhall quests
>fucking retarded garrioson shit in the questline, forcing you to have your weapons gimped on every character when you ding 110
>the absolute atrocity that are crafting quests
>AP grind

Thinking about leveling a new character makes me want to kill myself.

Lol I got a legendary same day I hit 110 on my paladin, 2nd best in slot

>tfw I have levelled 5 characters to 110 and they all have a average level of around 865

my highest is 876 DK and lowest is a 854 warrior, who I just got him to 110 2 days ago. I got really lucky with legos and almost every character of mine has one except for the warrior.

I had only kept the DK up to date with Suramar and I barely touch the profession quests, thank god you can trade blood for resources so I can fund my under played characters if I ever want to play with them.

>disincentivising people to play a lot

Now wonder MMOs are shit


You forgot to say "toon" as well, chucklefuck

Holy smokes, is this the thread for non-committal whinny babies? I switched mains a month after release and still managed to stay ahead of the curve. You guys must just be shitty players. I've gotten exalted with the Nightfallen TWICE, offhandedly.

What is wrong with this website? Why are you all such shit at vidya? I work on a train with retarded hours and still managed to get Nightbane/Dreamer/Mythic Helya attempts. Granted, it's challenging content but you're all complaining how it's inaccessible unless you have autism.

Am I just better than you guys? That's probably it.

>>remember that a single legendary determines whether i get to raid or not
we're 4/7m 7/7h and our GM bear tank and main officer have sephuz

I hate using the word, but that mandatory legendary shit is just a meme. I fistweave with a tanking belt and am never benched. Nobody gives a fuck about what legendary you have.

>Time gating
No you aren't people just lose interest that they are forced to wait for something is all.

You have autism is all.

I didn't even mention time gating. Way to glance over my well-constructed, thought provoking post. Don't you have some Arena Skirmishes to queue for?

Didn't have to. You asked why we suck/why you may be better and I gave you an answer.

>Don't you have some Arena Skirmishes to queue for?
>Implying I'm playing this piece of shit anymore

And yet you're posting in a WoW thread. Telltale sign of self-destructive behaviour. Do you have a problem with addiction or do you just thrive on being miserable?

>tfw literally nothing will dethrone WoW
>tfw having the best time and scrub nerds can't do a thing about it

1v1 me outside Org, trash-man

>Get a leggo on my Rogue
>Outlaw boots
>Can't use the grappling hook anymore or it's a huge dps loss

>Make thread about WoW
>Lmao your posting in a positive WoW thread

Meanwhile your here shitposting instead of playing, Fuck off back to /wowg/ you tranny futacock loving faggot..

I always preferred acrobatic strikes, but that'd be a loss, too.

I like the hook because I don't have to deal with blizzard's retarded geometry in DUDE HILLS LMAO: the expac

>I COULD fucking run for 4 minutes around this mountain
>Or I could take 30 seconds to just go on top and jump off

>mfw the next Balance of Power quest is going to be another get X amount of pointless shit from Nighthold over the course of 8 weeks.
>Still waiting to use the Glory of the Hero skin I "unlocked" almost 4 months ago.

Yeah whoever designed these zones is a fucking moron. It's like they put the retard who designed all of Blade's Edge Mountains in charge of the whole continent.

All the graveyards are at the bottom of the hills, too. So it's fucking irritating when you're leveling.

>Gee, that looks walkable. I hope that's walkable
>Oh, no. It's one of those slip-and-slide sections of geometry time to die.

Mythic+ being gated lol

main reason raiders are quitting right now is you have to run an infinite amount of m+

I'm the same as you OP, is XIV any good? I already burnt out on legion a few months ago

>only clearing heroic and quitting, thinking it's his gear that's not getting him a raid spot

c'mon bud.

My friends played Legion for 2 months before dropping it and now want to play it again, fucking help me Sup Forums

Looks like a tickled a nerve.

You just upset that I keep taking your Kara/M+ spots? Groups want me, and nobody wants you ;)

I prefer XIV to WoW, but it's not for everyone. Rotations are more complicated for the most part, but the cooldown seems to be a dealbreaker for some people. Content rolls out at a much quicker pace than it does for WoW, however patches usually aren't quite as big as WoW's major updates.

