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A true gentlemen could have solved the situation using words instead of resorting to violence.
Why is his forehead so fucking big?
max out LCK with 3 points in DRAG
Neither. You put all your points into INT and become a Glass Cannon Sorcerer.
DEX. Oberyn would have won if he wasnt so cocky and trying to get the mountain to admit what he did and rat out Tywin.
>STR or DEX?
Truth time: unless your strength is over 9000, you always need both. Some focus more on one or the other, but even very slim athletes are very muscular, and even a very burly fighter needs the skill and dexterity to wield his weapon or martial art.
What a dumb question
- enough str for gear
- enough dex for max block
- rest vit
All into Arcane and Bloodtinge
Quality. Fuck mental stats, don't need that shit.
Reminder that as of now Daenerys Stormborn of House Targeryan has:
>50.000 Dothraki riders
>7 thousand Unsullied
>the bulko of The Iron fleet
>Support of Dorne
>Two of the best advisors in the 7 kingdoms aside from CIA
>3 full grown obedient dragons
how the FUCK can westeros even compete?
beta male cuck masterrace wins again
>watching Goy of Thrones
>yfw the show is now Game of strung empowered womyn
>yfw the only male main character left is Jon Snow
>yfw he's already being manipulated by his sister
End your pathetic existence
A healthy mix of DEX, STR and CON.
>mfw too intelligent to look at everything through the lense of identity politics and capable of enjoying media
>he doesn't dump into VIT and just upgrade weapons
Wew lads
quality my dude, with maybe some FTH thrown in there too
Dump them evenly
jon and dragon girl fight against ice zombies
>It was reaaly a song of ice and fire
Whatever is the best for the current game
t. minmax autism master
I heard CIA fucking died, is this true?
>being a master of none
Leave my sight scum.
I love being able to tank/outlast multiple enemies while using the most basic bitch weapons available.
STR all the way.
alive and well at this point. if he dies im dropping this show faster than nunes dropped ronda
>tfw even more intelligent to see the fat faggot author is stringing along the story by inserting his leftist/marxist bullshit he craps out on social media in
>master of none meme
It must really suck to be mediocre.
>White woman bringing an army of foreign brown people to pillage and rape medieval europe
Just like real life
>reading genre fiction
end yourself
Both, you faggot. Forgo that INT and CHA bullshit if you wanna be balanced, no one wants to be a faggot sorcerer anyway.
desu Gutts has both str and dex maxed out.
these images gets funnier every time
I don't think you even know what fiction is.
Protip: all video games are fiction
>not going full evil
INT so I can summon dragons.
Isn't she going to shit herself to death?
agi > str > dex
if you think agi is the same as dex your whats wrong with this world
>the last two episodes of season 6 are literal 11/10 perfection
>their director wont be directing a single episode next season
bravo d&d
He also has shitload of points in constitution, vigor, intelligence, resistance, etc
*over 8000
>Playing games that limit the player's physical capabilities based on completely arbitrary statistics
what the fug is that thing
Too bad he forgot willpower
>Daenerys take the Iron Throne
>Sansa becomes the Warden of the North
>Yara rules the Iron islands
>Old lady goes back to rule her land
>peace is set on the land forever and ever because war only existed when shitty dumb men were in power
>tfw Stannis still lives in the books
Welcome to the internet, user.
I wish you'd realize just how retarded you sound.
The Winds of Never Ever when?
STR+DEF everyday
When the sun rises in the west.
there's no arguing against it
>hit 50 times
>do 0 damage
STR all the way
>sloppy slaps
is this what str fags believe?
This shitfest of a show will never compare to lotr. It was great it's first seasons but it will never do anything that great and interesting anymore
>shoot once
>do 500dmg
So what you are saying is you haven't even watched the show? Well at least you fit in on this anonymous Chinese memes and frogposting board now.
>str matters when having a pointy or sharp thing or gun
every grown man has enough base str to make a lethal cut or stab
hitting and parrying is all you need from there
when fighting armed technique and speed trumps str in every way
t. HEMA expat
But Daenerys is a fan favorite now so she's basically immortal, at least in the show.
Its pretty obvious that she's going to get the Iron Throne now.
>not sinking all your points into def
it's like you want to get hurt or something
Which ever I need to meet the stat requirements for the coolest looking armor or weapons.
I've watched every season faggot.
Season 1 was great, as was 2 and most of 3. After that it got pretty mediocre, and even walking dead tier at points this season.
Just look at the dialogue quality between the seasons.
lmao got is far better than lotr in just about every aspect, it has far more engaging and nuanced plot, three dimensional characters with actual development, and gritty, brutal take on fantasy setting. lotr how just enough simplistic fairytale plot so tolkien could have somewhere to put his gayass elven songs and shit
Heh, that made me chuckle. Can we get some clever stat related filenames going?
Whatever, have a (you).
>setting has magic
>not being a caster
what's your fucking excuse
>but i want to wield swords and fight at close distance
then wield magical swords faggot
Thanks senpai
DEX is always the best option.
>using a crutch
mental cripple detected
Every woman in GoT is a piece of shit, incompetent or/and an awful ruler.
Even Sansa ha gone full evil stuf.
Arya is our only hope
Jesus Christ this is how it's gonna end isn't it? I swear to god if the last line says something about winning the game of thrones I'm gonna roundhouse my tv
sorry, can't hear you
too busy laughing at your physical weapons bouncing off from my protection from normal weapons and myriad of other buffs
First off your underage is showing if you think got has amazing character development and 3D plot.
Got and other fantasy would be NOTHING without lotr. Sure it doesn't have Ebin backstabbing, but it's THE story of good vs evil and brotherhood.
I'll give you the early seasons, it was a great alternative to traditional fantasy. But if you honestly say shit like the Arya arc was good you have atrocious taste
its those 10% neanterthal genes. most people got none, some around 2%, and then there are manbeasts with 6 to 10%
t. plays on easiest difficulty and loves QTEs
It's like you want to be killed by a gust of wind.
You mean AGI?
INT > both anyways.
Deserved it
>Setting has magic
>You want to be a caster
>Have no affinity with magic
>Gives up or makes a pact with a demon
>Daenerys sits on the Iron Throne
>soldiers from all the houses are kneeling in front of her
>Tyrion is by her side, drinking a cup of whine
>"congratulations, Queen Daenerys, its seems you've won..... The Game of Thones"
>main theme of the show starts playing
>camera zooms out and you can see the Dragons flying around her castle
>cut to black and credits
I can totally see that happening
>they keep getting back up
If it was STR + DEF they wouldn't have gotten up for more
I think that video is fake any way
>but it's THE story of good vs evil and brotherhood.
this is precisely why its an inferior piece of fiction, it flat out establishes who the good guys and the bad guys are then the good guys fight the bad guys u8ntil the good guys win. ITS DISNEY FOR NECKBEARDS. the fact that tolkien had profound influence on the fantasy genre has no bearing on the argument. lotr has superior worldbuilding because that what tolkien actually liked and was good at - memeing worlds into existence.