Is their a game out right now with a more toxic and annoying community?
Is their a game out right now with a more toxic and annoying community?
Overwatch is basically unplayable because of its community though
Honestly the toxicity stays confined to rank matches. I've never run into toxic people in other types of matches. That's just my experience though.
I've seen plenty bitch in QP and even arcade mode.
LoL, Overwatch got a lot of players from the LoL community but it only makes up part of the community.
Overall the LoL community is way worse.
That sucks. I'm only level 14 and haven't owned the game for very long. Most people don't seem to talk in quick play or arcade mode in my experience.
>Overwatch is basically unplayable because of its community though
literally how much of a pussy are you, stop reading the chat nigga like close your eyes haha
I just wish people actually communicated and cooperated instead of people running around like its call of duty
Also does anybody else's group seem to get into a lot of arguments because of this game?
the community is toxic because the game is toxic.
any MOBA
It's unplayable because everyone just posts memes and plays how they feel like instead of working together.
How can you play the game if you close your eyes :3
Toxic: literally any moba or game with heavy emphasis on good teamwork and communication
Annoying: as someone who enjoys Souls games most of the fanbase act tough but are extremely thin skinned and only started playing the series after DaS2/3
No they don't, rofl
Use voice chat and take command of the team, and don't even try to say people don't listen, because they do -- unless you sound like a fucking spastic, which is likely for Sup Forums
>Also does anybody else's group seem to get into a lot of arguments because of this game
I play with 3 other guys and the only one who actually complains is also plays Genji alot
outside of relaying important info like when the enemy healers are dead you only need 1 or 2 real shot callers, otherwise things get cluttered and team strategy falls apart
>Just take command of the team bro
Yeah cause everyone loves being told what to do when playing video games.
stop using this word in this context, get a swearjar if you must but expand your vocabulary
Same, except with Reaper. They'll be all bubbly when we start, but when we start losing they go quiet, and if we do lose they make an excuse to leave the group. Sad day, though I don't really like them anyways.
Same with the guys I play with. At the end of every loss or sometimes even wins, it turns into "we lost because of _____" and everyone starts switching characters
>heheh rofl c'mon bro. Just take control of several obnoxious teenagers and make them do what you want!!! If you tell people to do something in an online game they'll totally do it because you have complete control over them! (rofl)
Yes, most guys like being commanded by another guy who knows what he's doing. It's not hard and I can tell you've never even tried.
If you're not an asshole then yeah, communication in a team fps is just fine.
I get death threats every time I pick pharah. Part of it I feel like is this game attracted a whole new generation of kids who grew up with Twitter and shit and like to throw around phrases like "fucking kill yourself"
Not even LOL was this bad.
>several obnoxious teenagers
It's extremely rare that I find people so obnoxious that they can't be controlled.
Either you're downright autistic, you've never tried, or you're the "obnoxious teenager" and no one wants to listen to you.
Pharah is OP right now, and most people know that. Unless you're playing badly or you're picking Pharah instead of something else the team needs, then no one is going to comment on it.
I wouldn't say she's OP but she is pure cancer to play against if you don't have a hitscan hero
Overwatch is very non-toxic.
CSGO has the worst community of any game I've ever played.
I want to fuck that idol
Actually a lot of people will readily accept listening to a competent person. You don't even need to necessarily BE competent, you just have to sound like you know what you're doing. If you're a faggot with a whiny voice who says, "Uhhhh, pl-please no Hanzo," no one's going to listen to you.
Woah bro teach me how to control human minds.
>I get death threats every time I pick pharah
I doubt that, unless you are so shit at pharah that the team hates you, or you're playing with the most autistic people
Pharah can be good if you play smart, use your concussion blast to dart around, and attack from odd angles. She's just not on the level of say Ana, Dva, etc
>turn chat options off
>game is now enjoyable again
Real talk, should I just stick to TF2 and CSGO?
>Toxic community
What the fuck is this reddit-tier shit?
In a little over 20 years of online PC gaming the ranked matches have some of the worst player behavior I've ever seen. It's a drag to try playing this game by yourself and so many faggots get so mad so quick, like they've done no wrong or have ever done anything competitive in their life.
This is basically how every game is for me:
>Defending without your team actually defending? LOSE
>Attacking without your team actually attacking? LOSE
My teams are always shit. These faggots can't even man up and be on the objective because of their ADHD acting up.
Not to mention the gameplay is horse crap.
No minimap or a map at all.
2/10 game.
>soloclimb to diamond with little to no comms from team
>mfw reading all the excuses shitters put out
You can literally hit midplat with mechanical skill alone, what's stopping you, user?
"haha what do you mean get on the point? too busy tdming over here"
>Runs off without his team
There's legit running off without team and "team doesn't ever get on the objective."
Is this word now considered a stereotype within competitive gaming circles?
I used to associate it with SJWs.
I swear this is being imported to Sup Forums
I will admit I haven't been here as frequently as in the past but this gay ass shit has to be recent. I cringe everytime I see these cunts cry about muh toxicity in chat.
