This is what Fallout 4 graphics should've been

This is what Fallout 4 graphics should've been.

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mediocre action game?

The whole game is what Arkham Knight should have been. The car is very powerful but doesn't take focus over the actual protagonist and it feels like a car instead of a weightless hovercraft.

Well yeah because Max keeps losing the car all the time in the movies while Batman takes care of his.

We know it's a mediocre action game, that's why it should've took a few pages out of Mad Max's book.

Too bad Bethesda aren't capable of making anything that looks anywhere near this good.

i love how great this game looks and how well it runs on my toaster

>Mad Max made by the B team
>insanely well optimized
>Just Cause 3 made by the A team
>ran like hot garbage
How did they fuck up so bad?

>becomes mac-compatible
>spend 9 hours downloading it
>have to spend another hour downloading current OS
>"mac doesn't meet specs"

what did they mean by this?

Diversity quotas.

they mean you should get a real computer

Are you Andrew Dobson?

feel free to buy me one, even if i could justify the purchase over college expenses it's a $300 machine that only marginally outperforms my current shitty computer.

other way around
A-team worked on Mad Max
Shocking, I know

macs are way overpriced compared to pcs

No, but he sounds like a total ass

This game was fucking horrible.I know hyperbole is the norm on Sup Forums, but it really was just utter shit. It must have had development problems since it's just so devoid of interesting things to do.

It was a gift I could not refuse, if I bought my own pc I wouldn't have this problem.

Always give cash!


Yea, after JC2 they worked on Mad Max which took a long time to make so B-team made JC3 and the rest is history
Evidence is seen in the credits, same guys who worked on JC2 worked on Mad Max

Damn, makes sense though with how well done MM is.

>well done
In the technical sense maybe

But it's a mix of Batman and AC but dragged on for way longer then it needs and very repetitive.

I really liked this game. I don't remember hearing a lot of buzz about it. It's probably one of the best "movie games" I've played. If you don't mind the "collect-a-thon" style of games then this is an extremely well-optimized, well-executed example of one.

I don't have much else to say about it. What are some other good "movie games"? What do you call them, licensed games?

If someone says Spider Man 2 ignore them
I say hardly none

Excellent graphics and physics coupled with impressive optimization.

But the gameplay was really poor and the open-world was reduced to fetch quests and check list errands.

It's almost a waste of all that technology.

>not working to buy your own shit
>complaining of free stuff
spoiled brat

I want to fug these skyboxes.

You fucks are convincing me to buy it, how does it fare against that LoTR game? Better or worse? Since I kinda liked the LoTR game, even with the shittastic QTE boss

Worse, because LoTR at least has the nemesis mechanic.

It's worth getting. The electric storms are pretty good.

Don't buy it, you'll feel confused and angry as to why there's any following for this game at all on Sup Forums.

Crazy old lady > Crazy guy > Crazy guy in boat.

I want to remember their names... at least I have Chum. Rest in peace you crazy mechanic


He was too good for that world

I couldn't get into Shadow of Morder but I fucking loved this game. Does Shadow of Mordor open up? I remember thinking that the world map was really small.

>Sup Forums hating fun games

>all those NPCs dedicated to telling you how to sneak into the base
>"sneaking" ends the moment you run into any enemy

You can just tell the devs wanted to do something different to what we got but Ubisoft was there pressuring them into making generic crap

Those were actually one of the better parts of the game, the random NPCs around the place.

Who ran over the water beggars here?

Pinkeye was the cripple lady.
Deep Friar was the burn victim.
I think the self-mutilation guy was Jeet. Or some very close variation of that syllable.
Can't remember the pirate guy's name.

About the same. As empty and pointless as one another. Each then have a few different strengths that some will like more than others.
I think Mad Max is a bit better, but maybe only if you can run it at Max(get it?).

The game has the best Mad Max we've ever had. And he even has an Australian accent.
Not that his character is crucial to his films so it's not a huge achievement. But it's still pretty nice.
The storms are amazing.
Most of the environments are pretty amazing.
Underwater Volcano with no water around is something I hadn't thought of seeing before and it looks superb.

The story starts okay, is terrible towards the climax, and the ending; in dealing with how the game fits into canon is absolutely fucking hilarious.

For garbage Assassin's Creed gameplay of press M1 a lot and sometimes press M2, it's decently satisfying. The animations are pretty based.

>Who ran over the water beggars here?
It was an accident... the first time.

Only shit that bothered me was
>Hold Button to do EVERYTHING
>Jump a useless button with the ultra gravity.

It wasn't so much ultra gravity, just that the jump was a tiny rise in your character's hitbox.
It was applicable in quite a few situations still.

>car isn't finished it needs two long range gas tanks in the back
>but that's where I sit!
>so put a fucking passenger seat in and ride up front you crippled sperg

Was that really so hard, Max

You got to remember, Max is as crazed as Chum about his car.


