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Video Games #3636
Video Games
Switch XL or Switch XS?
What will go wrong?
What would be the Neon Genesis Evangelion of videogames?
Was wondering when they were gonna do something like this. Making new content this big ain't cheap
New Sonic Riders when
What was the last top tier collectors edition of a game that you bought?
What have they done to my beloved Tales series?!
Post good/bad character redsigns
You did play this masterpiece
AGDQ 2017
Anyone play Stardew Valley? Thinking about buying it, want some more pros/cons. $14.99 seems steep
Always gets a good chuckle out of me
Splat2n announcement tonight
Nintendo Switch Presentation Expectations
What went wrong?
Is Criminal Girls not a game now?
Shouldn't all games have actual graphics?
Valve vs Blizzard
Alright, I was gonna buy a blu ray player so I decided to just get a PS3 for the hell of it...
What video games feature pregnant woman? What video games let me impregnate a woman?
Meet leader who's killed millions of your people
Darkest Dungeon
Risk of rain
What's the best zelda game and why is it minish cap
Class cancelled due to heavy rain, just in time for the Switch presentation in five hours. You ready Sup Forumsros?
10countfall returned with more """"""""""""""leaks""""""""""""""
What went wrong?
This is Len. He's from the newly released game Project Diva Future Tone. He loves to sing...
People will actually defend this piece of shit
Which are the must play essential Resident Evil games, which are the skippable ones?
Star Wars
Itt: the last game you played and your reaction to it
AGDQ 2017
Mass Effect Andromeda
What the fuck is this goddamn shit? Do Nintendrones expect this to take off...
Tfw seriously considering popping in an SSD so I can finish this game
Tired of Nintendo Switch leaks?
Your Worst Gaming Moments
Any other Billionaires here own a Neo Geo?
Just end it all
God-Tier Gamecube Games
What are some of the best isometric games for the PC? Doesn't matter what genre they fall under...
When do you guys think Amazon will open up their Switch preorders...
Just about to start this. Only resident evil I've played was the fourth on ps2. What am I in for? Keyboard or gamepad?
What games let you kill leftists?
Did you back Anja's game?
It's a swamp level
Almost 5 hours left sonybros.... WHAT WILL WE DO!!!!!!!!
What is the gayest non-gay vidya character?
Fallout 4
What's the best mic for gaming?
How to spot a scrub
What is the most complicated game ever?
Who was the main character of gta v?
ITT: Describe a video game you like in the worst way possible
FFXV Updates and DLC when?
If your name is called you have to play the vidya in the post
You're buying Kat's game, right? Reviews are good!
Enemies can teleport
His music collection is just vidya OST
What went wrong?
What drugs are best for gaming?
What made pic related the best RPG ever?
Post games i can have fun if i suck
What made Oblivion so good?
What does Nintendo need to show you at tonight's presentation make you buy the switch day one?
Is Shadman the greatest vidya-related artist ever?
It took just a few hours for modders to uncensor Criminal Girls on Steam
Filename Thread
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Is there even any doubt that Nintendo is going to undership this piece of shit?
FFXIV 3.5/Stormblood
5ft tall
Dear oh dear, what was it?
AGDQ 2017
Now: Amateur Surgeon: New Blood
What is the appeal of the Musou genre?
Thoughts on the Graphic update on KoF?
What did he mean by this?
What's the gayest game you've played?
This is the worst game Itagaki ever made. What happened?
Post your video game ideas
Ladies and gents, boogie has left the building
Dying light
Seven Sins
Dinner is ready, user! Come get your tendies!
Why are japanese role playing games always about white people/europeans?
How do I stop caring about other opinions of me/perception of me?
Resident Evil VII is a psyop to make you hate white southerners
Playable character is female
Why do Nazis make such good villains? They work in almost every setting...
It was easy as fuck. I can't believe some retards bricked their consoles by following a simple guide
Bloodborne - Magnum Opus or False Idol?
Brother may I have some games?
This piece of fucking garbage is basically XIII but with an even worse protagonist and a shittier combat system...
AGDQ 2017
Explorer's Edition
Sup Forums HATES SFV and says shit like tekken and guilty gear is better
Are all speedrunners weird fucking autists?
Xbox in 2010+7
I bought this game in humble bundle
Why so many overwatch heroes are crippled?
