18 fucking years, and nobody has managed to make a better game

18 fucking years, and nobody has managed to make a better game.

Other urls found in this thread:


yes they have, end this meme

Majoras mask came out right after it and was twice as good

Such as?

MM is merely on par with OoT at best.

Not even the best one in its own series mang.

T.Wind Waker fag

>T.Wind Waker fag
at least you recognize that ure a fag.

>Such as?
Dark Souls.

>Being this delusional
>If not delusional, thinking this bait would work in 2017

>Such as?
Breath of the Wild



Vampire Bloodlines
The Witcher 3
Dragon Age Origins
Dark Souls

>mediocre hack n slash is the GOAT

The dungeons aren't difficult, the combat isn't difficult, the only "challenge" of the game is trying to aim a bomb/bombchu correctly like in Dodongo's Cavern or the Spirit Temple

I wouldn't say an easy game can be the best game

As far as how I felt experiencing a game for the first time, you're right, it'll never be matched.
If you think better games haven't been made since then, you're delusional.

t. nintenyearold

You need to play a man's game, something that will test your very will and open your mind to dreams unimaginable, places held to your heart, and increase your overall intelligence and aptitude as a human being. Like Dark Souls.

and I wouldn't say an easy game can't be the best game but OoT still isn't the best game

>Dark Souls.
Holy shit you new-Souls fags are hilarious and desperate!

>Vampire Bloodlines
Babby's first RPG
>The Witcher 3
far inferior than TW1 alone
>Dragon Age Origins
Top fucking kek
offline MMO
>Dark Souls
inferior than Demon's Souls, and generally a mere downgraded Zelda clone at heart
The one (1) game of PS4 kids, yet no different from ^

>Little faggots on this board who were still a twinkle in their father's eye back when this was released will argue about it with you
>Their opinion has been molded by watching that shitty Egoraptor video and playing it 15 years after it was released

I don't say this lightly: If you're one of these people then fucking kill yourself. You don't know SHIT about video games.

Whatever you fucking sperglord.

Not arguments

Hello nostalgiafag

>Thinks games can make you a man, an inteligent well cultured man.

Top fucking kek

Darksiders 1 and 2 are better Zelda games.

In a way I pity those who have games like this as their favorite.

You only get the joy of discovering it once, and then what? The game doesn't give you any particular incentive to play it again or play it better than any time before. Speedrunning defeats the purpose behind playing a game like this.

All you can do is keep wistfully looking back at that one blissful first time. That one time. That one single time.

Here's your (you)

Yes there are, you are only one of many nostalgiafags out there. I know your parents were poor so you could only buy a few games and bought the ones that had more ads on tv, but come on now its time to wake up from your delusion.

if it was that good then playing it 15 years after release shouldn't make a difference desu senpai

>The one (1) game of PS4 kids
dead meme

Not an argument, tumblr is that-a-way:


>no arguments
clad we all agree

can't be dead when it's a literal truth

Link's Awakening is the only Zelda game t b h


Pick almost any non-greenlight game, and it's probably an objectively better game than OoT across the board. It's also probably a whole lot less important, impressive, or original, though.

Retard blinded by nostalgia goggles

>presents no arguments of his own, expects them in return
Oh my god are you dumb.

Majora's Mask trumped Ocarina in every way shape and form

get fucked shitter

I don't think it's fair to compare Oot to the rest of 3D games that have come after it. Sure technology and design have come a long way, but there has not been a new technology outbreak such as 3D gaming in the 90s, and you can't talk about Oot or Mario 64 without mentioning the context of the technology in those years, and how they changed everything.

Next Oot/Mario64 will be related to VR, or whatever other big, relevant change in the medium.

I played it again recently and it still felt great

>downgraded Zelda clone at heart
What? It doesn't play like it at all, and has a different design focus. You aren't solving puzzles and gathering items to reach new places, you just travel in the world to kill stuff. How's it a clone?

Hello children. Shouldn't you be in school?

