Yakuza 0

>no english voices

Do they want this game to bomb? If they want to market this as an open world brawler something more like sleeping dogs than GTA then no one in the west is gonna buy shit that ain't in english

It's like they want this game to fail when it's the one title they can re-introduce new fans in to

Just fucking kill yourself.

Nobody who plays this wants shitty English voices. Neck yourself, casual.

Bet you're actually a Yakuza fag who is just false flagging to give the game some attention.

Here. A bump.

>still talking in meme language


>listening to shitty JP voices

No matter how hard you try, you're still white

Not OP, but I want to hear a language that I can actually understand than reading subtitles all time

>wanting a shitty dub


Thy tried that with 1 nearly a decade ago and it wasnt profitable.
Keeping Japanese voices and do a text translatiok only is not only cheaper, but it adds to the authenticity of the game's setting.
Hearing Japanese gang members screaming "Fucker!" at you is cringeworthy.
This is the third time they've tried to revive this series in the west. They sure as shit dont want to appeal to a larger and more casual audience by ADDING to te cost of the project.
The small niche audience is enough for the publisher to make it break even.

>Wanting English dubns in yakuza

You ARE aware the English dubs are what made Yakuza 1 bomb horribly over here right?

They were awful and mostly filled wioth various out of place black guy voiced lines of "I FUCKING KILL YOU" "FUCKHEAD" "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD" over and over.

Yakuza is the one game I accept JP voices over strictly ebcause it takes place in tokyo, real day setting. theres no reason for it to be dubbed here, and people play yakuza for its combat. The detective stories are just a bonus.

yeah sleeping dogs was set in ching chang land and the english voices were good, people actually know about that game even though it's a shitty batman combat

>japanese game
every time

Kill this arrogant mother fucker!


>The small niche audience is enough for the publisher to make it break even.

No, sony had to pay for Y5, don't go pretending they were making enough money

If Y0 and Y1 actually bomb, expect them to cancel Y6 localisation or delay it for years until sony bails them out

This is how casual Sup Forums has become over the years.

>I want to hear a language that I can actually understand than reading subtitles all time

Stop exaggerating. Whats "all the time" for you? Do you purposely plays games outside your language barrier? If so you only have yourself to blame for not making the initiative to learn their language.




forget the voices who ever thought releasing Yakuza zero on the same day as res7 is retarded

It's just personal preference, I will always pick english dub if it's available because it helps me focus better on the narrative rather than hearing gibberish.

Text translation of a 3 year old game is cheap as fuck not to mention that it was digital only.
Yakuza 5 was successful enough to warrant Zero and Kiwami to be localized.
Zero is also a good startingpoint for newfags. The game is unique enough that LP fags will attract more fans just by making a "WTF is this crzay game?!?!? Part 23" LP

Holy shit neo v go.

>As Resi 7

And Tales of Berseria
And KH 2.8
Aaaand the Glacier White PS4

Have fun at Gamestop.

Are you the same guy who makes those Persona 5 threads every day

This. There is literally no reason wasting the time and money on something that nobody wanted in the first place. I have rarely seen an English dub that was good unless it's RE, MGS, or Silent Hill.

We were always going to get zero retard. they said the sales of 5 won't affect the series at that moment
Good call since it was on the fucking ps3 in 2015

I would actually feel even more removed from Yakuza if it were dubbed. With all the nonsense and bizarre behaviors, I couldn't really be sold on getting into the setting if it were all in english. That little barrier is what gets me more invested in the game

Okay no, don't agree to my post because you clearly are a japanophile elitist.

My point was simply that this japanese dub high outranks the english one that nearly tanked the series back in the day. Not that all english dubs are bad, as most are far better then the japanese counterpart, depending on circumstance, and hired cast.

dumb american poster

Now that's not very nice is it?

>Text translation of a 3 year old game is cheap as fuck

If that was true sony wouldn't have had to bail them out after years

>Yakuza 5 was successful enough to warrant Zero and Kiwami to be localized.

More like they think Zero and Kiwami will have a better chance selling more on the fastest selling console since ps2 since ps3 is abandoned in the west which is why they fucked up on Y5 a year and months ago.

If these games bombs even in these prime conditions Y6 is never gonna come unless bailed by sony again

Ignorance is bliss I guess, maybe it's because you can't understand the language you can swallow the bad dialogue and terrible acting more easily.

>I accept JP voices over strictly ebcause it takes place in tokyo, real day setting.

And yet Sleeping dogs took place in Hong Kong and the dub was still good and people actually heard of that series here

So is this where we discuss Yakuza for today or the other thread?
Also actual spoilers and whatnot
I finally figured out why no majima fight in Yakzua 6
His clanbuilder moveset is just his 0 secret style again.
I guess they didn't want to put his 0 moveset on a boss again like they did for Kiwami

>You ARE aware the English dubs are what made Yakuza 1 bomb horribly over here right?

What a crock of shit. The original is still the biggest-selling entry in the series in the West. It WAS a bomb, which is why they didn't want to spend any money recording English dialogue for the sequels, but the rest have been super duper bombs.

Khhsubs will save us if those two games bomb.


Why would a japanese person speak english in japan? It might be autistic but I consider language a part of setting. If a japanese game has a western setting I prefer the dub because it wouldn't make any sense for western characters to be conversing in japanese. Nothing is more jarring/immersion breaking than hearing an english speaker butcher a nip name/word and vice versa.

fine by me what do I care? It's a great series of games.

>Japanese asscreed of open world brawlers

no thanks, niggas can't go more than 2 years shitting out a game


Retard. When English games are dubbed into Japanese, they typically sound like shit as well.

I typically speak Japanese with my coworkers when we want our conversation to remain private in public.

What? Yeah right

Everyone in HK speaks english so it's not really in the same boat as yakuza.