Dragon's Dogma 2 when?
Nioh screenshots
Low medium high ultra settings
Paper Mario games
ITT: times Sup Forums was wrong
ITT: Scenes that make you cry every time
Persona 5
Shitty settings you wish would die off completely from videogames
Shill your gaming related YouTube channel
What's his endgame?
Dissidia thread anyone?
My life for yours
What do you think this scene would smell like?
Why don't females wear skimpy outfits anymore
Best selling games 2016
Press F to say "Good Night, Mama Luigi"
I'm such a nerd playing Zelda XDDD
VTM thread: LaCroix edition
Seriously, what the fuck was his problem, Sup Forums?
Here's your controller, bro
Is there any aesthetic worse than steampunk?
Save the animals or kill the animals?
__________ Kart
AGDQ 2017
“We will be taking action against those who abused this exploit,” said Kaplan...
I just bought this game on STEAM
Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite thread
What are some games with inclusive, progressive themes that all people can enjoy?
This is Gourmet Shy Girl
What does Sup Forums think about paladins?
When you keep running into the same bro online and you continue to wreck the other team just the two of you
I bought into the vanilla meme
Did the exclusivity of Bayo 2 or Bloodborne cause Sup Forums at large to get more assravaged?
WoW Legion
AGDQ 2017
Games are now $100 in Canada with the sales tax and carbon tax
How can we stop women sexualization in Sup Forumsideo games?
You have 45 seconds to justify not listening to Non Stop Pop FM
Monster hunter community manager tweeted this
Why Sony doesn´t try to make it´s own Zelda killer?
So it seems Battleborn isn't quite dead yet, since they've announced a new character called Beatrix
Hey guys
How can one man be so based?
Remember to take a walk every 45 minutes of play time
What's your worst vidya purchase?
How can this not be a succubus?
Sony Closing Guerilla Cambridge (Formerly Known as SCE Cambridge)
Disney buys Nintendo
Let us discuss the coder known as Ryan "NorthernLion" LeTurtle and his hit game capital city quiz
Name a better metroidvania
Why does nobody talks about this hidden master piece?
AGDQ 2017
Tfw you just realized you wasted 1/4 of your life playing video games
GameFAQs Game of the Year
This is a fuckin' video
French reporter Julien Chièze strikes again
Who here hyped for the switch presentation tomorrow? I know I can't wait!
Hello, I'm the only good single player FPS released last generation
Is this thing worth anything?
Game with the worst story, worst characters and worst dialogue has the BEST gameplay in the series
Will he survive 2017? Who will look after PC gamers when he's gone?
Video Games You Don't Like the Main Character
Rumors say that Switch will be powered by electricity
Do you think is right that Steam gets 30% cut from any videogame sold in their store?
Nier/ Drakengard thread
AGDQ 2017: Games Without Rabbits
Videogames are a hobby
Good night, Mama Luigi
Thoughts on Metroid Prime Drift?
Explain the autistic animosity that fanboys of these two brands in particular seem to hold towards each other...
This is the most popular idolmaster girl in the 2016
Fuck one, marry one, kill one
Who is your favourite female video game youtuber/streamer?
20 years old next year
If Anders entered the world of The Witcher 3, what would happen?
Why is this piece of shit praised so much?
It won't feel right
System Shock 3 can't come fast enough
The Black Box - October 2017
What were they thinking?!?
When was the last time you injured yourself / broke something while playing Vidya?
Bought all exclusives to prevent them from appearing on Nintendo and Sega Platforms
AGDQ 2017: Drown All Puppies
All these options
The WiiU had:
I can't decide, help me Sup Forums
3 >>>>>>>>>> 1 = 2
You're good with video games, right, Sup Forums? What the fuck do you call this button?
Haha lol
What are the chances of pic related getting a PC port?
Dodge has no i-frames
"Excuse me sir, is this game for little children?"
Your 2016 GOTY?
Women are more picky about video games
Faces of Sup Forums
ITT: Forbidden games on Sup Forums
WTF? I never expected this game to come to Steam
Who is better at video games? James (avgn) or Mike
Playing a female character as a guy (male)
Who else has this feeling this game might end up being the best Resident Evil?
If Nintendo reportedly has enough money stashed to not go bankrupt for 20 years...
Final boss is easy
Please be good!