>Pick almost any non-greenlight game, and it's probably an objectively better game than OoT across the board.
so you're saying with a straight face, that CoD:MW3 is better game than OoT?

>It's also probably a whole lot less important, impressive, or original, though.
And then completely negate your statement?

No son, that's not how it works.
If you claim that any game is better than THE most globally acclaimed, praised and loved game of all time, YOU need to provide arguments and evidence.

>Majora's Mask trumped Ocarina in every way shape and form
way less dungeons + time limit can be annoying. I still love both to death.

I played it 2 years ago for the first time ever and I could see why it was hot shit back then and it's definitely an enjoyable and very charming game, but it still doesn't hold a candle to modern titles.

i get why people would disagree about it being the best game ever but it's still in my top 3

>What? It doesn't play like it at all, and has a different design focus.
Sure, but that does not stop Souls-fags from trying to make the comparison and calling it the "modern Zelda". The combat still owes quite a bit to Zelda's Z-Targeting system.

by your logic it would be dota2

It's not even the best Zelda game lmao

What is so awful about playing games way after their release? Of the game is good it should be able to give you enjoyment all the same
Maybe it won't have the magic of playing it back in the day, but it's still better than not playing it

People having their opinions on things they don't know about based on people on YouTube is pretty bad, though

i didn't realize ocarina of time was old enough to jerk off about how fucking good ocarina of time was on the internet

damn does time fly

I feel like a lot of games are better. Shit on the n64 I liked Paper Mario more and felt it was a higher quality game.

>If you claim that any game is better than THE most globally acclaimed, praised and loved game of all time
Where is your evidence that this is the case?

Also the fact that this game is 18 years old pretty much defeats that argument anyhow.

You have autism

>It doesn't play like it at all

Now this is the actual meme.

Souls is more like Zelda than any other game is ad to deny this influence is folly. The core combat system mechanics, the way you focus on exploring the world and discovering new aspects of it is and the way things are soft gated by difficulty (like the NES games) make it extremely close to Zelda in spirit in ways that no other 'clone' of Zelda is.

I'm probably twice as old as you and also not a retard.

>but it still doesn't hold a candle to modern titles.
Maybe in some respects, but I still think the combat holds up today. It has a ton of depth with options for movement and attacking.

>Where is your evidence that this is the case?
All the historical records of the industry.
You can start by checking out some of the biggest ones easily available nowadays, like Wikipedia and Metacritic.

>Also the fact that this game is 18 years old pretty much defeats that argument anyhow.
How so?
Age somehow negates all its accomplishments and reception?

Getting pretty desperate there now, broski.

Came here to post this.

>Where is your evidence that this is the case?
>Also the fact that this game is 18 years old

Ban him, now.

You fail at the application of any logic.

Won't happen you dumb cunt.

>You fail at the application of any logic.
nope. You fail to understand simplest logic.

>Won't happen you dumb cunt.
this be 18+ site, sonny jim.

>And then completely negate your statement?
No, because none of those qualities inherently make a good game. A game can be unimportant, technically unimpressive, and incredibly derivative and still be a great game.

32 years and nobody has managed to make a better game. What the fug.

>Oot or Mario 64 without mentioning the context of the technology in those years

Um, yeah you can, since nothing afterwards improved upon them.


>TV3 is worst than TW1
Have you even played the first one?

>A game can be unimportant, technically unimpressive, and incredibly derivative and still be a great game.
Arguable, but all that would instantly dwarf it when compared to the actually important, impressive and original game, that's also enjoying insane amount of love even today.

>Have you even played the first one?
Four times in a row. It's literally the only GOOD game in the series.

Ocarina not only is not the greatest game of all time, it wasn't even the best game released in it's year. 1998 had plenty of better games. But even more embarrassingly, it wasn't even the best game released it's month, and arguably, not even the best game on it's fucking day of release.

Nintencucks cucked hard.

the media of 1998 would like to have a word with you.

