I don't get Bloodborne. I just don't get it. I agree that game is good. But not that good. But it's nothing special. Just another good video. It doesn't deserve half of praise it gets. It's just another Soul game. >b-but level design ahh yes amazing level design where everything feels like a maze and almost every location looks the same. Few times after opening doors/gates I thought "wow I unlocked shortcut" and then it turned out i's new area. >b-but unique weapons How to make trick weapon: get X weapon type from DS and then combine it with X weapon type from DS. So innovative. Instead of swapping weapons we now 'transform them'. So oo cool. >b-but atmosphere ok that's 1 good thing about it music is ok too
Fool's Idol. Tricky weapons were a great idea. So are Nioh's stances. Dark Souls 1 world design was an happy accident. No other From game has it, and probably never will have it
Colton White
bloodborne is good because of the writing and the aesthetic
everything else isn't that far from what we've already seen in the series
Logan Peterson
Wow, buddy, if you don't think it was great that's fine, but how about you take the time and collect your thoughts to post some actual critique instead of making it sound like you dropped the game in the first twenty minutes >all the areas look the same >trick weapons are reskins The game has legitimate issues but you're embarrassing yourself with this inane opinion of yours that makes you look like you never passed the 8th grade, or at least never learned how to express yourself like an adult, with legitimate opinions
Leo Sanchez
>trick weapons are reskins this is true tho
Bentley Williams
It's probably my #1 game
>Fantastic lore and storytelling >The most tense I've been playing a game and it's not even a horror >The aesthetic (Especially the DLC) is incredible >There's an abundance of great content >The game gets more and more insane as time goes on where things start to make less sense >By the end you realize that what started out as a grounded monster van helsing-type game has turned into a cosmic horror
I don't know, it gives me this amazing feeling of discovery and reward
Christopher Nguyen
Wish there were trick weapons in DS3 though
Camden Perry
Easily magnum opus
Jonathan Carter
>no ps4pro version
Sonyniggers will defend this.
Hudson Reed
DeS, DaS and BB are easily the best games in the franchise.
DaS2 and DaS3 each have things they do well but they don't make up for a lot of the really blatant and sometimes infuriatingly retarded decisions.
Noah Jenkins
this image hits all my buttons
Camden Peterson
there are weapons that could easilly pass as trick weapons that spinning sword or dancers swords
Jayden Scott
>fast-paced action game >sub 30 fps
doomed from the start
Logan Hall
So non-special you had to make a thread about it?
Your opinions are fucking irrelevant. Why the fuck would you think making a thread saying "I think Bloodborne was average" was worth making?
If you hated it or wanted to bitch about it not being on PC or something i'd get it. But this is literally a waste of everybody's time.
Austin James
>fast paced
Blake Sanchez
it's not particularly fast paced
it would benefit from a higher frame rate but it's not ruined by what it has unless you think "smoothness" is the paragon of game feel
Brayden Harris
Isaac Adams
post more pics of her
Jason Mitchell
>I don't know how to swap weapon forms mid fight
Not only does it multiply your moveset, it feels fuckin great when done seemlessly.
Ian Hill
It an 8/10 overrated by sonyggers.
Austin Lopez
it also does extra damage to hyper armor and builds beasthood really fast
Bentley Bailey
>Just a bit faster That's exactly why
souls games benefit the most when you have dynamic fights of back and forthes, when it really feel like it's fair and challenging fight. The fact there's no shield and the combat is sped up helps this immensly, every encounter in BB feels like your life is on the line till you "git gud." The safety of the shield the slowness of the other games, 3 changed this a bit, don't feel as good. BB is the best souls combat, and that automatically makes it the best Souls game
Also the aesthetics are top notch and the switching weapons are fun as fuck
Zachary Ward
feels weird to know that people who don't get into the lore in the souls series are actually shilling bloodborne for almost no reason
but simultaneously if you do get into the lore in the souls series bloodborne is top notch
a game that doesn't deserve its reputation, but not because it's good, because it is, it's just not good for the reasons people say it is
Kayden Ramirez
It was just the best of the souls-esque games, that's all there is to it.