Get it bro.

it could just be incompetence on the developers behalf. They never done stealth before, and stealth and open world rarely mixes well.
>Underwater Volcano with no water

I hate how Warner Brothers turned all their franchices in amalgamation of Batman and Assasin's Creed.
They're worse than Ubisoft desu

mad macs

you're acting like that's not the case for just cause

I knew I worded that awfully.
I love the aesthetic of environments that used to be under the sea completely drained dry.
My favorite was this really cool underwater volcano. Except because of the setting it obviously wasn't underwater anymore.

What part of Australia is it meant to be set in, anyway?

Those people on the sailbuggy are dead if they're not pointed at New Zealand

It isn't
Oh right that's what you meant.

There's a salt flat so it has got to be coastal.

Just finished the game the other day.

It's pretty good, but my biggest complaint is the repetition.

The "camps" or "fortresses" that you clear out are generally very samey, and there are only three different objective types they can have.

I thought at first that I'd try looting every loot point that shows up on the map, until I realized the sheer number of them. I really felt that way about everything in the game--most of the things to do on the map are kind of boring. The most fun parts are the convoy attacks, which are nothing but vehicular combat, which the game does very well.

The melee combat is pretty good, but not as smooth and responsive as Shadow of Mordor's or any of the Arkham games.

I didn't understand why there are four different bases to build up. Each one has different "stations" you can build that give you benefits, like restocking your ammo, giving you more scrap, or refilling your health every time you come in to the base. The problem is, after you complete one base, you can fast travel back there any time you want, so why would you want to waste time building stations at any other base?

The game looks great, and runs very well. I expected as much from Avalanche though, considering how JC2 ran on my old toaster and still looked incredible.

The most impressive visual effects are caused by storms. You can see the clouds quickly approaching from far off, and it looks incredible. It also gives a feeling of genuine fear (for the first few times, at least) because it looks very menacing. When it actually hits you, it also looks great. Suddenly the wind is roaring and visibility is heavily reduced. Depending on the type of the storm, you might want to actually seek shelter, but if you stay outside in the storm, you can find loot crates that drop 300 scrap a piece. Lightning storms are especially dangerous, so you might want to go inside if you encounter one of those early on.

The apparent infrastructure and adjacency to both what used to be the ocean as well as the most arid desert regions means it's mostly a fantasy location.

The original(pre-apocalypse) was filmed in Victoria, so south east is the best answer.
No sort of disaster, natural or unnatural would transform an enviroment into a rocky desert as the later films depict though.

>implying the sheepfuckers would fare any better
In the state of economic upheaval leading to the anarchy of the first film would also be felt in New Zealand, where the Maori would chimp out and the only retaliation would be also gang based.

What you mean? Any part, a nuke exploded.

>No sort of disaster, natural or unnatural
I thought global warming caused the oceans to evaporate

>and he even has an Australian accent.
That abomination is not an australian accent.

As far as I'm aware it's left somewhat ambiguous. A combination of accelerated natural disaster like global warming, in combination with nuclear war in some places and some other shit.

Fallout is heavily based on Mad Max and the pre-war setting of that is quite similar. Everyone is scrambling for the same resources and everything else(diplomacy, public order, environmental control) is pretty much forgotten.

It's Australian as fuck compared to Hardy and Gibson. It's not unreasonable.

I sound like I'm American to other Australians but I still sound Australian to Americans.

If global warming has reached that level then humanity would be long dead

The only answer we get to why things are desert now is a nuclear war, however the second film does say that Max travel more inland after the first movie.

>You can see the clouds quickly approaching from far off, and it looks incredible.

This. I love rolling around in storms hunting down muthaloot crates.

>Everyone is scrambling for the same resources and everything else(diplomacy, public order, environmental control) is pretty much forgotten.
Maybe in Bethesda Fallout

But Fallout 1 and 2 had cities with law and order.

In the game you spent most of you time driving around what should be deep coastal waters, I don't think any amount of nukes would boil away that much on a permanent basis

I'm just going by what the movie tells us, first there was a war. Then things got worse

That's an obvious assumption yes. But they're not contradictory.
America is obviously a superpower with a massive military, so they can hold martial law over large populations. Not to mention the timeline is closer to the post-war golden age of not complaining about the government or the state of affairs, which is unnaturally perpetuated through heavy propaganda and the implied martial law.

It's the cracks between these strongholds of order in which anarchy sprouts like weeds.
Straya has fuck all militarily(relatively speaking) and could in no way impose order as well as the US can.

>But Fallout 1 and 2 had cities with law and order.
Why list both games? Are you refering to the settlements in these games like Vault City? Because I'm referring to the pre-war backstory of the setting.

But yeah, law and anarchy are not mutually-exclusive, they're just kept a stone's throw apart is my point.

What ever it was to change so much in so little time obviously has very little grounds in reality.

>Why list both games? Are you refering to the settlements in these games like Vault City? Because I'm referring to the pre-war backstory of the setting.
Habit, yes and my bad thought you meant post war.

