Leave it to us
Microsoft and PC failed to bring down Sony
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How long till it goes down?
>Nintendo once again has a monopoly on the console market if Sony dies
>Nintendo has its exclusives I don't care about and everyone else makes games for the PC
Everyone wins.
Kill it.
>Having 3rd party support in the short run will surely take down ps4
>3rd party games that are already multiplat
We'll see about that, good luck
Seriously this. At this point Xbox and PS4 are glorified low-spec PCs and there's no use in having them exist.
Too bad it'll only ever happen in your deluded little head.
Can Wojak ever win?
so instead of praising low specs pcs, we'll praise an even more low spec pc?
Except with the best exclusives on the market.
Stay salty, PCfat.
Nintendo consoles don't need to exist either but if we have to keep one it would be them, since they have the best exclusives. The other two are mostly multiplat machines.
>there's no use in having them exist.
There is. Build me a $400 PC with EVERY component included (i.e. mouse, monitor, keyboard, OS and so on) that can run modern games in 1080p at mid-high settings @ 30fps and then we'll talk.
Videogames were better when Nintendo was top dog in Snes era and demanded quality out of everyone putting games on their system.
We've degenerated back to shovelware. The state of Steam right now is horrifying.
I think releasing few, quality games over a generation is much preferable to just a tidal wave of everyman's shit.
>lmao i'm Nintendo +PC
The literal ''no taste'' guy. Loves platformers made for 2 year old Japanese boys and big AAA games like assasins creed where you spam 2 win.
The ultimate casual no taste person.
>everyone else makes games for the PC
you mean most devs stop making games or move to mobile
there's no profit on PC aside from MMORPGs, MOBAs and indie shit
psure bankruptcy is going to take down sony
Can you get a PS4Pro and a 4K tv for 400 bucks?
I agree, there were literally zero quality games released after the SNES, as soon as Nintendo fell to second place the industry died with it. It's sad we haven't seen a single quality game since the SNES until tomorrow, when the Switch announcement comes.
how about we stay as friends ?
Probably going PC+Switch. No reason to buy an Xbone or PS4.
I have a 4K TV already, because, unlike a PC monitor, I actually use it to watch TV.
>projecting this hard
PC Gaming is a meme.
whatever makes sony regret online subsription, please DO IT
>Bring down a console with a tablet/handheld
>Implying PC isn't just laughing at you all squabbling over old technology and 'flops' Like you have the faintest idea what they are.
>I have a PC already, because, unlike a PS4, I actually use it to do things other than play games.
I cant wait to see Sony fucking DIE today
>I actually use it to watch TV.
>in 2017
>implying PC even cares
>failed to bring down
The whole reason the Neo exists is to fight against PC.
>he thinks the son won't surpass the father and ultimately bring peace to the video game universe
>being a cuck
>any year
good bait m8
That's where you're wrong.
The development costs for consoles are massive, meaning only AAA games make a profit and AA games barely break even, with anything below that making a massive loss. Mediocre games for consoles get weeded out very fast because no one is going to pay that much money for a one. On the PC mediocre games still work, as long as you didn't spend astronomical amounts of money on their development, because you can just sell them for 10 dollars on Steam.
How can you completely fail to look past the initial investment? PC games, where I live, generally cost 39-49€ if talking about brand new big releases, and you can buy many good games for much cheaper, while console games cost fucking 69€ and up. If you pay little a console may end up being cheaper, but if you play a lot a console will end up costing you more in the long run just because the games on average are much more expensive - on which note you may refer to the massive development costs.
>play games
you mean watch cinematics right?
Switch is a low spec tablet
>lmao i'm sonygger
The literal ''no taste'' guy. Loves anime games with terrible gameplay made for virgin Japanese boys and big AAA movies like the order and uncharted where you just sit down and watch.
The ultimate casual no taste person.
And what does PC cares for? I seriously cannot think of a single upcoming PC game to get possible excited about. inb4 vaporware like bannerlord that has been going nowhere for years.
>PC has best hardware, freed online, mods
>almost no jap devs and lack of dedicated devs in general
>consoles have dedicated devs and japanese games
>hardware is shit, paid online, (practically) no mods
this is a shitty dilemma and we should all hate it because it makes video games worse
If he starts channeling Hijack, then the odds are in his favor
>company that releases it's second DoA console is going to do shit
You will never get to play Uncharted 4, Bloodborne or Gravity Rush 2. Suck it.
>And what does PC cares for?
idgaf i just said PC don't care about no switch
But the problem with channeling Hijack for too long is that Hijack separates from his body after a certain time limit and requires Wojak and Pepe to join forces to defeat him.
Last time it took Wojak sacrificing his life in order for pepe to build enough time to deliver the final blow.
>play Uncharted 4
Don't you mean watch?
>You will never get to watch Uncharted 4
I'm good senpai
>>lmao i'm sonygger
lmao pc+ps4+wiiu+wii+ds+3ds+psp+vita
Hates most anime too, will only watch neo tokyo stuff like bubble gum crisis or classics like sailor moon or initial d. I will play Uncharted though but I know full well it's a full on movie casual game and I keep them to a minimum.
lol good luck doing that with a fucking tablet. Besides, PC gaming has been fucking Sony in the ass hence the PSPro crap.
Because Japanese PC audience basically doesn't exist outside of cheap and niche H games, and Japanese devs proper are only now starting to realize they might, in fact, actually want all that baka gaijin dosh.
Literally no fucking games, i get it. Lol pcfags.
>almost no jap devs and lack of dedicated devs in general
I actually watch a fair deal of anime but I really don't give a shit about Japanese games. All they can make are shitty waifu simulators with subpar fanservice that falls flat on its face because of the dated PS2 level graphics.
Korea, on the other hand, does some great PC games.
It has been foretold
10 years ago
"Sony always wins baby"
I hope sony cuts the price of the ps4 again just before switch release so it kills it on its crib
You say "a fucking tablet" but 3DS blows PS4's sales out of the water, and Vita might as well not exist.
Oh yeah, those "great" MMO that die within one year. Top games.