They might as well call it quits on WoW. Their design team has no clear vision or direction, they seem to toss shit at thr wall and hope something randomly sticks.

This is only slightly better than years of SoO or 1 patch WoD.

Much better and respects you're time.

there is still welfare gear but it isn't amazing however I always did prefer the Justice/Valor currency system.

Its essentially WoW during WotLK days and the music, story are pretty great. Give the free trial a whirl.

You know, Cata wasn't too bad; the heroic nerfs made those far too easy, tough, and Dragon Soul being a fairly bad raid that overstayed its welcome by months soured people's outlook on it.

Also the new BGs introduced in Cata are AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDS.

None of this is timegated content.
Unlocking for example the ability to equip a second legendary isn't content. What you do to get that legendary is.

XIV is that MMO for me where I can log in and have some shit to do with my friends outside of raiding. Do the daily group content, some crafting and then someone brings something up like Triple Triad, Palace of the Dead, PvP or some Chocobo racing. Your milage may vary but it is fun with friends.

Honestly, nothing hardcore, just a comfy plattform to do shit with people you like.

I only just started playing XIV again last week, after I stopped playing it shortly after launch.

XIV is a game for people who have extraordinaire patience. It's probably the most difficult thing about the game itself, the demand of your patience. In comparison to WoW the rotations are far more complex. Even before WoW decided to butcher the abilities and simplify all rotations, FFXIV still had the more challenging rotation.

At the very least, FFXIV is the best looking and sounding MMO on the market right now. Going from Nintendo 64-Tier graphics in WoW to FFXIV was a huge transition.

All things considered I'm pretty happy with FFXIV, provided I can maintain this patience and grind away at an absurdly long story line that is necessary in order to unlock further content or at least until jump potions are put into the game. That's probably my only real complaint, the 450+ quests of back and forth/dungeons/raids before I could even become a Dark Knight/Machinist/Astrologist.

If you still play WoW, consider at least trying XIV. Provided you're patient enough for it. youtu.be/Cyc1ckxM2Q0

Playing a demon hunter with all those mountains and slopes is pretty fun. You can double jump and rush up steep slopes, then glide down the mountain.

Every now and then there's a slope with the perfect gradient that launches you really fast when you rush over it.

The worst example of pointless time gating so far was the nighthold story quests being released over 8 weeks for no reason. Especially since the last quest for the mount requires you to beat Gul'dan.

This, but for monks as well. Nothing feels as good as rolling at the right time off a ledge and just fucking flying.

How do people play casters? Mobility is just so much fun.

Literally unnecessary. You don't need to do the quests to get into Nighthold. Even CoS and Arc got removed from the time gating category.

Grasp at more straws, please.

The 8 week quest chain is staggered story, not required.

this. Ever since they switched up the development team in mid-WotLK, there hasn't really been any vision as to what they actually want the game to be. It seems as if the current team has no fucking clue about what is important for a successful MMO. They don't see the bigger picture. Yeah, WoW is still successful but that's likely a result of its past success, not because the game is particularly great in its current state.

Legion is essentially just WoD with more content. Same shitty game, more shitty things to do and wait around for. The fact that they didn't even scrap the fucking garrison missions shit entirely is a pretty clear indication of them not having any fucking clue what they're doing.

fuck modern blizzard

the last year of WotLK was terrible so Cata was cool in comparison, but it was ass when compared to pre-ToC.


>Time to level my crafting
>Make one (1x) item

Okay I fucking get time gating some of the content to force players to log in regularly. I don't approve of it but I GET it. But what in the actual FUCK does Blizzard game from time gating me from leveling a god damn profession?

Wow devs are smart guys and they make "smart" design decisions.