AGDQ 2017: Christian Speed Gaming
AGDQ 2017
Doctor Stanislaus Braun achieved what all of true Sup Forums wants didn't he?
Why the fuck does this thing have only 1gb of internal storage?
Microsoft and PC failed to bring down Sony
This is what generation Z does in their free time. It's the most cancerous, trivial piece of shit game ever made...
The madmans actually did it again
What did he mean by this?
18 fucking years, and nobody has managed to make a better game
Is there anything that can be done to save this series?
Find a Flaw
Wtf nintendo?
Is this the biggest comeback in gaming ever?
So which version of Warhammer Fantasy do you prefer?
Play Japanese game
What will happen tomorrow:
Redpill me on this game
WOW guys
The myth of Nintendo "classics"
Tfw they will never make a sequel
"I dun rike company of virgin"
Reminder that Microsoft is literally to blame for every fucking wring with everything they touch
Harada retweets switch event
Hey bro, here's your controller
This is what Fallout 4 graphics should've been
He's coming too?
AGDQ 2017: Olde Tyme Gorilla Action
Touhou will outlive every single franchise of video games in your lifetime
Replaying FF7
"the empire"
What went right?
It wasn't as bad as Sup Forums said
Choose your class Sup Forums
Compile Hearts released the opening movie for Cyber Dimension Neptune
I like how Ranma is the only anime series that got good video games
What games let me play against or as an actual witch (not the "le hot girl consplayer"-type witch...
Any femanons here?
The myth of PC gaming superiority
WW2 vidya
What games let me play as a communist?
HOLY SHIT how are all the girls in this game so fucking hot? The game seems so family friendly but Jesus Christ my dick
Is there any problems with this?
N64 remade on UnReal Engine
Have you played the GOTY today?
Games with genius trailers
Mass Effect Multiplayer
First to get DLC on console
AGDQ 2017: Jesus Loves You Edition
ITT: games that you should play atleast once in your lifetime
Video game goes out of it's way to insult the people who play it
Why is this considered the worst in the series?
Nintendo Switch Hori Accessories Leaked
Have you ever backed a kickstarter?
Mahvel Thread
Minimum system requirements - Windows: 7
Is there any Sup Forums characters who can beat Doctor Manhattan?
Are you anons getting the FotM?
ITT: you post a base game and others recommend mods for it
Is this a good game that is worth my money to purchase?
Lol so true
Is this the best video game ever made? What else even comes close?
Muh based polacks!
What is the appeal of the "CUHRAYZEE" genre?
Name ONE video game
Is this the best controller ever made?
Does anyone else make games like this?
AGDQ 2017
Nier Automata
I decided on buying a ps4
What's Sup Forums's favorite cRPG? I've never played any of the old Infinity Engine games or games of that ilk...
This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen
Hey Sup Forums, I'm buying a PS4 Pro sometime this month solely for the exclusives...
Drakengard 3
Sunshine Peach was the best looking Peach
What franchise is more influential, Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest?
Why did MCC fail?
Are you still mad, Sup Forums?
Who's ready to go to the shadow realm?
Tfw bleed,poison and burn will always do the same thing
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was the most disappointing thing since my son. I mean...
Isn't Joe supposed to be Mexican or some shit? Why is he so pale for...
What video game do you play when you're high?
Now: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
Now: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends SETUP
What games let me play as an old man?
What video games did you play in computer class in elementary school?
Final boss uses electric attacks
Story is extremely important in a lot of highly creative fields like literature, anime, or film...
Am I the only person on Sup Forums that thought this was pure, unadulterated garbage?
Why did the price drop so quick?
This is the worst final boss i've ever fought, what the fuck
Is the beatem'up genre dead ?
He went to see it
Lol this SuMo post on Reddit
Mom just got pizza and your friend is over to play games all night
You have 5 minutes to name the best Dragon Ball video game
Is Robin the King of Plegia now?
Who was in the wrong here?
Claims to be good at games
"good night guys"
Alright faggots, let's go
Vydya tattoo thread
Anyone notice how diverse gaming has gotten? I LOVE IT!
Tfw catholic guilt prevents me from being a bad guy in games
Tales of Berseria
Map thread
The renaming was necessary because developer Yacht Club Games will soon offer each campaign...
