What the FUCK was this bitch's problem? Spoilers ahead
>gets kidnapped, make everyone who cares about her believes she's dead >turns out she's working with the enemy and having the time of her life >other scientists that got kidnapped with her are miserable >Jensen finds her, she doesn't even so much as apologize or offer an explanation as to why she never said anything about this >in all that time she didn't even call her mother to let her know that she was alright >flash forward to MD >doesn't even care enough about Jensen almost dying to even give him a call >is bedfellows with Bob Page >helped with the creation of a bioweapon that helped to blame innocent augs for the train bombing in Prague and be used by the illuminati for population control
Is there a more selfish, uncaring cunt of a woman in all of gaming?
>Is there a more selfish, uncaring cunt of a woman in all of gaming?
David Cruz
Didn't even mention how she used Jensen
Angel Ortiz
>jensen finds her, she doesn't even so much as apologize or offer an explanation as to why she never said anything about this
she's Jensen's ex-girlfriend, he was never owed an explanation
>doesn't even care enough about Jensen-
see above
Connor Rogers
I'd say she's only half responsible for the orchid. Vega even says if you do the bank mission instead of rescuing Stanek's daughter that the thing looks unfinished, and that it was probably going to be used as a delivery method for gene therapy. Megan was probably told that it was going to be used to give everyone the Jensen gene, so everyone could be like Adam if they wanted. She's not evil, she just trusts people far more than she should.
Nolan Bailey
Oh please that doesn't make her less of a cunt
Austin Perez
Telling by your rant,you NEVER got the real ending eh OP?
James Ramirez
>Is there a more realistic depiction of a woman in all of gaming?
Brody Russell
man, the lethal takedowns were way better in human revolution
Christian Cook
>Jensen almost gets killed trying to save her from terrorists and has to be augmented in order to save his life >Reed makes Jensen and her own mother think that she's dead >Jensen goes all around the world trying to find the people responsible for her death >He finds out that she's still alive after taking out one of the key members of the people behind the Sarif Industries attack
>h-he isn't owed an explanation
Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.
Never said she was evil. I said she's a selfish, uncaring cunt.
Adam Fisher
actually I'm gonna take that back, the non-lethal ones were better in HR
Isaac Williams
agreed, though I do like that they put in the ability to takedown people as they round a corner. Really useful.
Hunter Bailey
>Reed makes Jensen and her own mother think that she's dead
She didn't communicate with either of them (with good reasons), and they're responsible for their own assumptions
>Jensen goes all around the world trying to find the people responsible for her death
Nobody asked him to do that
Jackson Green
It wasn't an assumption you retard it was stated in the fucking police reports, they had no reason to believe otherwise.
Jace Morris
Pretty much this.
Hudson Rodriguez
And she is not responsible for the police reports
It all comes down to her actions, which are completely justifiable
but apologies for playing devil's advocate anyway, I think she's a hypercunt too
Joseph Gutierrez
While we're talking about Deus Ex, I may as well ask.
Is there a dialogue scene with Otar Botkoveli and Nikoladze if you don't make the theater hostile?
Carter Foster
I don't care what the fuck happens in the third game, Jensen needs to met this bitch face to face and redeem himself of his cuckoldry, he's too nice of a guy for this treatment.
Luke Green
>using and mistreating people who care about her in exchange for working at VersaLife is justifiable >heading the creation of a bioweapon is justifiable
No it's not you autist.
Dominic Howard
There probably won't be a third game, considering how Mankind Divided went
Kevin Perry
see She was creating something that was used as a bio-weapon, but it's heavily implied that she was trying to develop a cure for the neuropozyne dependencies
and yeah, we already covered how she didn't mislead or mistreat anyone
Jaxson Young
>she didn't mislead or mistreat anyone
>willingly worked for the bad guys yeah okay
Robert Murphy
>2027 >still falling for the gf meme
Cooper Evans
Liam Lewis
What are you talking about, Nu-Deus Ex was planned as a trilogy from the start. They even re-branded it as Deus Ex Universe so they can release a bunch of side stories inbetween main releases.
Aiden Walker
Well that's a shame I guess
Is there anything actually new in New Game+?
