Will you still be playing videogames in 2056?

Will you still be playing videogames in 2056?

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I will live video games in 2056
because my body will be so broken, all I'll have is my mind

Story behind the image?

I dunno, but I hope that fucker rots in prison.


Fucking newfag

Hell fucking no. Hopefully I won't even be alive.

Thad and this guy can't own computers once they're released, right?

Given that game consoles are computers, will they be allowed to own one? How would Thad react when he realizes that no internet access means no manga/anime/video games?

It's the dude who ate his own shit on video

Whos that?



Reminds me of how I was fapping to an Emily Grey Amateur Allure video earlier today and couldn't stop looking at her yellow teeth.

I'm not deluded enough to think that pearly whites is anything but a Jewish scheme (to an extent) but god damn the brainwashing runs deep.

That is very unsympathetic
This man has a boatload of mental problems and needs help


>this fucking guy again

Didn't he get raped to death in prison?

I think Thad's parole mentions he's allowed one device but all online account password/usernames must be given to the authorities. He's also getting out pretty soon, relative to OP's image at least, 2021. He didn't diddle any kids though, just had loads of CP and taunted the authorities about them not finding his "backup drive"

2020 is his official release date, but 2018 is his earliest.

I just can't see myself doing anything else.

He does need some help

Putting his neck into the noose

All pedophiles should be hung

Considering that even now I'm mostly on here instead of actually playing games, answer is probably no.

He did her little sister, then tried to prove his innocence by recording himself eating shit. Apparently his logic is that he couldn't possibly fuck his sister because his fetish is eating his own shit.

>when he shouts some anal thing as a magic spell on her in that youtube video


I'm not sure if I'll live past 2026.

Nick Bate. He loved shit and fucked his sister. He's going to die in prison and I say good riddance.

Nope. I'm suprised Thad hasn't an heroed. I know I would if I was half as fucked as he is now.

Thad was 1 day away from the end of his probation when he made that fucking post.
Thad is probably only a few points away from clinical retardation.

Pedos get put in their own section of prison for their own safety.

Here here!

lurk for 2 years before posting

I wonder what Nick Bates' IQ score is. It has to be in the 70s

But you put that kind of fear in them and instead of seeking help and coping with the illness, they'll try to bury it more and more until one day a vulnerable child finds themselves in the company of the pedophile and he won't be able to help himself
He'll explode

He might've thought his probation ended on that day for all we know, still it's not the sort of thing you want to even think of putting online.

>tfw wife is pregnant and you're going to be a father in 8 months time
>No job
>No car
>No license

It still hasn't fully hit me yet, and I am not good parent matetial. All I want to do is play video games, Anons... ;_;

I shower everyday, wear cologne, know how to dress myself and always sit with my bag on my lap.

>TFW I'm a 10/10 train/bus passenger

If you do any research on this guy, you'll come to find he's a self-centered fuckwit beyond saving.

Watch this video for all info on Pedoshit Nick Bates.

>Implying I'm going to live even close to 2056


Why the fuck did she marry a loser like you?

My bad.


Wew sounds rough
Good luck user.

>t. khhv


I'm cute, and have a good personality.

Honestly, poor choice on her part. Outside of me, she has her shit together.