The PS2 had an amazing and diverse library, but which game was the absolute best?

The PS2 had an amazing and diverse library, but which game was the absolute best?

Other urls found in this thread:

dogs life

i cri evrytim

i dont know, shadow of the colossus i guess


It depends solely on your preference of games.


get the fuck out, you filthy normie.


Ratchet and clank if you like platforming and guns. Had some genuinly funny parts too

MGS2 (fuck you)
Red Faction
Rtype Final

My number 1 nomination will mean nothing to no one though

Tribes: Aerial Assault


My personal favorite is Ace Combat Zero

There's like a good 30 games on the PS2 I can see as being someone's favorite though.



Final Fantasy X

>not wanting to discuss your favorite games

Go back to /vr/

Steambot Chronicles. Nothing better than rolling into town on your mech, pulling out a trumpet, and jazzing the night away on a street corner.



I want to play these games/watch the anime/read the manga after I get around to playing some PSO and playing through PSU.


The whole of Project .hack is fantastic, and I revist the games every few years still. Though they can get rather repetitive/grindy so you really have to be expecting that or it'll turn you off quickly I imagine. It's a common complaint anyway.

The second .hack project, Conglomerate, which includes GU and Roots isn't as great as the original, but it's still decent.

This need to give the GU music lady more work