Disk drive starts making loud-ass chainsaw noises
Who is the best Dangan girl
>1997 was 20 years ago
Let's have some fun and lower our expectations
AGDQ 2017
Mass Effect
Why are elves the best races to use in RPGs and MMOs?
Half-Life 3 Is Dead
Okay so WHY exactly is God of War turning into The Last of Us...
Get kicked from guild for playing a Hunter
As a female girl I love Senran Kagura and my favorite character is Ikaruga. Am I weird?
Dr. Freeman, I'm Black Mesa
Why do I find this cover so visually appealing? It's easily my favorite box art, the font is perfect...
Im buying a ps2. Should i get the fat one or the slim? I can get a barely used fat ps2 for almost nothing
Giant robot piloted by a person
Who would you pick, Sup Forums?
OK Sup Forums I bought a PS4. What should I get? Already have:
So we can all agree that Neutral>Chaos>Law right?
This is going to save Xbox
This is an image from ground-level view in Google Earth
You're favorite game is being remade by the company of the last game you played
What games actually deserve a remaster?
Is this going to be the best game you have been hoping for the PS4? Where's the hype?
Be honest you are here to shitposting, you don't even like videogames
Iceberg thread
Honey thread
Yfw update with new ending
People actually play this casual, low skill ceiling, moba-esque, nu male, redditor game on MY Sup Forums
This is how Quarians were supposed to look under those masks
It really wasn't bad at all
AGDQ 2017
What's the Sup Forumserdict on achievements in general?
Switch coming
I'm playing Sonic Riders, is really a good game, but i kinda suck at it
This game is hard without savescuming
What is the Little Caesars of video game developers?
Well Sup Forums?
Game has a melee weapon
Awesome fucking shit
AGDQ 2017
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
The PS2 had an amazing and diverse library, but which game was the absolute best?
This is a bulbear
ITT: You nostalgia you lose
Tfw no steam bf to cuddle and hug after dominating
Yen Sid forbid Mickey to talk about Aqua hence why he never bought her up
E3 2017
Doesn't it seem a bit convenient of a plot point to make four Blue Eyes White Dragon cards...
I just finished Let It Die and I'm looking to play some of Grasshopper Manufacture's other games...
What vidya game has the best OST?
I'm about 10 hours into this game starting to like it
-Funny video game jokes
Stop being a gay nigga
AGDQ 2017
What do you want to see in Disgaea 6?
Post yfw Switch outsells Xbox one within 2 months
Are you still mad, Sup Forums?
Battle station thread
Goodnight, Sweet Prince
Who's going to make a surprise announcement tomorrow?
Let's play!
Sixth Gen
How do you hold a mouse?
RE4 turned 12. Happy birthday to the best video game ever created
Cube World
AGDQ 2017
Vita loses another exclusive to the master race
Mark your calendars, ladies and gentlemen. January 19th is the day Battleborn comes roaring back!
What's their next big fuck up?
Dark Souls One
Design a game in a topic
NES classic hacked to hold any NES roms
LoL VS Dota 2
Are you excite?
This is the worst Soulsborne boss
Plot cliches
Who would you rather spend 24 hours with? In an abandoned hospital
Game has burn victim
Did anyone here had any idea this existed?
Finally at a point where I'm bored enough to try this game out. What should I expect? Which hero should I play first?
Oh… Who were you again?
Give me ideas for a new gamertag
AGDQ 2017
I think it is the hero of time and is the downfall timeline
ITT: Games you like that everyone else despises
Escape from tarkov
Vanilla New Vegas sucks. It's literally unplayable without mods
Are there any good games about vampires?
The Nintendo switch will be a disappointment
Quantum Break
Only if they cancel this will I give up all hope
Deus Ex>Human Revolution>Invisible War>Mankind Divided
Game literally comes with a comfy warning
Is Streetpig Maori/Pacific Islander? Or is he white?
So what were your top 10 Sup Forums?
Obviously i cant go into everything you will see tomorrow but here are some important detail
How would you rate their performance of late Sup Forums since they lost Liam and Matt?
Best games for original xbox thread
Whats the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this image?
Can we talk about the bittersweet feeling when a game, series or even sub-genre you like suddenly becomes very popular?
What is the second-most iconic death in video game history?
What the fuck is this price?
Does Sup Forums own a fightstick? If so how're ya'll liking 'em? Got any mods/adjustments on yours...
