>final boss is literally god
Final boss is literally god
Other urls found in this thread:
>Final boss is a VN dialogue tree section
>my daughter
>is/looks like a loli
>final boss is your best friend
he's only inhabiting the body
>the final boss is a god in the monotheist-sense but not actually Abrahamic in anyway despite what pig-ignorant americans egotistically assume
>the cute loli is a god
>Final boss doesn't exist
>subordinate about to dunk the current final boss
>final boss can transcend your quicksaves
>your party member was magically castrating you the entire time
>shitty one off panel that doesnt affect anything afterward and is contradicted by everything earlier in the story
>main threat of the game is defeated
>final boss is just some asshole who wants to settle a score
His daughter is a goddess that looks like 25yo
a LITERAL goddess
Everyone liked that in Torment.
Seriously, it's just a handwave, it's better than nothing but still.
The start of the series he kisses Belldandy heaps of times, it's very clear how they feel...and then somehow, the author decided that wasn't sustainable and pulls them into "will they, won't they" Nonsense for a decade.
It's no surprise that 90% of her AMG porn is NTR
>final boss is an abstract concept and therefore it makes no sense you are able to fight or kill it
Well the way it works in SMT is that YHVH gave humans the power of perception. So nothing has a shape or form until humans give it shape or form and other gods actually see this as a negative. Dagba talks about when he was the rain falling from the sky or the wind blowing over the grass, until humans gave him a defined shape and form in a way locing in what he is and the powers he possess.
So if you think of humans roll in the universe as that it's easy to explain how suddenly an abstract thought could take a defined form.
I am so happy that 8BT still gets posted from time to time. It's not spammed but not also not forgotten.
>feathers look like benis
Hm. Is that intentional or am I a slut?
I really miss that series...
It was shit. Fucking shit. The bait ran dry yeeears before it concluded.
>tfw every good belldandy figurine is super expensive
>the demon king convinces the hero to join the dark side by throwing bar graphs at him
The last chapters were bad, but I don't care. It was the only Manga that I liked it. There are muh waifus.
So sad...
>implying the final battle being against your rival with no stakes isn't hands down the best way to end it.
I wish at least some games did it like that one fighting guy in Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer.
>final boss is god but also yourself
>final boss is God
>a bunch of teenagers kill it with the power of friendship
An rpg just isn't a jrpg unless this happens
Fuck yes man, Lucifer and the Biscuit hammer is good tier. Spirit Circle is pretty good too though
All right so it's Steven Universe, but who's the shit in the ball cap? What the fuck is even going on in that series, they're on a gem world now or something?
>final boss is the last boss in the game
some user told us a story retold in the pic posted. A draw fag decided to relate mature Indian woman with connie's mom and went with it. It's the ending that got this story bigger than it had any right to
And I have no idea I stopped caring too much and only care for the inside jokes like "it's not supposed to make sense it's entertainment"
>You're the hero.
>The final boss is your friend's friend.
>You're that friend also.
>In the "sequel" you're the son/daughter of the girl your friend's friend encountered who got together after your friend murdered almost everyone.
>The final boss is two god's who's also you and you're fighting against him as yourself that's also a book who was your friend and also your/his waifu.
>All of this happens because a girl you happened to encounter after killing your friend and becoming him heard a short inspiring sentence that caused her to change the cycle of the world and made your friend get possessed by half demon, half angel god babies.
What the fuck are you on about user
>final boss is seven dollars
>final boss is actually a party member
8bit theater romhack when?
>fighting final boss
>camera turns on and you see yourself
>final boss requires fundamentally different game mechanics to complete
The story of a man cursed by two selfish god's to live for eternity who eventually becomes you after murdering his dearest friend so much that he becomes a book who then tries so hard to save his bro that he passes on all of his skills to you so that you can put his friend (The one that's not a book.) to rest.
(This event happens constantly and forever, by the way.)
This results in you killing him and attempting to end his eternal torment because after inheriting the Book friend you've also inherited his will to save him. After you kill him, he ends up becoming part of you and eventually ends up taking control of your body unwillingly. Before that happens you pass on a short message of hope, in the hope that you can change his fate.
