He's coming too?

He's coming too?

what's that guy's name?

Furious Fernando

Angry Joe

Burger Bob

So, I didn't played V, what he did to Liquid?

Kaz "No sympathies for nigger tendencies" Miller

Kaz "empty my nine on the welfare line" Miller


That's an enemy sniper

Kaz "fulton a coon I'll shoot the balloon" Miller

My favorite one.

Kazuhira "Fulton a black & I'll send em back" Miller

Kaz "One man klan" Miller

No winning that one.

Wait, does miller only say that if you fulton a nigger?
[Spoiler] 500 hours and I never knew [/spoiler]


Kaz 'Fulton a Black and I'll send it back' Miller

Kaz "extract a kikongo and I'll play him like a bongo" Miller

That line is very weird. I've asked people and there seems to be two ways of hearing it. For me it was always very funny cause he sounds so excited. Like "This guys coming too? Aces!" but for some reason many others hear it like he's really bored and condescending about your choice of fulton. Like "Gash, he's coming too?". It's like the best voice acting ever or the most convoluted bullshit acting.

he says "mother base for the master race" at some stage but I really don't remember any of mgsV so don't hold me to that

Yeah, I remember that. Around Africa he started mouthing all these weird things when I fulton guys. Fist it was just "ooh, this is interesting" and "he'll fit in juust fine." Later on it was like "the master race will truly bind this world together as one", "I'm blacked up and won't back out". Fucking weird.

Did anyone else not fulton any nigger during the whole game and when the epidemic hit, everyone was just fine cause there was no one speaking Kikongo? It kinda killed my immersion with how serious everyone was but there was literally no problems and the whole mother base was happy.

Kaz "Fulton a coon I'll pop the balloon" Miller

You fail at the game.