Yakuza 0

what went right?

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Sony paid those bloggers the greenbacks thats what!

p-p-paid reviews!!

can i play this without knowing anything about yakuza games

Yeah, it´s the earliest game in the timeline

>Based on 1 critic

Repeat after me

How long is it? Is it worth 48 dollars?

Around 25 hours for the main story
However, the Yakuza series is known for having a LOT of side content, so it's pretty much as long as you want it to be

As someone who has never played the series minus a demo for 4 back in the day, what makes it so fun? Never gave it a chance since the demo made it come off as a mediocre brawler

wot do you fink m8

Early reviews
That said, 0 is easily the best in the series

What the other guy said.
>went through Yakuza 5 trying to just focus on main story stuff
>finish at around 30 hours
>20.7 percent
What a fucking meme that was. Good games though.

Because it is.

You only play Yakuza for the story and the minigames.

Woah now, Ishin and 0 would like to have a word with you. They have fantastic combat.

I'm gonna get this after only playing Yakuza 1. Hoping for some cool throwbacks

Gonna drop to 80 or some shit for some retarded reasons "no English voices"

No yakuza game got over 83

you mean throwforwards?

It's sad Microsoft is going to pay IGN again and multiple review sites to drive it's score down simply because its a Sony exclusive.


It's too bad they removed Bubble

>the only negatives that Spaniard website listed were "despite the good looking graphics it's obvious it started as a PS3 game" and "no Spanish localization"

are these beaners serious

Don't forget that polygon is going to give it a terrible score because the cat fights and phone hostess stuff is "sexist"

>no Spanish localization
Huh, that's rare for a PS4 game

>Daily reminder that that cuck Alex Navarro and Non-sjw Dan are LPing the game when it comes out.

I was trying to forget man. Why would you say that. Can't wait for Alex to call everything he sees gross and for Dan to HILARIOUSLY mispronounce the names of everybody and lose the plot an hour in.

Jesus christ you Sonyggers are a paranoid bunch

>Still Playstation-only

Do I need to play any of the past titles to play this one?

It's current year, consoles are dying amirite

Can I buy a Hong Kong English version off Amazon to not have bullshit censoring?


>TFW check first post and got my question answered

Sega has confirmed numerous times that nothing is censored. Try doing some research.

Asia release doesn't have English subtitles and nothing is censored, the only difference between the Western version than the Japanese version is no licensed songs

That's pretty much what every metacritic posting is though, with people freaking out over an 88 with 30 critics is higher than 86 with 33 critics.

Any of those differences are so miniscule, if a single person rates with whole numbers instead of decimals they could drag it down.

Will it have dual audio though?


>Based on 1 Critic Review

nope, jap audio only

jp audio only, only Yakuza game with eng dub was 1 and it was hilariously bad.

>no licensed songs

There hasn't been an English dub since 1


this is pretty catchy they kept the 70s music feel to it

i canceled gravity rush 2 in favor of this

did i do good?

>Not getting both

>he didn't get both
lmao loser
Good choice though.

Thanks m8s. Just making sure I wouldn't be forced to play a shit english dub like with Atlus games. I'm not personally familiar with the series so I didn't know what the dub situation was.

>Not letting Amazon chide you into buying both Yakuza 0 and Gravity Rush with a side order of Resident Evil 7.

The dub for 1 was actually good.

Mark Hamill as Majima was great.


>not getting both alongside Nioh for good measure

Shamefur dispray

Who reads reviews for Yakuza games? You know exactly what you're getting if you played any of the other games.

>not getting both and Dragon Quest 8
Come on son that's embarrassing

Ben Moore will give this game 5/5 stars and that's all I was asking for.

>1 review
Will probably be pretty good though honestly.

How is the story in the Yakuza games?