That starts a series of events which (skipping certain details) causes one girl to alter predetermined events for the one she loves which pisses off the two god babies after she threatens to destroy their cup.
The two babies get in a fight with the Book's Friend, who is you from the past. After losing the fight, events play out like normal except that you're now a new person inheriting the same book that's also technically the same best friend of the final boss.
My head hurts now.
>midboss is constantly oppressed by evil overlord for living a satisfying life
>check midboss's weakness
>final boss is the game itself
Is this that one Tales game?
I really need to play Soul Sacrifice.
>Final Boss is your dog
>He's apparently god and has been training you to take over so it can go out and fuck bitches. >Literal bitches. Dogs.
Thanks Drakengard 3
Nah, it's the ultimate telling of the Bro Code and what it truly means to follow it.
woops, missed the reply button. Meant for You should definitely play it.
I suck at explaining things, but it's absolutely amazing.
>final boss states that this fight was the will of fate itself
>game makes it ambiguous on whether the player character actually chose to fight or of it truly was the will of fate (the player)
>tfw rooting for the guy in the middle with the white shirt to get away safely
>he almost makes it
>a fucking sign falls directly on him
>then an explosion while he gets run over by metal shards
life isn't fair
That's because the writing in Planescape: Torment was the best there's ever been in a video game ever.
The new one's got some ridiculously huge shoes to fill.
didn't the sign also cut him in half? talk about overkill
>final boss requires you to literally sing the game's theme into the microphone along the karaoke lyrics to hurt it
>Final boss was the first boss you killed and he's been dead the entire game
>game is super overt about how about how the player is acting as a profound force in the world
>Final Boss says that the suffering of the main characters is all your fault
is that doggo ok?
name 20 games that do this
Anyone have the sauce on what this is from?
its a manga, you dip
Well, obviously, but which one?
google, iqdb, tineye, saucenao, etc all arent giving me results.
first result on google search showed the name
>Final boss is some god you never heard about
>Final boss is the god of the abrahamic religions
10/10 GOTY.
>final boss is the real you
>you were the clone all along
what particular work in a form of media
Megaman zero
>for a decade.
Wasn't it more like 2 decades?
>might makes right
There's an obscure PS1 game that had a final boss like that, can't remember the name.
Source of manga?
YHVH has the power of delet this, no way that some shitbag 15 year old could kill a nigga
Why is the grim reaper buried in Vision's yard?
Wife killed him after he attacked them and buried the body out of fear.
Ah! My Goddess
>final boss is your buddy
and also your enemy
flamenco intensifies
Please I need to know more games that do this even if it might be bit of a spoiler
final boss is your creator, whom reveals that your actually a video game character from a game he created.
>Final boss is god
>the battle is piss easy
Can't tell if this is a "tales of" manga or oh my goddess.
>final boss is your best friend who failed to protect you when you were kids
>final boss is the realization that you've just beat the game and you'll never play it for the first time ever again
Literally dragons dogma.
>YHVH gave humans the power of perception
No, humanity's perception and beliefs is what caused the birth of gods and demons, sort of like the 40k Warp
They've always had that ability, and YHVH exploits a loophole in that by not having a true name He can exist as something undefined. You defeat Him in IV Apocalypse by either having humanity reject every facet of His divinity, or by killing everyone that is aware of Him so that he gets depowered and can't come back
>not recognizing K1
>final boss is a manifestation of the concept of a final boss
>laughs at you, the player, because he knows he will basically win since you will either stop playing or will replay the game after you beat him, meaning that he served his role perfectly
>by beating him, you basically fall right into his hands and follow a set course of inescapable fate
To be fair, in black and white, it could be fucking lloyd from symphonia or whatever the guys name in zestiria is.
>There is no final boss
>The game just builds up and up and up then suddenly ends
>There is no secret ending either
>Game has fortune telling
>Asks you if you want to see your future
>Asks you if you are super duper sure if you say yes
>The end credits start playing