My biggest problem with the game is not once is the word "petrol" used. No one calls it gas in Australia.

Well, what can you do?

At least they got that fume huffing abbo bitch in

It's called "guzzolene" in the movie, so they used that.

30 years im waiting that tech become powerful enough so we finaly get epic LOTR fantasy rpg & epic postapoc Mad Max rpg.
>lastly we got 2 mediocre brawlers


>graphics 9/10
>first couple hours of the game 8/10
>rest of the game 2/10

Yeah it's a real shame

Anyone answer this?

I remember being freed from the first area in Mad Max and shitting bricks at how big the map was.

Does Shadow of Mordor expand?

They're honestly quite similar in size if you go by how quickly you travel from one side of the map to the other.

>graphics should've been a game
How retarded are you

I've heard the explanation that it's running off the archaic beleif from back during the cold war when the first Mad Max films were made that where there to be a nuclear war, the heat from all of the bombs going off would evaporate the oceans. Similar to how radiation in Fallout is treated as magic since it follows the logic of old 50's sci-fi comics and horror movies rather than being realistic.

Take that with a grain of salt though, I might have just dreamed that up.

King Kong on the PS2 is legitimately a good game...aside from when you play as Kong, but thankfully that takes up a quarter of the game.

Didn't they already know it will cause an ice age?

Could be, like I said I might have just dreamed that whole thing up. I swear I heard that explanation somewhere before, but searching around for it now I couldn't find anything to back it up.


im still mad

Mel Gibson is literally Australian you dumb fuck

Who says it takes place anywhere in Oceania, honestly?

Serious question: does Fury Road still take place in Australia? My theory is that at some point Max crossed what used to be the ocean into another part of the world. Thus explaining all the guns and left-hand drive cars, as well as why Max knows how fucked they are if they try to cross "the salt".

Sorry, at work at the moment so couldn't reply.

Yeah, it does "open" after the first map you get a 2nd map of the same size in another location which has greenery, you never get inside structures though, only caves

Because it certainly aint Asia, and nowhere else is within reach.

I never thought id see the day i agreed with an op on Sup Forums

>"island hop" into Asia
>from there drive literally anywhere in the world, including the Americas via Kamchatka
>Or Africa, where Fury Road was filmed
Guns are super rare and hard to come by in the original movies and LHD cars are non-existent in Straya.

Fury Road is full of guns and LHD vehicles. Suggesting it's either not Australia anymore or Australia isn't all that isolated post-apocalypse.

Guns are fairly reasonable to get here. the LHD cars are pretty weird yeah.
But not as weird as randomly driving up to alaska and then down the US coast. And enough Australians to come along for the ride that half the people still have Australian accents.
No blacks so obviously not africa.

How do you fix the game, Sup Forums?
>Reduce scrap grind considerably
>Increase emphasis on scavenging, particularly for fuel
Some of the best times in the game are when you're running low on fuel and find yourself desperately driving into some shithole just to see if there's achy juice for your car. Some of the only times it actually feels like the Road Warrior
>Ability to reset enemy strongholds/territory a la Far Cry 4, after you've beaten the game
By the time you have the Magnum Opus really powerful there's not much to do and post-game freeplay is empty and boring currently.
>Tie car and gear upgrades to scavenging locations (you need to find shit in order to put it in your car) rather than grinding scrap or threat levels
>Introduce some kind of barter-system at the settlements rather than your shit just refills every time you visit
DESU I'd settle for the ability to reset the map.

Alternatively just use the mechanics and engine to make the game a modern remake of pic related on one long procedurally-generated highway corridor and completely scrap the game's map and story.

>Guns are fairly reasonable to get here
>mfw strayacunts believe that
Your government literally believes manually-cycled firearms are AR-tier.

Also pretty sure Australia's not exactly overflowing with semiauto handguns, SKSs, or any of the other numerous guns that are non-existent on your little prison colony.

>Near-future Australia in near-anarchy with almost complete breakdown of societal order
In my head this movie takes place during or just before the events of the first Mad Max

People didn't talk about it because it was the most generic action game of the 2010's
>Bamham combat
>Bases to capture
>Customize your car
>Open world
>Tons of collectibles

>Good licensed games
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Alien: Isolation

Some shit for SNES

That's pretty much it.

Bamham combat really is the worse.

It's basically just the LoTR game but the minion tech is replaced by weather tech.
Tons of collectibles, BamHam combat, an empty world with points of interest

This. It's Shadow of Mordor sans the one thing that made it special and good (the nemesis system).

As derivative as games are, why the FUCK has nobody ripped this off yet?

>mfw I imagine a Mad Max game with procedurally-generated named goons in special cars

>Still the best Mad Mad game despite a AAA company spending millions on a legit licensed game with 23 years of tech improvements

Tons of semi autos here. We had quite a few firearms and the buybacks only got so many of them. Rural cunts still have their fair share.

Gun licenses are fairly easy to get as well.

We're not the US obviously. But we do pretty well relatively speaking.