I have seen alot of people praise everything besides the story. Is passable, good, or bad?

melodramatic and pretty cool

Enjoyable crime story. Has some silly soap opera twistsLMAO RUBBER BULLETS but it doesn't detract from the experience too much imo

Good. Cheesy as fuck though, so if you don't enjoy that sorta thing it might not be for you

Honestly the series is all over the place, the characters are consistently great but the plots can range from great crime drama with heart wrenching tragedy to full on retarded plots full of stupid twists

Ya did good. Gravity Rush is trash.

You got me.

Should I start with Zero or wait for the remake?

To be honest, I recommend people emulate 1 and 2 and work their way through the series but if you can't do that, start with 0 and go into Kiwami with the expectations of it being an expansion of 0

Start with 0 and then the remake of 1. Going to ps2 version of 2 from that will be tough but it's possible. Ganbatte!

Release order

play 0, otherwise you will have a lot of problems enjoying it

Start from the beginning. Ignore Kiwami. It's shit.

Don't listen to memers telling you release order. Sure, that would be the objective best thing most of the time but 0 was basically made for a modern jumping off point. And it does that very well. And we're getting Kiwami in the summer? That's perfect timing, enough to where you won't feel burnt out on the series when you get to it.

Zero is the first chronologically, but I feel like it'd make it much harder to get into the earlier games if you started there since they would all feel like a step down from a gameplay perspective.

3 made a decent enough starting point for me

Mr. Shakedown's a big guy.

I've been fascinated by hostess clubs ever since RGG introduced them to me. Do you think such a thing would work out here in the West, Sup Forums?

We already have a (hilariously bad) maido cafe in NYC. We're halfway there, there's only one way to find out.

i started playing this series back in august and i'm up to 3 now. i actually just ordered a ps4 from amazon, so maybe when i'm done of the rest of the games i'll be able to get this one cheap.

Seriously? Man, you gotta tell me more. How bad is it? Entirely staffed by overweight black girls-bad?

I have a review copy, AMA

Can't post the image directly because lmao work pc but here's an old image of the staff.

Couple of blacks but not too bad looking to be honest. I just felt the whole place was trying way too hard to be like "look! japanese culture! It's just like we're in japan, eh goshujinsama?"
I don't know what I was expecting and I understand it's probably dumb to complain about that but I just didn't like it.

How does switching between Kiryu and Majima work? I know just about nothing about Y0 other than the fact that I need it.

As long as I can hit the Mahjong parlors, all good!

Does this play better than Yakuza 1? That was the only one I played. I loved the setting and presentation, and I appreciated the combat on a surface level, but it was kind of clunky and unresponsive at times.

Dude the series went through over a decade of improvements since 1, the game plays great

Yes, 0 is the one with the best combat, the gameplay got improved after every release so 1 has the worst combat

0 > Kiwami > 3(?) > 4 > 5 > 6

Is this acceptable, Sup Forums?


I haven't played past chapter 2 yet in English, but in my import copy it's really nice to switch every two chapters
0, kiwami, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
2 is the best in the series, though 0 is as good as 2.

>tfw Yakuza 0 has already been out for 2 years

0, Kiwami, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Is the entire main series worth playing through? Are any of the games significantly weaker than others?

Picking up new Yakuza games for me must be what teenagers and emotionally broken college girls felt like when they got a new Harry Potter book.

>yakuza 6 will have been out for over a year when we get it

>don't have ps4
>feel like a teenager with dyslexia felt when he got a new Harry Potter book.

It's an improvement

Some people think 3 is weaker than others because of a very slow start, I personally didn't like 5 as much as the others but the series is very much worth playing through. Even the weaker games are still amazing.

Does this look fun to you?

Is 6 really that bad?

Oh shit. You get to punch Kamiya again?

0 is honestly a better game in every way than Kiwami. Which isn't to say Kiwmai is bad, it's just a really extensive mod of 0 that remakes the first game. If you could only buy one, get 0.

>Yakuza 6 has a gang consisting of NJPW wrestlers who can do their finishers on you
>No Katsuyori Shibata
>No Kenny Omegaman


So, people that imported 6, Did Kiryu die or what?

>People are actually looking forward to the fucking disaster that is Yakuza 6

RGG is dead.

Oh fuck off already.