Levi Miller
>look mah I posted niggers again on 4chins they will like me soon enough
Also >starting platform wars in an exclusive game thread
Hang yourself.
Jonathan Price
>Muh lore
This it the cancer that makes souls games look bad
Eli Sullivan
the gameplay of souls games is good, but it's not all that interesting after two or even one playthough(s)
it's the lore that continuously delivers for long periods of time and keeps people coming back
whether or not you think people are faggots about it, it's the most interesting aspect of the series and it remains interesting after months and even years
Austin Baker
>no transformation attacks >no running attacks only jumping attacks while running >no backstep attacks >no difference between attacks coming out of dodges locked on or not Are you people fucking stupid? Trick weapons are the best thing From ever did and they have about double the amount of unique animations as other souls games. It's not a perfect game, but the weapons are the best thing about it
Samuel Barnes
Wow wonder who's bitter PC player over here
Robert Garcia
>Its not all that interesting after two or one playthrough That's just you man, a majority of the souls community like the combat more than anything else
Benjamin Rivera
okay except after you beat the game most of the challenge is gone because it's largely about pattern recognition
Brayden Rivera
the DLC is what makes it a magnum opus. Ludwig and Orphan fights were some of the best vidya in years.
Eli Green
I've sunk more hours into Bb then any other Souls title, only DS1 and DeS come close.
Makes me remember the beta testing meme about Dark souls 3. So funny
Joshua Torres
I think it's overrated but I had fun playing it and the dlc
Adrian Powell
>a majority of the souls community
source you fucking imbecile
oh wait
Jonathan Brooks
Vanilla was great but DLC took it to another level. It's the only unforgettable gaming experience I've had on the current generation of consoles.
It's the most coherent and complete Souls game From has put out, everything has a purpose. I think it has the best story and aesthetics in the entire series.
Josiah Wilson
Andrew Watson
it's just a pretty good game, what's there not to understand?
Levi Jones
>just buy 40$ DLC, goy!
Connor Evans
It was 20 dollars at launch and now you get the complete edition for this price anyway
Charles Bell
I refuse to believe a girl that cute posts on Sup Forums
98% that's a catfish
Jason Ward
>Stake Driver >Kos Parasite >Beast Claw >Amygdalan Arm >Beast Cutter >Threaded Cane >Saw Cleaver >Saw Spear >Beasthunter's Saif >Logarius Wheel all completely unlike any weapon in a previous Souls game. Kill yourself. BB>DaS>DeS>Shit>the rest
Jordan Jackson
>completely trivializing the depth that trick weapons add because you want to dismiss the game out of pocket lol, did you miss the part where literally every weapon in the game is viable, even the starter weapons?
go back to dark souls with your zwei / claymore only builds
Robert Reed
Ahh, this Wojak will make a fine addition to my collection.
Joshua Fisher
Is this the shit opinions thread?
Angel Parker
Camden Moore
>How to make trick weapon: get X weapon type from DS and then combine it with X weapon type from DS. So innovative
So much retardation that you can't even say it properly.
Take X weapon and combine it with weapon Y.
However there is more to it than that. There is a transition attack and some weapons aren't combinations of weapons but rather different modes and movesets. You clearly haven't played the game if you think all weapons are just Kirkhammer style greatest hits weapon mashups.
Jaxon Long
Bloodborne is really special, to be honest, even amongst its Souls cousins.
The blending of two settings is really interesting, the homage to gothic and 1900s horror mashed together, a decent backstory behind it of tragic figures uncovering ancient terrible things and reaping what they sow. It's also faithful in touching upon the Lovecraftian concept of knowledge being dangerous, instead of only indulging only in muh old gods which is a common pitfall.
