Are you still purchasing it?

of course

It will be back to bloodborne shilling in a month, I can guarantee it

Fucking hell, why are all new games complete and utter irredeemable shit?

is anyone actually looking at 80 as a bad score? That's fantastic

not for metacritic standards it ain't

What's a good according to MC then?

You are part of the cancer living inside the rating systems

It's certainly not bad, even by the warped standards of metacritics bullshit, but it's certainly not fantastic either.

Probably not, Nier will be out by March and it might be good enough to be Ps4's second legit game to own.


well green means good either way

>Stopped listening to metacritic scores
>Realize that reviewers are usually biased fucking hacks
>Realize Sup Forums is hardly ever right
>Now enjoy several games with a sub-70 score on Metacritic

Feels good. That said, I really haven't kept up with Gravity Rush and can't say I know what it is. Anyone here, for or against, wanna give me a quick breakdown of the genre and mechanics and shit?

>Also on PC*

>caring what """"""journalists""""""" think

I just hope the combat is more interesting than gravity kick into gravity kick into gravity kick into the aoe special move rinse repeat.

There's barely any games released this gen with that score

Is this some reverse mind game where you say something that's good is bad just to have people try to prove you wrong and in so doing drums up attention for it and increasing exposure? Fuck you and your mind games Sup Forums.

the last game got 80, why are people acting as if it had 90 before

The only thing it can be compared to is Spider-Man 2. You can't even figure out how the game actually works even from watching gameplay.

I prefer FAKE TALK tbhfamalam

>80 for a sony game

That's like a 6 for a nintendo game, not worth it.

Well, it's not coming out at the same time, apparently, so I guess PS4 will have it exclusively for a little bit.

Considering i just finished GR1, no since it might feel repetitive.
I'll pick it up later when it goes on sale.

>caring about review scores

Yes, that's why sonyggers are in constant damage control while pcmr is playing old games.

there's a few, but much less than usual yeah. This gen hasn't been very good.

80 sony game is like 90+ for a nintendo game

Why are you bringing consolewars to this?


People pop in 2 feet in front of you

>victim complex
Reviewers always overrate both Sony AND Nintendo's biggest games (TLOU, Uncharted, Zelda, Mario) while underrating their lesser known games (Gravity Rush, Codename STEAM)

Not him but it has very obvious limitations like

I'm not. Just clarifying the situation since you seem stupid as fuck.

GR is alos overrated. 83 for the first game? Give me a break. I LOVED it but it's 7/10 at best.

Fuck no. First game wasn't worth a port to begin with.

Say it with me:

I loved grr.
2 is more and improved gravity rush.
Preordered because I really like white outfits for some reason.

No. GR is a meme game hyped up by vitafags who were desperate for any mediocre game

Fuck yeah, really enjoyed the demo plus I can now play Raven. Preordered after playing the demo

for an anime style game, that's pretty high. I just started playing the original though, and the stealth sections are annoying because you can't fucking see shit. Wrong game for stealth mechanics.

I purchashe one copy of any game released on a Sony console.

When it gets to 25 at least. Not worth 50


Nah, Taro himself expects Nier to flop

It's lower than the first game got on Vita and this is the era of overrated reviews, so no not really. I'm actually very skeptical now.

Uh... Yes? Why would other people's opinions factor into my purchase of a game, let alone people I don't know? I had a blast with gr1 and I will no doubt have an even better time with gr2.

plus there's more Raven. I mean, come on.

But it got the same score as the PS4 port

I might get it for my toaster at some point, probably not at launch though.
Huge backlog so new games aren't really a priority for me.

It could have gotten 100 and I would still wait when it is 20$

Taro would know what he's talking about too. All of his games are cult hits at best. Even Platinum tends to do only do slightly better than that and are largely cult hits themselves, so it's not like you can count on them to boost that.

Good thing Taro is friends with some Sony exec and/or owns his ass, apparently. Or maybe the exec just really, really likes Taro's insane bullshit.

Most remasters get lower scores than their game.

But you have to see that GR2 claims to be vastly superior. Clearly they fell short with such lacking reviews.

Raven a bitchy slut.
Kat is perfect.

Both are special. Did you watch the shitty anime? Raven is love.

nioh is coming out next might cause a ruckus

It won't.

Taro is a funny guy in real life. He probably wins people over with his charm.

im wiling to bet on that

The whole game is made by fans for fans.
Platinum is on it because the Square Enix guys who are helping make the game are Platinum fans and wanted to work with Platinum for once.
And the guys funding the game are huge Tarofags too.

>80 is a 6 for a nintendo game

Then Splatoon is a 6.1?

>obscure weeb game
>that's a clone of souls, a tired genre
>making a splash

Everyone loves his insane shit as long as the reach all the endings.


