Have you played the GOTY today?

Have you played the GOTY today?

Jokes aside, I've actually had some fun with this so far. Its kusoge, sure, but I've definitely played worse.

Are Aya and Saki in this as unlockable characters?

You are the enemy full rip where?

I don't think so.

>it's out today
Oh wow, I didn't know.
How dialogue heavy is it? I guess it's probably as braindead as Onechanbara?

It looked super jank, like it was actually a Simple 2000 series PS2 game to the end. Is it actually fun?

>Z2 was actually half decent and a pretty deep hack and slash mechanics wise
Oh boy I can't wait for the next one, maybe it'll look good this time
>Generic pantsu shooter spinoff
baka desu senpai

This. I love lewd fanservice games, but this game seems to have less effort put into it than even Oneechanbara. It's definitely a new gen SIMPLE game but priced like a normal game. Didn't they say that they were gonna revive the SIMPLE series anyway?

Z2 would've been better if it
1. had a more "animated" artstyle. It currently looks like they tried putting anime girls in a realistic artstyle and it's super offputting
2. has better enemy variety and AI. It has deep mechanics but it's all just literally braindead zombies with the occasional whack-a-sponge. Not even DMC4 got that ridiculous

They just ripped the OST from Onechanbara, didn't even have a paperclip and a staple budget, it was made on the budget of what a starving African orphan eats.

>It's kusoge sure
Just imagine these idiots talking like this in real life. Just being a disgusting weeb juat for the sake of it.

Considering it's a shitty Japanese only title the only ones who would be attracted to it are weeb virgins anyway, par for the course mate.

Did they see the Xenoblade potato girl and decide to make a game where everyone has her face?

Tough shit, just call it shit instead of an unecessary esoteric word to make themselves seem more cultured

And he doesn't even know that kusoge is largely used for games that are hated by pretty much everyone, yet here he boasts, "durr it's fun to me"

They released one of the trailers with English subtitles, so the entire game wouldn't happen to have an English subtitle mode, would it?

And yes, I agree this does look more low budget. The characters are super generic but it looks like simple fun like the other Onechanbara games.

To be fair, they seem to be trying something new with this one, so there is still hope for the next Onechanbara.

>Didn't they say that they were gonna revive the SIMPLE series anyway?

How much of a loser am I for really wanting this?

im not going to argue against OP being a fucking retard faggot but everything D3 Publisher makes is pretty much technically shit (EDF gets a pass for some reason) and I could point out at least 5 posts calling it shit on 2chan right now so the usage is at least semantically correct

of course it's still a forced weeb meme because we already have a perfectly good english term for a "shit game"

There's nothing wrong with liking simple games or devs scaling back ideas and just making a mindless game.
It's done wonders for Sandlot when they made Earth Defense Force.

Speaking of EDF, I really hope EDF5 adds more and more gamechangers and quality of life improvements like how they implemented Ranger sprinting. I want them to fix the loot system so it doesn't give dupe weapons, but at the cost of having less weapon tokens drop. Also, fix the armor system. Make it a universal pool that still scales in accordance to each class, have each token be worth more so as to reduce chasing, etc