The music is absolutely amazing. Bloodborne's soundtrack is criminally underrated with its Holst influences and suspenseful background themes. The Sound Design goes without saying as being very competent as usual - but there are also some bold and risky decisions when it comes to the noisy bosses, so I respect that it doesn't just play it safe. Lots of unique, iconic sound cues you'll never forgot.
Obviously this is all fluff to round out the game itself. The gameplay is obviously not unique as it was already seen in three games prior to it, but it manages to be weighty and deliberate that doesn't clash too badly with a faster pace. The level design is full of shortcut porn and it manages to provide the feel of really exploring a dying city and not necessarily just "levels".
It also has great "moments". Ludwig's reveal is obviously one of the best but you have other stuff, some of which are scripted but others happen organically through just playing.
It's not perfect. The DLC is basically required, as the original Vanilla is a pale shadow without it. Lots of overly dark environments and whilst they do mix it up, it's still too dark - Souls understands you need to create contrasts. NPCs are mostly pointless. Insight is a cool concept left very obviously unfinished.
It's a game that can scare you, interest you, make you sad, get your blood pumping, and all in a package that feels fresh. It's not a masterpiece, it's simply what a AAA full price video game SHOULD BE, as a very minimum.
Aiden Gonzalez
Elijah Hughes
The game is fucking trash that pretentious faggots like everyone on Sup Forums loves because it's built in difficultly, but after spending *cough* 10,000 hours *cough* grinding and learning the game they can claim that it's easy. The story is completely incomprehensible without it being explained to you or looking up all the lore, but Sup Forumsirgins get the opportunity to say >lel just pay attention to the item descriptions that weren't even included in the vanilla version >lele just read the letters of cryptic nothing that feeling of superiority makes these Sup Forumsirgins rock hard. don't think too much of it
Carter Price
I play for exploration and the fun of finding new weapons/armor/items, in case you forgot the most basic appeal of gaming for the vast majority of people.
>muh lore
Are you actually retarded.
Brayden Hill
Dark Souls 3 is way less vivid than BB. BB isn't super colorful but it at least usually uses deep blues, greens, or reds. DaS 3 is a gray turd like everywhere besides Archdragon Peak and Irithyll (which may as well be Yarnham)
Hunter Perez
>Stake Driver ceastus that can only trust press l1 to get claw moveset hold r2 for five hours to make a bit stronger epic cuhhhrazyy flashy attack >Threaded Cane sword movest press l1 to get whip moveset >saw cleaver sword moveset press l1 to get sword movest: slower but with bigger range edition >saw spear saw cleaver movest press l1 to get a slight variation of transformed saw cleaver
you are pathetic
Robert Robinson
Can you name what is so damn special about DS1's world design that the other games, apparently, get wrong? WELL??
Aiden Cook
Saw Cleaver is not a sword. It's a completely different shape and style, you may as well say that any fucking weapon with a handle is just a sword. The Saw Spear's transformed form has a completely different moveset than the cleaver. I also liked that you only tackled less than half the listed weapons.
Daniel Kelly
Not him but the interconnectedness and nonlinearity of Dark Souls 1's world design, along with how much geographical sense everything makes is really, really impressive.
Ryan Sullivan
>. It's a completely different shape and style so what it has sword moveset
i didnt unlock other listed weapons but i bet theyre same uninspired garbage
John Hughes
It doesn't have the sword moveset. The sword moveset is totally different. >didn't unlock any weapons beyond the very first few areas what a surprise
Dylan Edwards
>It doesn't have the sword moveset. The sword moveset is totally different. citation needed
Joseph Myers
Why bother to shitpost and not put any effort into it at all? It's clear you have nothing better to do so fuck off to another thread. And to the faggot above you >item descriptions weren't in the vanilla version No, they weren't on the loading screen, but you know that you're pathetic I don't need to tell you that
>How to make trick weapon: get X weapon type from DS and then combine it with X weapon type from DS. So innovative. Instead of swapping weapons we now 'transform them'. So oo cool. Fuck, what weapons have I missed in DaS that lets me play with the bloodletter? I need to play them again since I've never played with this weapon before, and it is my favorite in BB.