Shit talk was common place in online gaming for a long time. With the increase in popularity of online games the amount of asshurt has increased with it, you can even get a ban for calling someone a cunt in some games now.
Used to be you'd only get a ban if some faggot admin was in the server who got mad because you killed him.
I'm someone who really has no problem at all with shit talking in any way. I don't think LoL or DoTA are toxic.
But I stopped playing Overwatch because of how toxic the community is. Not in a shit talking way, but in a "don't pick Hanzo/Genji/whatever is off meta" way. It's really annoying that people will very consistently try to tell you what you should or shouldn't play and how it happens every damn game, especially at higher levels. So I just stopped playing the game because this started to piss me off a lot.
Sure, but that's not being "toxic", they're just being cunts, and you can always tell them to fuck off.
Or maybe change hero, they may actually be right in suggesting it.
>people trying to pin this toxic shit on a certain game
the entire gaming "community" it filled with salty autists. doesn't matter where you go, they will be there.
fuck it you don't even need to be in game, most of the shit on this board could be considered "toxic"
just fucking grow a pair and learn to deal with it
I can't tell if you two can't read or comprehend post.
Essentially, my team mates are 8 out of 10 times the types of players who do NOT play the objective.
We're on attack? No one is PUSHING the damned car. No one is CAPTURING AND DEFENDING the point. No one is CONTESTING the damned OBJECTIVE.
We're on defend? No one is STOPPING the ATTACKERS from PUSHING the damned car. No one is CAPTURING AND DEFENDING the point. No one is CONTESTING the damned OBJECTIVE.
They play it like it's just a quake game. Mindlessly killing people without regard of the games objective.
It's almost like playing with Peruvians, Brazilians or Russians in Dota 2. Such a shitty game because of shitty players not knowing how to be team players.
just replace toxic with 'annoying autistic cancer' and you'll be less triggered by leddit language
dota 2
>Or maybe change hero, they may actually be right in suggesting it.
They often aren't. That's what makes it worse. And the reason they try to guess on me first because I'm playing Hanzo/Genji and the game has no fucking scoreboard so they can't see I'm gold in almost everything.
> they're just being cunts, and you can always tell them to fuck off.
It gets tiring having to do that every game. So after a while you just try to ignore them. But blocking people every game gets tiring too and I'm playing a match with them after all so maybe just blocking them because they triggered me a bit isn't a good idea. It's impossible to escape other than just not playing.
nah, 2276's example is still toxic.
being a cunt is easily the most popular way to be toxic, and it is in his case, but it's not exclusive.
>playing overwatch
Just play quickplay, as long as you're not playing something like Tobjorn on attack or something people can't really complain about what you pick. Just lock in your character as quickly as possible and if no one else wants to tank or heal then it's hardly your fault.
if they're more detrimental to listen to than not, you can just mute them mid-game and pretend they aren't there. still tedious, but at least you aren't annoyed the whole game by them.
The fuck did you just say? Come and say that to me in person. I'm a logger. Call and ask for Barry.
>go to watch a footaball game
>my team starts to lose
>every around me getting salty and being toxic
>enemy BMing us
>report them all to the police and go home and cry
is there a more toxic community than sports?
subtle cuck meme my man
But it isn't toxic. It's being a prick or a cunt or an asshole or a cock-gobbler or a homo-fag or something. It's not "toxic".
jesus christ the fucking tears, its called manning the fuck up user. In my fucking day people sprayed gore and terrible porn gifs on CS or played murders over Mic. The fact your poor ass fucking team mate wants you to learn the game so they don't have to carry your nigger fucking ass.
The reason why overwatch has a pissed off playerbase is because its not an arena FPS. There is no fucking merit in it, its a FPS MOBA.
>unironically using the word toxic
Congrats, you're the problem with online game communities
when ever i see a hanzo and widowmaker on attack QP i instantly leave and que up for comp
Now that's just obnoxious.
I really don't mind genji or sombra insta-locks, and even torb pics on attack I only ask if they are aware it is attack, but what I can't stan is when I invariably wait till the end t make the responsible pick and see the No Tanks/No healers and I see everyone playing dps. It turns the game unplayable, even on quickplay.
>work my way up to 2996
>have since lost and cant get above 2900
What the fuck
I think the fact that you have to ASK people not to play cancerous shithouse meme characters means that the community is a lost cause.
If you know how to speak to teenagers, yeah it's easy - don't be too direct, speak positively and let them think it's their idea and they play into your hands.
You'll only have issues if you have a squeaky voice, and then you have my condolences.
>death threats for picking a character
Master here, I call bullshit.
Never EVER have I heard of someone getting blasted over another person picking Phara. That's a non-issue even in Quickplay. I could understand if you said Bastion or even Mei, but Pharah isn't a cheap hero by any stretch.
Generally in OW, the higher your skill level the less shitty (attitude or otherwise) the people you play with will be.
