AGDQ - Tactical Gamer glove edition

up now : Dragon's Lair
next : A Nightmare on Elm Street
after : Cheetahmen


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got a real fuckin joker here dont we

for qute girl




xth for watching TPain stream overwatch instead.

I enjoyed that run.

is this a girl (female) or a disgusting tranny FREAK

Tits on display like a cheap french whore, how typical.


that gets me every time


I tuned in and he was just screaming for about 2 minutes straight because he got POTG.

It was awful

>Darkman is actually dark

Like the finest pottery


user don't bully her

She's 31, she's at that age where any normal woman would already be settled down. Her only options are to try to be as slutty as possible to hook someone or become that lady with too many cats


I want to waifu and stalk her twitter

> t hick
no shes not
and shes ugly

wifebeater is her name for those horny guys asking

>the head flick to let her pet know he may put his arm around her
muh dick

Well that's a high speed cringe train with stops at scream station and imgonnapuke square

The goose is loose, my lads. You know where to be.


Everyone's over here

literal semen demon

anyone have the webm of the very tactical chair sniff at AGDQ?

Hey Sup Forums. Can you help get me caught up on the events? I have been working mad over time. Have missed it all so far