AGDQ 2017
How does one man have so much influence? He single handledly destroyed DS2. And now he destroyed Valhalla
Name an actual flaw
Why can't we discuss about Isaac anymore?
Literally the most based character in the series
Oh no! A monster is holding onto the unidentified chest of treasures! Use your vidya knowledge to get it back
If pokemon was real, which Pokemon would you wan to keep as a pet?
It's been almost half a decade
Would you Sup Forums?
Has Sup Forums ever dreamed that they were playing video games while asleep?
At what exact point did Blizzard's art style go to complete shit?
ITT: Games based on old lore or stories that if the writers of them were still alive today...
Holy fuck
Nintendrones can't even defend this piece of shit
Oh right...THAT happened
AGDQ 2017
Make a videogame wish
What other RPGs let you play as a shota or feature shotas?
The last character you played will give you the succ tonight
I saw the Nintendo Switch presentation early
Who do you think the Bakers are? Is Wesker somehow involved? We obviously know he didn't really die in 5...
What went wrong?
Who is Sup Forums's favorite female Let's player?
No link this week?
Would the Nords of Skyrim accept a Dragonborn, reincarnation of Tiber Septim, if they were a High Elf?
This is the NEO GEO. Say something nice about it
Good Guy Nintendo wouldn't short supply on purpose again
ITT: God tier video game ads
Why are Japanese character designs so ridiculous sometimes?
ITT you post your first vidya crush and possibly tell us why you ended up liking her...
The solution is a Professor Layton thread!
How about a JRPG-inspired art thread?
Tell Yoshi bed time story now
Do you like the Onimusha series ?
AGDQ 2017
Are you ready for a miracle?
Learn the difference. It could save your life
What are some games where I can redeem myself?
The last vidya character that you played will have to face SCP 682. How fucked are you?
*knock knock*
Haytham did nothing wrong
I told you what would happen. Now we're all doomed because you refused to support it
Sonic has so much potencial to do a fighting game. Sega is loosing money
Western devs can't make attractive wom-
Can somebody explain to my Witcher 2 has better character model...
How many do you have?
I started replaying this recently, and I'm liking it a lot more this time. Maybe it's because of 13 and 15 (and 10...
Are you excited for the future of gaming?
Now that the Switch is coming and the 3DS is extremely dead (no more games, ended production in NA...
What can Nintendo do to win you back after these last few shameful years?
Have you ever enjoyed a game fully knowing that it's bad?
Gravity Rush
Find a free game
AGDQ 2017
Can Duke Nukem be saved?
Project Diva Future Tone has been released a few days ago and the season pass is launching in a month...
Breath of the wild, rabbids RPG, skyrim all at launch
What are some games that feature Jews?
How is it?
Hi Sup Forums
Final boss is literally god
Convince me real life isn't a video game
As of right now when do you think you will get a Switch?
Explain picrelated RIGHT this fucking instant user
Why NOD dresses their engineers in rocket-powered dildo suits?
Why do people hate goblins?
So, is Dead Rising best off moving forward with a 5th game that corrects what 4 did wrong...
Yakuza 0
AGDQ 2017
Tfw that game you love will never get a sequel
Low-Settings Thread
You liked it. Didn't you
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Surprise, it's shit
Game makes fun of you for being bad
Mama Luigi's dead
AGDQ 2017
AGDQ 2017
"Same things make us laugh, make us cry."
Can anybody on Sup Forums help identify this thing i picked up at a garage sale?
What was the best Spider-Man? My votes on the OG movie game
Which sims are people usually at these days?
Alright Sup Forums kingdom Hearts thread. I have an honest question. What exactly is a world in Kingdom Hearts...
Which video games have the most emotional / in depth relationships between father/mother and child?
It's been almost exactly two years, but we still don't know who bitch this is
MFW I can't tell the difference between Sup Forums and Neogaf anymore
Daily dose
Want to replay a game
Find a flaw
Calling this
AGDQ 2017
Check twitter
Murderer did not suffer any punishment for their actions
Things You Still Refuse To Believe
What are some games with music themed stages?
Yakuza 0
Who is this guy? Why is he such a big deal?
Can Sup Forums keep me up-to-date with sex games? I am a bit tired of regular porn right now
How did Nintendo have the foresight of having 6 buttons on the controller? Blind luck?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games