In other words, Git Gud Faggot.
>I think the fact that you have to ASK people not to play cancerous shithouse meme characters means that the community is a lost cause.
Your behavior is why I stopped playing...
>Generally in OW, the higher your skill level the less shitty (attitude or otherwise) the people you play with will be.
grandmaster here.
I think the fact that you think people picking a hero that doesn't fit with YOUR plan is cancerous means YOU are a lost cause.
Just re-read what you typed there, and realize what a stupid fucking thing it is that you just said.
>Guys can we please get on the objective?
>Fuck you user I'm getting my gold medals xD
This is why I only play with friends.
compared to LoL this is pretty tame
maybe because there are more girl players
uh Stylosa here and you all suck. Rank doesn't matter. :^)
I've never heard a response like this.
I've been playing since beta.
Are people really making up bullshit stories because they don't like the game?
>playing competitive defense on Volskaya
>have Torjborn and Symmetra
>everyone has an additional 150 health
Needless to say we won the match. It was pretty funny desu, the other team was having obvious trouble killing us. Hog couldnt hook kill anyone.
>all characters are worth using maymay
No, Redditor, pick a DPS or a healer and get on the fucking objective. If you want to be a ePiCxSnIpEr, go play cawadooty.
The community is the most underage self centered dumb asses ever
>in any match ever
>some guy leaves
>another guy joins in
>haha eggdee why do i always get put in matches like this with shitty team loooooolllll
Like NO ONE gives a shit you self centered cunt, why do you have the need to tell everyone this every fuck time?
plat and below are fucking hell
diamond has been nothing but great games with cool players for me its actually unreal what a difference it makes.
99% of the people bitching and moaning in this game don't know what the fuck they're talking about. That's the problem.
>Knowing that all heros have a place is somehow reddit-tier knowledge
Are you retarded from birth or did you choose this horrible existence for yourself?
>making up some minor-issue drama bullshit
Like NO ONE gives a shit you self centered cunt, why do you have the need to tell everyone this every fuck time?
user, A good Widow can pin an entire team on a choke
QP is pretty bad BECAUSE no one talks, or calls shot, alters to enemy team comp or any anything. They all play like it's Halo3 and just run around trying to 1v1 everything
Ranked is a bit worse but really if you know you're actually pulling your weight than no amount of salt/bantz/toxic will bother you too much
what's funny is that i got into CSGO after overwatch. initially i was like "holy shit, CSGO players are fucking cancer. these are legitimate assholes." and i'm probably right half the time. but the other half the time it's just motherfuckers engaging in bantz. because the game relies solely on skill, you can't get mad when the opposing team wins.
overwatch is just full of actual, literal assholes who cannot think outside of their k/d ratio. totally incapable of thinking laterally. no wonder if appeals so much to """"gamers""""
i still play OW, but goddamn is it a trying experience.
The only place Hanzo has is in the trash.
When the fuck did Reddit tier casuals start coming here with this special snowflake shit?
>3 tanks 2 heals in almost every Diamond game
>Only viable DPS is Cree, 76 and in some cases Widow
>This guy thinks there's room in the meta for consistent usage of Hanzo, JR, Sombra or Torb
>When the fuck did Reddit tier casuals start coming here with this special snowflake shit?
You need to shut the fuck up, newfriend.
t. guy that complains in chat when he gets put in an in progress game
>solo comp
>lose a few matches
>rank goes down
>get placed with lower ranked teams next time
>lose more matches because team not good
>rank goes down again
>death spiral downward from negative feedback loop of losing and getting paired with worse and worse teams
there needs to be some kind of pity sr given to you if you're on a losing team and still get 3+ gold. once you fall far enough in rank it's literally impossible to return.
I mute all and play without working together to get to diamond. Not saying diamond is some sort of god like rank but getting there is not hard even as a solo only guy that hates the guts of his teammates
Tracer and Pharah are as viable as any other dps characters. Reaper too on certain maps.
Your reading comprehension is lacking, nigger.
YOU ARE what's wrong with Overwatches shitty sub-diamond community. This is coming from a GM.
I honestly don't understand the point of Sombra. I'm sure there's SOME god-tier Sombra player that makes her look viable, but really even the other potentially trash heroes like Hanzo, Widow or [Attack]Torb, have SOME kind of benefit.
The fuck does Sombrero even DO?
you sound like some 15 year old who saw somewhere that someone said snipers are bad so now you think snipers are bad and useless 100% of the time
I've noticed that the type of posts, threads, etc have become extremely Reddit-like since November, even more than they were before
It's sad to see, really
t. A guy that doesn't say shit, because it happens to everyone, you fucking baby.
You're literally bitching on Sup Forums about people bitching on Overwatch. Do you not feel the irony?
He's screaming reddit at a guy that's been here since 2005. You're both retarded.
That would just compound the problem, giving an incentive to play off the objective and give an emphasis to solo play.
Also, you play with worse teams but you also play against worse teams. Deal with it and stop making excuses fag.