Crow tengu.
Nioh screenshots
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Ii Naomasa
Marume Nagayoshi.
He is one of the trainers you have to do missions for to improve your weapon mastery and unlock more advanced skills.
Also kanabou, possibly a new weapon type?
Saika Magoichi with his three legged crow.
Battle of Sekigahara.
I figured they'd make Sekigahara into either something where William avoids the main battle and only goes after officers and generals or maybe have William arrive after it was over stepping over corpses while fighting undead.
But this looks like he'll be in the thick of it.
I hope it's not gonna be shit. This is one of few games I'm willing to pay full price for
I'm excited too but every Nioh thread just gets shitposted by asspained PC port beggars.
>original Nip environments
>no typical teenage angst JRPG bullshit
Sign me in
He can apparently merge with his guardian and get its wings.
I think that's just a straight up club, but I bet we'll be getting it. So they've finally said more about weapon mastery, he looks like a pretty badass teacher.
I really want to see how they do Sekigahara, if they can get across the scale well enough it'll probably turn out great.
>this game is so ugly they have to downsample to 450p to make it look okay
Are the weapons and armour that come with the pre order available later on in the game? And does the weapon scaling work like in Bloodborne?
Tokugawa and Tadakatsu.
yeah i hope so, considering that in the demo you could be OP in a few hours with rare / powerful gear appearing without much effort - especially when you fight other peoples spirits
I highly doubt they're available ingame without preordering if that's what you mean, but if you mean when you can get them if you did, it's just at any shrine so it'd be right away.
Yeah it works pretty similar, each weapon type scales differently off of different stats. Equipment can sometimes get extra stats to scale with as part of it's effects, the most notorious example being the Raikiri with it's built in Spirit scaling.
I don't see 3 legs on the crow
I'm calling this one a fake
is there more than one playable character in this?
user not to be that guy but that is not a Tengu that is a Kenku.
A Kenku is basically a sword saint, a fucking god of swordsmanship and that fact that you get to fight one as a boss is going to be fucking insane.
Calling it now, Kenku boss is going to be the memorable boss.
>I think that's just a straight up club
Right, in his wikipedia article Nagayoshi taught sword fighting to people so no doubt it's katana skills you learn from him anyway.
When you coop you earn a special currency that can buy various things, among them character skins.
I.e. you can take on the appearance and voice of another character during gameplay, you'll still be William during cutscenes though.
The story of the game focuses around William and his quest to save his goldfish waifu so there isn't really room for custom main character.
Famitsu calls it a crow tengu.
charlie sheen????
>When you coop you earn a special currency that can buy various things, among them character skins.
>I.e. you can take on the appearance and voice of another character during gameplay, you'll still be William during cutscenes though.
>The story of the game focuses around William and his quest to save his goldfish waifu so there isn't really room for custom main character.
that sounds stupid, whats the point if there's not a different play style, or something unique to go with it.
Since it's a coop reward I guess point is that everyone doesn't have to look like William while cooping.
On that list I know one person.
The dude with all white with the mask over his face is Yoshitsugu Otani, who was a friend of Mitsunari Ishida and fought for the West army at Sekigahara.
It is said he had lepercy and would wear a mask to hide his fucked up face.
I guess his guardian would have to do with disease or some shit.
They come with the character's voice as well, but you already have so many different weapons and playstyles available that it would be the same thing. Also you can be a spooky ghost zombie.
His guardian is a qt moth girl
When will the reviews start to come out? I will pre order if they're good
also he is the boss of the Sekigahara stage where he gets huge and grows wings... at least according to the manga.
>Saika Magoichi
Kenku is a fucking term invented by assfaggots for DnD decades ago. It's got nothing to do with real nip lore.
holy shit cannot unsee. also kek
>drinking tiger blood
>Battle of Sekigahara
Makes sense since he didnt run when Kobayakawa turned on the West and was overun by a massive army.
Guess it will be a boss rush at Sekigahara.
First would Otani, then Shima then Ishida as the final boss.
>drinking tiger blood
>qt moth girl
Any chance Nobunaga will be related to the plot in some way shape or form? Even if it's in passing?