David Stewart
Reed knew Orchid was unstable, even pointed it out to Page. Even made a fucking cure for it and said to keep it on hand at all times. What's the point of making a cure for something that isn't poison? She knew and she headed the creation of it.
>we already covered how she didn't mislead or mistreat anyone
Who is "we"? She allowed Jensen and her mother to believe she was dead. She made no attempt to even rectify this once confronted by Jensen. She made no attempt to rectify this after Jensen nearly died after saving her ass and the rest of the scientists. She mislead and mistreated Jensen, her mother and the rest of her team.
Anthony Gutierrez
Inventory items and augmentations, friend. It's really easy to sneak around in this game. I'd suggest trying it on your next run if you haven't. It's a bit more fun that way.
Luis Price
I was non-lethal ghost for 90% of the game, I just decided to shoot up the Dvali and some of the other bad guys
I was actually thinking of doing a combat only, no hacking or sneaking playthrough
Jack Rodriguez
>mfw voice actors for Jensen and Reed are married irl
Jack Torres
>the scene where Adam finds out she's getting Paged is optional seems like a weird choice
David Powell
She only wanted Jensen for his sweet Übermensch DNA.
Cooper Sanders
>mfw Jensens VA is in The Expanse
Lucas Gutierrez
Elias Toufexas does a lot of stuff, he was in Stargate Atlantis as well.
Space Detective show based on a book series, it's got a real Blade Runner vibe.
Check it out, it's some good shit m8
Angel Sullivan
>"Spoilers ahead" >doesn't use spoilers
Evan White
>Syfy channel show
Nah m8's
Samuel Morales
The fact that you can't kill her just adds insult to the injury.
Noah Cook
>not torrenting
Ian Taylor
Syfy doesn't make anything good
Thomas Anderson
That's a good show and it's made by Syfy or whatever
Logan Barnes
The argument is whether or not she is a turbocunt not if what she did is legal. She showed no affection to people who are close to her, that's more than enough.
Jacob Powell
That's what I'm saying user, it's not actually good because it's made my Syfy
But maybe I'll check it out anyways, if it's on Netflix or Amazon Prime
Aaron Cruz
>Nu-Deus Ex was planned as a trilogy from the start I don't think that's true, HR seemed to be a pilot reboot with uncertainty surrounding whether they'd continue it.
Jeremiah Jackson
it's alright, space stuff is well done story is about space mormons though
Jacob Adams
HR was a mess, they barely made it, listen to dev commentary they are gold.
MD is publisher strategy, it's a good base fucked up by shortsighted marketing. Still one of the three games I liked that year.
Gabriel Jenkins
It's already been in production for a year when MD released, too much resources have been poured into it for it to be cancelled now. Also if they hadn't dropped the ball on marketing the game it definitely would've sold better.
Adam Sullivan
t. megan
Carson Gonzalez
>liking casualize press e to stun while in cover jesus christ
Oliver Fisher
>That moment when you get cucked
Jace Brooks
god why the hell md hud is so fucking huge and ugly wtf is this shit
Henry Baker
Leo Brooks
You can turn elements you don't want off and even scale it
Mason Cox
>what is znation you cuck
Luke Johnson
this false argument again
James Gonzalez
God Eater's Dr. Rachel was pretty bad
William Ramirez
Do you have a source for this
Caleb Gonzalez
is there any mod to minimalise some of the shit like in the original or even hr the fuck is developer thinking
Leo Jackson
why don't you play the game? it has fade out/scaling/ disable anything you want separately options
Landon Gray
Keep this thread alive. I want to see how fast I can beat Mankind Divided by spamming Icarus dash
Chase Hughes
>press e to stun I don't press e to stun, I press q. E is my use key.
And I don't see the problem considering that all takedowns are "press [button]/hold [button]". Having them show up in contexts that make sense (enemy rounding a corner, enemy leaning on object that Jensen can pull the behind, etc.) is a welcome addition.
Also >s-stop liking what I don't like!
Get over yourself faggot. Just because you can't enjoy anything in your miserable, pathetic life doesn't mean you need to project that shit on others.