A genre on which the best selling game barely broak 3m sales

80 isn't bad but, some people might consider if its worth 60€ for them. It's a lot of money for something that might not last you a long time, it's also why multiplayer games are so big right now

ill buy you a game on steam if im wrong


I haven't looked at the reviews but sure. 80 is what I'd give the first game and while I'd want GR2 to improve it isn't like being another 80 is a bad thing.

I liked GR1, and all the reviews I've seen are saying "If you like GR1, you'll like this too"

The only downside I've seen is that they fucked up the gravity slide.

She is a cute. I want to give her a hug.

Yeah the thing with competitive multiplayer games is I only want one of them at a time, because they're a big time sink to master. So I should be spending more cash on singleplayer games, but there's all these big releases and there's nothing that seems really worth it considering my backlog and lack of release polish.

but being a flop wouldnt affect whether or not it was a must have game

I want to, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get into it. The demo was a bit iffy while playing, though I'm not sure if that's a result of me playing in beginner mode.

The story, atmosphere and everything was comfy, I guess the gameplay was too unorthodox to get used to.

It was the E3 demo. Supposedly the real game will have the rough edges polished.

I'll wait for videos though.

Looks mediocre like tlg

Considering all the sony "journalist" and "magazine" review sites likely stuffed the score, it's likely a 70. Judging by gameplay video that seems to match up as well

>cry about vita holding the game back
>moves to ps4
>still mediocre and still no one will play it


I watched it but I didn't realize youtube cc would translate a made up language so I didn't understand the dialogue.
Gonna watch it again with subs early next week after another playthrough of remastered.

buy Kat's game!

I want to take her to the market and sample fresh foods with her.

No way, fag.

>they fucked up the gravity slide
What? It's all kinds of better now, primary the wall-climbing luna slide.

How did they fuck it up? It was awful in the first game.

Maybe for the average Sup Forumsirgin

Absolutely. Most of the reviewers are mad it had no guns and they get queezy from disorientation.
If you enjoyed the first game you'll love the sequel.

not that guy, but comparing the slide from GR1 to GR2 Demo slide, man... the GR1 slide was way better.
yes the camera being zoomed out more is nice but it's so swimmy and floaty and if you even just barely fall off an edge the game goes all kinds of crazy not know wether you are floating or standing on a sidewall
i thought the sliding was perfectly fine in the first game, at least with the PS4 controls.

I'm going to have a lot of fun with lunar mode.

Guess that's why this shit got no marketing

sony really doesn't have faith in their weebshit but i can't blame them. They know what the west wants

No one pops in front of you irl fag.

Looks legit good, might buy a PS4 to play it

Why do neither Yakuza 0 nor Gravity Rush 2 have any preorder or day 1 bonus?
is it really that out of fashion?
this is the first time where i feel i would totally preorder Gravity rush 2 if it came out with some bonus.
but at this point i will just buy Yakuza 0 Day 1 and Gravity Rush 2 once it's 30-40€

It's kind of remarkable how they managed to make it worse than it already was.

Where do you live? There's lots of bonuses for Amazon Japan, EB Games is bundling a new costume/soundtrack, the digital copy on the PS Store has some preorder stuff like themes.

>swimmy and floaty
Upgrades, user. We got the level 1 demo slide. It feels the exact same as the un-upgraded GR1 slide.

Considering any game with niche appeal almost never goes above a 75,
80 is higher then I expected this to get.

I bought the vita version of Gravity Rush years ago and still havent finished it

so probably not

Both of you guys are dumb! The presumably unupgraded demo slide is faster than fully upgraded GR1 slide and it's easier to control. It's a lot crazier in that it climbs over everything but that's actually useful because in the first game you would get snagged on curbs and have to stop.

i only want retail copies, a theme would have been pretty neat but i like my current theme.
either way, no bonus over here, but there is nothing wrong with waiting anyways, they will probably have enough copies and it will drop in price fast.

>everyone agrees video game critics are stupid scrubs who hate video games and can't figure out even the simplest controls (which is why they love interactive movie games)
>everyone agrees that game critics are way too likely to bomb a game like Super Mario's score because of personal politics (a woman gets kidnapped so it's sexist!)
>everyone agrees that metacritic scores are the end all be all despite all of this
Seriously, this doesn't make any sense. How do you all manage to be both so trusting and distrusting of critics at the same time?

Because they want something that confirms they made a good purchase, or shit posting.
Probably shit posting.

The same way we do all of our bizarre, schizophrenic shit: it's not the same people doing both things.

90% of Sup Forums is trolling and/or shitposting. I doubt the people who participate in metacritic score flame wars actually give a fuck, they just want to laugh at the losing team.

>there are people who base their purchasing decisions based on reviews that video game "journalists" write

Literally why