Cube World

Sup Forums, I want to know the truth....

Other urls found in this thread:

i forgot his name but

>updated almost frequently
>something happened, don't remember
>now he said he's updating but slowly.

>last update was 2014

it's honestly not coming back, which is a huge shame since it's so much fun.

>people shill cube world because notch was taking vacations instead of updating minecraft
>"this game is gonna be way better than minecraft. and it's made by a dev who updates regularly"
>game sells a lot so dev takes year long gaps between updates, sometimes longer
>mfw i didn't fall for it but retards on Sup Forums did

Why not mod the game?

Just play Dragon Quest Builders

I paid $20 to be taught a valuable lesson.

is it worth getting for free?

Exactly my thoughts. Had fun with it for awhile, then decided to wait for the full release, which never happened.

Don't waste your time, its barely an alpha. Unfinished, incomplete, empty and desolate of content or anything worthwhile.

Good to kill an hour or two. Only difficult if you try to solo the dungeons at a much lower level than recommended.

>>people shill cube world because notch was taking vacations instead of updating minecraft

It wasn't so much shilling, just an incredible amount of hype all around leading to it's release.

It was rumored to be pretty good but the thing that really got the fire going was the fact that their servers complete shit the bed immediately upon release, so no one could purchase the game from their website.

People went apeshit, and on top of that, mirrors to pirated copies kept getting taken down. There were multiple threads 24/7 about it for like a week after release here because of that.

And then a week later no one cared. Then even less people after that because no fucking updates.

Oh and he fixed the glider bug, which was one of the only fun things to do in the game.

it came out under a different name

Is this for PC?


>Sup Forums its dead, oh my nobody is working on it.

Fucking retards, just take one second to look up some infos befor you shitpost.
And i'm not even so keen on Cube world the fucker takes to long to make updates.

this updates is even newer. You fucking fags just learn to google.


>this game is gonna be way better than minecraft
it already is

Holy shit Cube World is from 2013?

I feel very crippled by the ever flowing river of time Sup Forums hold me....

At least you could find one thing

hes still working on it, its not his job just a dream game.

>His last update was in November
>I'm no longer friends with the people who I used to play this game with

Thanks Wollay.

The only thing I liked is the early leveling stage
After you get to certain level everything becomes too easy and all you have left is exploring but even that gets stale after a while

>guy works on it on the side for fun
>plans on releasing it when hes done
>retards start sending him death threats because he wont sell it
>decides to sell it and continue at the same snailpace from it being on the side
>people are upset




if you pay really close attention to the world, you'll find out that shit like this isn't even close to a rare occurrence.

it's just a lot more visible now thanks to the internet, and chan culture has sown a new generation of retard kids who do shit like this.


He updates the game frequently he just doesn't release those updates, he's a big perfectionist and wants to do giant content updates all at once instead of small incremental ones.

I think this is stupid because I want to play with the new shit as it's done, I can't wait literal years while he teases the content on twitter every few weeks, that shit aint ballin. The fact that I enjoy the game and look forward to the content makes it that much harder.

I forgot all about this game. I remember like every youtuber was making it hype

I remember finding out about the game through a youtube video and the guy was pretty excited for it (this was before it was ever available to purchase). I kinda feel bad for him

Was always destined to suck anyway, boot up the alpha and have a quick go at the combat (Functionally the only real part of the game) and you'll get to immediately realize that Wollay has no fucking idea how to design a game and fails on such a basic level so frequently that there's no possible way anything he designs could ever turn out good.
I don't care how slow it gets developed if it's just going to slowly turn from an unfinished piece of shit into a complete piece of shit, so there's that.