Hunter Cruz
speedrun is 40 minutes or so with ng+ you probably can do that in 25-30
Carson Bailey
no, he is making argument that clicking the baton on the back of a guard is better than pressing q on the back of a guard
dishonored does it better though anyway
Blake Powell
That's not what he said.
And who cares about Dishonored? Last I checked this was a Deus Ex thread.
Caleb Hernandez
How do you avoid making the theater hostile?
Mason Morgan
oh fuck I found her
Grayson Perry
who the fuck
Camden Torres
Redhead, Madame Photographe
William Robinson
>That's not what he said. Yes, it is.
>And who cares about Dishonored? Last I checked this was a Deus Ex thread. He made a comparison between the melee takedowns in dishonored versus Deus Ex. Are you finding this difficult to follow?
Elijah Wright
Holy shit I just realized She was the one who killed Orlov, and that was her apartment you broke into. She is also seen outside the LIMB clinic where you talk to Vega
Damn I need to pay closer attention
Brody Foster
Wrong, he said ">liking casualize press e to stun while in cover jesus christ"
You fucking retard, learn to read.
>he made a comparison between the melee takedowns in dishonored versus deus ex
In what part of ">liking casualize press e to stun while in cover jesus christ"
Does he do that you autistic cunt?
You're either grasping at straws and making baseless assumptions or memeing.
Either way, this is your last (You) from me. Dumbass.
Jacob Long
oh fuck
Jeremiah Diaz
i cant believe MD has a cash shop. i just got to to prague at night after golem city and i already have all the augs i want with hacking maxed out with 3 praxis to spare so far.
Lucas Thompson
That is so stupid, though. I once found myself talking to Vega near the garage that I've already cracked open to reveal tons of photos confirming that adam and vega were spied upon, yet none of the characters noted that, what the fuck is this?
I mean, as a Jensen you can literally go inside the garage, and some sort of small cutscene or dialog by the radio or smth would be fine, but Jensen just acts like.... He does no reaction whatsoever, that is what puts me off of all this conspiracy stuff.
Jordan Edwards
How many side missions you can do before Golem city? I've only found 5.
Nathaniel Campbell
Why is her hair so shiny?
Levi Williams
Carter Hernandez
I never got that either. I've noticed quite a few games do this. The player puts 1 and 2 together and makes the connections but the characters in game never acknowledge it. Kind of frustrating when that happens desu.
Brody Baker
Aiden Peterson
41 minutes and just finished golem city
Goddamn I am slow
Ian Wright
Huh, never noticed her before.
Robert Hughes
That's how the Illuminati gets you. Stay safe, brother.
Brayden Foster
>mfw Delara is part of the Illuminati and she was the one sleeping on Jensen's shoulder on the train after the Dubai mission
Aiden Lopez
just a head's up, it stops being a detective show pretty damn quick, pretty much right after the crew of the spees ship goes back to where they came from.
Ryan Peterson
1 hours 6 to reach GARM
Why the fuck is the NSN garbage mandatory?
Evan Rivera
To try and lure you to play their half-assed breach game mode.
Ian King
can you actually miss any side quests? i thought i fucked up at first because i missed the hivemeind guy the sewer and the neon mission before going to golem bit i roamed around the city at night after coming back and was still able to pick them up.
Hudson Bennett
Landon Lopez
Certain ones you can, like the murder mystery one I think. And the one that Delara gives you.
Blake Wood
for example if you sneak into the dvali casino, instead of talking to otar
Justin Cox
All evil bitches in this universe confirmed for wearing same hair piece.
Samuel Morgan
I still want to ram her ass until she loses all feeling in her lower body though.
Nolan Thomas
Dominic Miller
there's a new game+ this time around riight? might skip some stuff and save it for another playthrough if thats the case
Daniel Adams
>can't do anything with Malik in HR >can't do anything with Aria in MD >instead game continues to show Jensen feeling bad about Megan even though it's been years
Leo Cox
Going to final mission now
Most of this speedrun is just loading screens and waiting for unskippable cutscenes. Wouldn't mind seeing it at the AGDQ
Anyone know how to kill Marchenko fast?
Tyler Adams
What augs do you have? EMP grenade to disable his Titan and then Typhoon might do the job
Jaxon King
1 hour 30. Done now
Found out how you beat Marchenko quickly while in the process