Ayden Reyes
Is not that they get wrong, they just don't get it. Dark Souls 1 has the right amount of alternative paths, interconectivity, optional areas and freedom to move around as you please. DS2 gives you four straight corridors and DS3 is a straight line while BB and Demon's Souls give you actual, discrete and disconected, levels.
>watch both videos at same time >first 6 sec are literally same thanks for proving loser
Camden Sullivan
They always will be
Jayden Mitchell
>is shown objective proof that they aren't the same >THEY ARE THE SAME THOUGH Literally the only similarities are 2 wide swinging arcs that at least 50% of all weapons in the series have. Commit suicide.
Colton Campbell
>0.2$ has been added to you're account
Kevin Sullivan
It's not much but BB had SOME DaS 1 esque interconnectivity, mostly with the first half. There's some impressive connectivity between and different ways to get to areas like Central yarnham, Old Yarnham, Iosefka's Clinic, The Forbidden Woods, and Yahar'Ghul. It's easily the most interconnected since DaS 1.
Nathan Foster
If this is just another good video game and not special then no video games are special. It's the Magnum Opus of action adventure vidya
Xavier Fisher
Basically , but DaS1 also didn't just throw a ton of enemies at you unless the enemies were individually weak. Enemies in DaS1 were more well-placed in regards to their environment, so you'd have more times where you had to consider the approach to a situation. DaS1 also had more instances where the environment itself was designed as an obstacle, or at least something you have to be aware of. And these two things were often combined in some way.
DaS2, DaS3 and BB largely missed these things, relying more on just throwing a bunch of enemies in an area. Many people are more ok with that in BB because the MC is faster anyway, but it still isn't as interesting imo.
Samuel King
I think because people had so much trouble with the beginning of this game they think the levels all look the same if you kill gascoinge then buy the emblem and go straight to Amelia and continue on you see that it quickly turns into the forest area and on from there to all the different areas but most people on a first play through are gonna be in yarnham for awhile due to fighting gascoinge cleric beast then blood starved beast and old yarnham itself then Amelia while learning the game and keeping blood vials up they are so worn out by then they don't see that yarnham is a small part of the experience
Michael Sanders
This is my main problem with DS3, none of the areas makes you want to stay around to appreciate it except Archdragon Peak and Irythill, the rest are really boring areas to the eyes
Brandon Lewis
>Dark Souls 1 has the right amount of alternative paths, interconectivity, optional areas and freedom to move around as you please.
Which were relevant mostly for speedrunners or at least those doing their xth replay. The game very clearly had the intended area play order and was going to wreck your ass for deviating from it, sometimes with enemies that were literally invulnerable for unprepared characters. That's until Lordvessel, at which point you had to visit 4 unconnected areas to kill bosses at.
Jackson Clark
I'm fine with it in BB because that game is supposed to feel like a constant, visceral struggle to stay alive where you have very little time to breathe. It's not too bad in DaS 3 because you are still fast and they still have a lot of strong enemies that fight you one on one like the Cathedral Knights. It was only a huge issue in DaS 2 because the mechanics were slow, floaty garbage even as DEX that game pulled all sorts of horse shit with it >instead of making the huge mobs full of lesser enemies like das 3 and bb it just fucking vomits powerful, tanky dickheads by the dozens (see syan and allone knights) >for years playing at 60 fps (which you couldn't lower on ps4 or xb1) made your weapons break insanely fast which compounded on hitting so many enemies >programmed enemy AI to all aggro at once so it's impossible to pull them one by one >LMAO 2KAT
Jace Perry
>game letting you into areas before you should be strong enough for them is bad Fuck you. The fact that DaS 1 lets you do this is it's greatest strength >rewards skilled players with early access to good loot >knowledgable players can make suicide runs to certain weapons/armor adding much greater variety to subsequent playthroughs The simple fact that BB's DLC could be accessed right after Amelia and had tons of new weapons you could run for early game increased replayability tenfold.