His wife is a boss.
Wait a minute... Yuki-onna is Nohime?
Nailed it.
Yes. The fight takes place in a frozen Honnouji
That one is really cool. Reminds me of Bloodborne.
So there's options to change Williams's skin to be another character? I'm assuming this isn't going to affect cut scenes?
Also heard there's a feature that let's you keep the appearance of your favorite armor kit even if you equip another armor that has better stats but you don't like the look of it.
Oddly enough, there might be two. Recent streams have shown a more typical system where you just place the armour you like the look of onto a new piece you want to use, but the Beta had a different system called Soul Matching that worked in the opposite way. You used higher level equipment as material to make the equipment you liked the look of stronger. Whether that's still in or not I'm not sure, but that they felt the need to add the other system is weird.
I feel like I need to read some Japanese history books to fully enjoy this. Though I did reread Shogun after the last beta.
You could just go play through Samurai Warriors 4 and you'd probably recognize all of the major battles and characters in Nioh.
>Battle of Sekigahara.
Explain to a nigga that doesn't know the first thing about Japan.
Is this a pivitol battle in a big war the Japs had?
>Any change of Nobunaga.
When isn't he a boss, antagonist or your best bro in any game set in this specific period of Japan?
Well in this game, he's dead.
He'll come back as a Zombie after the magic negro that stole our Spiritfu does some necromancy bullshit.
Come on, he's like the biggest and most memorable hero that the Japs have.
>he's like the biggest and most memorable hero that the Japs have.
What about Miyamoto Musashi?
Basically the battle that decided their civil war.
100 000ish soldiers involved.
I just realized how much I wanna see Team Ninja and Kou Shibusawa make a Vagabond game now.
>100,000 soldiers involved.
We're in the thick of that?
>26 days
He supposedly participated in sekigahara but he was only 16 at the time. He hasn't been mentioned at all in the game so far. Maybe he'll get a tiny cameo.
Wait, you don't get mastery just from using your weapon anymore?
Is he real or fictional?
Literally know next-to-nothing about Japan other than why their men aren't getting laid.
Its a tengu you fucking dweeb. Japanese lore, not dnd lore.
Not this type of mastery, and you didn't in the demos either.
Just that in the demos you started in veteran level on everything.
Of course Musashi is real you git.
He's a living legend and is often considered the greatest samurai who ever lived.
Now Sasaki Kojiro on the other hand is a different story.
His dual with Musashi is one of the most famous duals in Japanese history, but proof of the dual has been disputed, so Kojiro's very existence is regarded as a legend.
I hope soul matching is still a thing.
But I can also see why they introduced the new system. Soul matching only scales up the gear's stats. But what if you have something like a pre-order or beta piece of gear, or some unique item that only exist in one kind of rarity? Sure soul matching can bring it up a level, but if something exist in let's say only a common form, you could be fucking yourself out of five or six passives just for that one piece of gear even with soul matching.
With this other system you can take that item that looks aesthetically unique but has no real combat value and apply it to a legendary piece of gear.
It seems the game calls it rank, not mastery.
Anyway, when you start out the game you will only be able to level the 1 petal skills until you increase your rank with the weapon.
Also there is probably a rank above veteran as the UI clearly indicates that there are some 5 petal skills too.
If they show Musashi and make a reference to Vagabond with Musashi meeting Kojiro on the battlefield, I will be so fucking happy.
Why isn't hitler in every game happening in Germany? Why isn't Lincoln in every game happening in America?
Just because its a big name, doesn't mean they have to show up in every work of fiction happening in that period.
He also fucking died more than 20 years before this game takes place.
>implying DnD shit is real Japanese mythology
>Correcting people on real lore with DnD terms.
What's like not knowing what an inside of a vagina feels like?
Feels like the inside of your cheek.
Just kidding, it feels like a bag of milky coins.
Left; Ishida Mitsunari, Toyotomi retainer, Sekigahara Eastern Army Boss. Middle is Otani Yoshitsugu his BFF. Top right is Shima Sakon, strategist.