>Umm, gaming journalists would disagree with you


A bunch of paid fucking shills and games "reviewers" shilling a Nintendo product. Haha, wow. Shit game.


You've got some extremely shitty taste if you think any of those games on that list are better than OOT

Not every reviewer in the 90s was a pleb.


If you think fucking trash like OoT is better than fucking Thief, Oddworld, Baldur's Gate, Tribes Starcraft Brood War or even slightly less good but still good games like Half Life, Rogue Squadron, Hexen 2, Settlers 3, Tomb Raider 3, DDR and such. Then you are the pleb.

Serious, Thief and Oddworld are leagues above fucking Zelda.

Is this you?

>Thief, Oddworld, Baldur's Gate, Tribes, Half-Life

All significantly better than OoT.

>Brood War, Rogue Squadron, Hexen 2, Settlers 3, Tomb Raider 3, DDR

All worse than OoT.

OoT is one of the most important games but it cant be still the best in todays time. Many have surpassed it.

>Review by: Emil Pagliarulo

Holy kek. That's some weird shit. Either gaming journalists were corrupt back then or he got his job at LGS due to that review. Or maybe he just liked Thief 1 so much he applied for a job at LGS.

Emil Pagliarulo was a level designer on Thief 2 and he was responsible for the famous Life of the Party level that everyone loves. Good guy, but he fell from grace because he left and joined fucking Bethesda afterwards as a writer and wrote Fallout 4's main story

jesus fuck son, calm your tits.
I could drown you in more material, but some of them are in European runes you clearly won't understand.

Metroid FUCKING Prime

When I was a kid, I would get up around this time to play an hour of Ocarina of Time before I had to get ready for school.

Okami is better than any Zelda game

Thats sweet, can you link your blog so i don't miss future entires?

Okami is casual Zelda clone.

like it or not aggregate review scores are a solid indication of quality.

Also it came out in 1998, gaming journalism was actually somehwat reliable since the industry wasn't completely bought and owned by whoever paid the most for review scores.

OoT got 10/10 across the board, in a time where the scale wasn't 7/10 upwards like nowadays.

It is mate

Sorry to burst your bubble. Fucking Oddworld, are you even trying to be taken seriously?

Jesus christ get some taste. I like the game but it's shit, that's just an objective fact. The stealth mechanics don't fucking work at all.

You can read all my newest entries on >>

Bioshock Infinite was praised across the board too

I believe the story is that LG contacted him and offered him a job after that review.

Did you even look at my image you dumb retard? It was written in 1995. Gaming Journalism was already completely corrupt, bought and paid for in 1995. OoT is a shit game and any journalist from 1998 is untrustworthy as fuck.

>not liking Oddworld

Opinion thrown in the fucking trash

Thief is better as an exploration game than stealth. Thief was like Quake in that it changed direction massively in the last few months before release. It was never meant to be a stealth game.

It wasnt reliable though, game journalists were still massive casual susceptible to hype and novelty

>Bioshock Infinite was praised across the board too
No, it really wasn't.
Only the most brainwashed Xbots ever did.

On no planet is Oddworld better than OOT. What a joke, I can't believe you're even telling me your honest opinion here and not just trying some low level bait

It's all relative user. OoT is my favorite game ever but I'm the first to admit it's not objectively the best compared to everyting available today. It is, however, the GOAT when you give it some context.

When it came out it set a new standard for gaming. It introduced a shitton of now industry standards and had a feeling of polish and adventure that simply didn't exist anywhere else.

For it to be beaten, IMO, it has to be a game that is equally ahead of it's time, not a game that is simply good because it stands on the shoulders of the ones that came before it.

Yes it was though, your own image demonstrates this

>like it or not aggregate review scores are a solid indication of quality.

Yes, in the sense that something with a high aggregate score is probably not total shit, but not in the sense that something with a high aggregate score is truly great.

All they're really a good indication of is mass appeal.

The stealth mechanics are literally the best the industry has ever produced.

it is if you played oddworld as a 10 year old and never played OoT, which is obviously the case