>hey people unlock content too fast, but making more content would cost us more money, better put everything we can behind a timegate so they will have content for longer! Thanks for the sub by the way!
>hey balancing pvp is hard and takes up development time which costs money, better make it so we can apply a hotfix to an entire class if one of their specs gets too good and tank their main stats into the ground by 20-30% at a time. So it makes the 2 specs that were not op now useless, so? dont you see how efficient we have gotten with our pvp balancing? we dont even need a team for it anymore!
>w-why are people unsubbing? Must be gamer fatigue!

He meant there was no reason for the quest line to have delayed stages because you need NH to finish it anyway.
What's wrong with allowing people to experience the content at the pace they want to?

For me the biggest dealbreaker is how absolutely lazy they are with how Gear looks. XIV must shit out more equipment for glamour/transmog than WoW in an entire expansion. And we still have no open robes or coats cloth/leather classes or hard that don't make your character go fucking bald.

I just don't get why they don't do it. Stats have literally no meaning anymore at this point. If shit would atleast look cool I would actually enjoy getting some new gear for once.

I don't play a warlock, but why is that ring bad?

While I don't disagree with content being played out at your own pace, I feel like having it spread-out keeps the story fresh in your head. If you burn through it on day one and wait 2+ months for the raid, it's not going to feel as exciting.

I never thought I'd give a shit about Valtrois, Oculeth, Thalyssra, Arluin, Vanthir, Silgryn, etc etc. The fact I can name them is testament to the fact that staggering suramar stuff made me care about these characters. Half the characters that get introduced in this game are forgotten so quickly because their stories fade away too fast.

I'll be the first to admit I play the game too much. We probably all do. Getting story content forces us to take it easy, which isn't such a bad thing.

I dunno, normally I'd be with you but Suramar has been the first time since TBC where I'm invested in NPCs and read shit. I'd like to attribute that to taking my time.

Don't you see it? Blizzard is actually doing you a FAVOR by keeping you safe from burning yourself out too quickly. If you don't know, legion has 'so much to do™' that they needed a way to avoid having players getting lost in "so much" """"content"""" they provide like mythic+ and dailies and AP grind. It's crazy HOW MUCH there is for you to do in legion, you wouldn't believe it.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with them trying to drag you through some useless garbage for months on, if you want to complete anything. After all, it's not like you still have to pay 15$ bucks for a subscription to something that has more time gated bullshit than a mobile games, I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with that, they wouldn't EVER try to keep you burning game time with time-gated bullshit JUST to make you pay more, of course not. That would be insanity.

Blizzard are the good guys. As Sup Forums says nostcucks btfo or something, right? You're just a troll, I'm sure.

>it's an fanboys are late to figure out why neo-wow is shit episode

Blizzard are retarded for effectively killing alts for anyone not extremely autistic and without lives. I would happily have spent at least 6 more months just wasting my life playing other classes than my blood dk, paying my shekels into their piggybank, if there wasn't so fucking many grind- and time-gates.

i copy pasted this post to my desktop

>The 8 week quest chain is staggered story, not required.

Exactly my point. I enjoy the Suramar story but having to wait a week in between a couple of quests at a time is a bit ridiculous considering its more of a single player campaign aimed at exposition rather than improving your character in some way.

Its like reading a completed book, but you're only allowed to read 1 chapter every week despite having the time to read a lot more. You're also paying the library monthly to continue reading this book.

Legion is better than WoD, but not by much

It's just in WoD there was almost nothing to do for 2 years and the little content there was was garbage; in Legion there's more to do but the content is just one giant grind that's fun for a week at max before you want to kill yourself

Also the gear/warforged, legendary and crafting systems are somehow even worse than in WoD, which is something I honestly never would have thought to be possible

Dropped it almost 2 months ago, let's see how they're going to fuck up the next expansion

>Back to XIV
Oh boy back to farming for tomes instead!

>still no legendary

> have to play fucking TOR of all things while I wait for my dailies to reset for a chance at a legendary because my gear score won't get me into any groups

fuck it

>doesnt do dungeons
>doesnt do raids
>doesnt do rated pvp


If you don't have AT LEAST 3 legendaries on your toon :^) by now, then you're not playing alot

i already did these 30 times this week already, should i do them another 50 times? how much is enough?