>Sounds like she is saying "Dr. Jade!"
>Has a Jade skin
What does it all mean?
>Sounds like she is saying "Dr. Jade!"
>Has a Jade skin
What does it all mean?
Doomfist is Dr. Jade
Its a voiceline in Chinese
I want to slap her fat, chinese ass, that's all I know
>Mei will never part her buttcheeks over your nose and mouth
my therapist is gonna be really fuckin busy tomorrow
>ive never had a chubby chick fuck me until I swallowed my eyeballs because she is trying to compensate in another area
>Mei will never coo gently as you grip her thighs and lick away at her asshole without a second thought
where do i buy cyanide
our world is worth fighting for!
also yeti hunter a best
Mei is obese.
animation is really shitty and jerky in this game
Would Mei be offended if you called her plump? Like, right to her face?
>blatant tumblr "diverse" character design in a reddit game
>neo Sup Forums thinks this is attractive
some people just need to kill themselves
how could anyone like this fat cow
God what i'd do to that.
>blatant character design in a game
>Sup Forums thinks this is attractive
some people just need to kill themselves
Like what, take her out to pasture with the rest of the cows?
London Keyes. Thank me later user.
Dr. Jade, i'm Overwatch
get those test levels checked son
If I had Mei, so help me god, I would visit such unholiness upon her anus that you would never shit again out of sheer sympathy. As I took great handfuls of her peachy white cheeks in my hands, satan himself would begin to weep with joy. He knows that the sin I am about to commit will damn every soul in existence, that the profane, wet noises alone will stain the universe with its echoes, that the sight of my face buried in her will scorch the eyes of god himself
>people still think mei is fat
>her summer spray confirms she has a normal body type
>she wears think clothes due to her being in ant fucking artica
>getting this triggered about someone stating simple facts
>As he replies to a webm showing the clearly chubby ass and legs on her in-game model
I wonder if you fags will ever let the spray thing die. Next you'll tell me some stupid shit like "those yoga-tier pants are layered", right?
why would someone stationed in Antarctica wear yoga pants dumbass
it's not supposed to be looked at that closely
>Not wearing thick clothes in one of the coldest parts in the world
You've gotta be kidding me
Blizzard doesn't have consistency so ask them, faggot. They think that a slower heart rate dulls your emotions and makes your skin blue.
Fact is, Mei is a chub. Stop being triggered by it.
She has an average body type and wears think clothes to help deal with the intense cold.
>you will never be doing climate research with Mei in -20 C temperatures and get snowed in
>Mei will never force you against the wall and tell you that the two of you are all alone and need to warm each other up by sharing bodyheat
>you will never cuddle her naked body into yours as the two of you lie on the floor, wrapped up with blankets
>you will never get a boner from the feeling of her soft flesh and have her offer herself to you under the guise of warming up even better
Your logic still doesn't work because layered pants don't hug curves like that. You can see the indentations of her asscheeks, mongoloid. Those pants aren't as thick as you think.
>-20 C
It gets colder in Toronto what the fuck lmao
Mei complains about it being that cold in her diary. It may not be that chilly, but it gives her a good excuse to use you, instead.
Good cause she's fat as fuck. Prob die under her immense weight causing the wall to fall over.
No need to be rude. Mei has a poochy belly, but it's her charm point. She's not fat at all. Maybe just a little chubby.
I am so straight right now. That is the perfect body shape for me.
Mei has a very cute figure.
>everyone is cumming on me
>delete all the porn on my computer (mostly hentai)
>decide to not save any porn and not masturbate to hentai or lewd drawings anymore
>go on Sup Forums and see threads like this
>mfw Mei might get a skin like this for Chinese New Year
>it won't look like that of course but itll blow the fatfags and tumblrites out of the water
me gusta
This is thread is why Mei is a cancer character. I'll take Tracer before the lesbian shit as my waifu any day.
I can't wait for the inevitable Summer Beach update for them to pop Mei in a one-piece and show off just how good she can look with a flat tummy.
Tracer was always a shit. Stupid forced accent and pushing the "LOL I'M BRITISH GET IT?" shit way too far.
not just british but lower class british, aka the worst kind
Holy shit son. Those thighs are high test.
I don't care for the accent too much, but I've warmed up to it. I just always liked her personality and her design. She's cheery and energetic, which balances out my stoicism. And I'm a sucker for short haired girls.
Jacking it is healthy. Studies show that men who jacked it everyday in their youth had less instances of prostate cancer.
why isn't there a reskin that fixes her mouth?
I mean gives her the typical British dentition that makes sand sharks look restrained in comparison.
*sniff* aaah~ nothing like a good Overwatch thread to tickle my willy! Upvoted!
What if, hypothetically, Mei was the one jerking you off from behind, whispering into your ear about how naughty you were? Would that be on par or worse than just doing it yourself? Hypothetically.
Are the other girls jealous of Mei's rack?
I want Mei to help study my daily masturbation habits.
I don't think Mei is dominant enough to be the giver in a sexual situation.
There's so much of her to love
But it would be cute watch her try and be dominant before she couldn't take the role reversal any longer and begged you to take charge of her body.
I main Mei cuz Mei's my main bae
>have waifu
>can't use her properly
>have to use some other chump instead to be decent
I wanna take Mei on a date to the beach and rub sunscreen all over her body!
>have husbando
>charging motherfucking all day
>defending teammates
Yeah, I know it isn't hard but I still love doing it.
>When her butthole is hairier than yours.
I need to make Mei ride me so I can be crushed under the weight of her big belly, her bountiful butt, and her thunder thighs.
>Have Waifu
>Practice like a motherfucker
Still it fucking sucks when people moan at you for not playing comp but it feels good when you carry the shit out of KOTH maps.
>"user, I got ice cream on me! Can you help me clean it off?"
>New Mei Legendary comes out
>Its a China Dress
>no pubes
im disappointed
Mei is healthy!
All you had to do was ask.
Threadly reminder to thank Arnold Tsang for wising up and getting down with the thickness.
Tracer is gay.
Symmetra is autistic.
D.Va gets off to ronery virgin tears.
Widowmaker had a husband.
Zarya is Zarya.
Mercy is old.
Sombra is a neo-hipster.
Pharah is married to her work.
Mei is really the only pure girl in the entire cast.
Yuri is the purest love on the planet.
I want both.
I'd be more inclined to believe you if Tracer dated someone cute that was a part of the cast, like Mei, instead of some random, no-name, bargain bin ginger.
>Mercy is old.
Age is just a number. Especially when you have borderline magic nanomachines keeping you nice and tight
I want casual outfits for all the characters. Just imagine how adorable Mei would be in a little dress.
No. Parent child love is the most pure.
Why not parent-child love with Mercy?
Like that woman from Naruto. What's her name. Tsunami something. Hang on a second.
Tsunade, that's her name. She keeps herself young with magic and she becomes old when her magic runs low.
>Ana appropriates Mercy's tech
>Mercy steals Ana's nanoboost
>Boosts herself before orgasm
She even looks kind of like Mercy, too.
Tsunade is also a medic, if you'll believe it.
I certainly won't complain. As long as there are more curvy, blonde healing ladies holding onto their youth out there, I 'm happy.
>have flat as a cutting board gf
>catches me looking at this thread's pictures
>now doesn't want to speak to me
mei is also old you dumb fuck
Serves you right for gawking at fat ice pigs when you could've spent time with your real girlfriend.
It's okay though, since now she'll put in double the effort to compensate for her newly-damaged self-esteem.
>"It's okay, user. You're certainly not the first person to call me mommy."
Have you remembered to thank your support today?
No way is that pose possible in real life.