Jordan Bell
>Enemies in DaS1 were more well-placed in regards to their environment >DaS2, DaS3 and BB largely missed these things
Wrong. DaS1 is worse than DaS 2, specifically SotFS in terms of enemy placement. The latter simply provides much more tactical puzzles and opportunities to solve encounters with an alternative approach.
Juan Hall
Catacombs early are very viable, even for newbs. If the infested hollows in Blighttown wheren't such damage sponges it would be pretty damn easy to do it before the Burg too.
Also Positioning and how you approach enemies is very important in DaS1. A good example is the Burg's Black Knight. Fighting it on the corridor where you meet him can be pretty bad (if you can't parry). Your weapon will keep rebounding on the walls. You can lure him either upstairs for an easier fight or to the balcony where you can kick him down. The game uses cleaver positioning of enemies everywhere to make fights harder than they should be, bt you can also use it to make your life easier.
Jose Allen
It's called shitposting, user. Easy to do, hard to ignore.
Parker Bell
>The fact that DaS 1 lets you do this is it's greatest strength
Yeah. Placing enemies that literally cannot be damaged or kept from endlessly reviving in areas you don't want players to visit early game sure is "the greatest strength", instead of an attempt to provide an illusion of open world.
Gabriel Bennett
Well again, it works better in BB because of it being faster paced to begin with, I just don't think that is necessarily better like most people seem to.
And it's actually not that hard to pull most enemies in DaS2. Alonne Knights can mostly be fought individually, for instance, unless you count the archers shooting at you. At most you can fight two unless you try and go running through an area. Imo it's more an issue with DaS3 just because it's trying to half-assedly be BB, with the enemies all being faster than you.
Ethan Martin
You started with as a Cleric or got the mace behind the elevator you can damage the skeletons fine. Necromancers are fragile enough that you can rush to them. Also, the catacombs have ridiculous amounts of shortcuts based around jumping down. You only actually need to go thru 2/3s of them. And most of the places where you need to fall are very visible.
Logan Taylor
>Not hard but doesn't hold your hand >Story telling done through visuals >barely any interrupting moments or cutscenes >Great atmosphere and level design >Combat feels good
It's what a modern game should be. Not these cinematic pieces of shit that release each month. Cutscenes are an old form of storytelling. If you want that. Go watch a movie. There's no obnoxious and intrusive waypoints/objective markers. It's a game. In a world where 95% of games aren't games, this is completely welcome and I'll take all the sequels i can get.
Nicholas Russell
You find like 4 transient curses right at the beginning of New Londo, the ghosts drop them frequently and the female undead merchant sells them.
When I start yet another Dark Souls playthrough I can think of at least a dozen interesting weapons I can get right from the beginning thanks to the world design.
Jaxon Hughes
>enemies that literally cannot be damaged That's blatantly wrong, SL1 runs are a thing. You're just bad
Lincoln Ross
Sl1 without pyromancy and with barehanded I should add
Chase Hall
You can pull many enemies but there are some enemies that have AI programmed to always aggro all at once, as well as some enemies that are programmed to never be pullable and exist solely to piss you off (the two syan knights on either side of velstadts fog wall). In DaS 3 you can still sprint through areas to get to bosses but in 2 you cannot because you are vulnerable when going through fog walls and the animation is 10 times longer.
Julian Jenkins
10/10 post but Souls games are popular now so the majority of Sup Forums just shits all over them and calls them "meme games".
Joshua Hughes
Two enemies is hardly a dozen though. Many enemies are more set to have a specific range where they aggro, but due to how they are placed tend to occupy the same range. For instance the giant knights in the big round central area of Heide's can be pulled individually, but their range is so close that it's easy to pull them all.