I literally went on a limb to trust someone. and I got scammed. I've been scammed in literally every single pastime of mine. Can I killmyself yet?
- Pic for attention and literally the opposite of how I feel.

CSGO gambling addiction? Better stop now buddy...

I can't imagine how you can be scammed.

Then do shit yourself, don't trust other fucks

>Trusting people on the internet.

Please get scammed more and help some poor, underprivileged but intelligent person at your own expense again.

Consider it a minuscule contribution to something exterior to yourself that actually gives your life some small, unintended purpose.

Never, ever go out on a limb to trust someone who could disappear at any time. It will always be a scam.

You're getting scammed because you're a gullible idiot.

Play eve online

OP, I bet you're feeling more like Bob Ross already!

How are you this fucking gullible dude


Woah everyone, let's get the facts straight first
What the fuck happened OP?

OP here. Of course I'm guillible. That's part of me, and I want to die now. Any idea of any OOC drugs that relibly OD??


Trade offer scam

fucking retard delete this

How? I can't even fathom how this is such a huge issue. Like...

>Ok! Let's do this trade
>Sure thing, heheh I just need your email and password


>Don't give out your password
>Don't click links from randos
>Do your trades through official channels

It's really not that fucking hard.

It was on the offical steam platform

>Out of Context Drugs

lmao, only the rope will do

time to stop videogames

Not even videogames too.
mean OTC I didn't even notice. My b

I still don't follow. How were you scammed then? Didn't realize the value of the item you gave away? (ex: CSGO knife for a trading card)

OP send me your Steam Login password and your steam linked email login and password and i'll get your items back for you

Sure thing bro, you got an email I should send these to?

[email protected]
my steam username is paulcombetta_xD
and password is hax4hillary

cigarettes but it takes a while