Plot cliches

>fantasy game with an ancient civilisation
>turns out the ancient civilisation is our civilisation

I love this shit

Other urls found in this thread:

>Doesn't explain our demise or where all the fantasy shit in the current world came to be.

>A seemingly trivial event early on ends up completely fucking up the plot later on

I like it, too, but it gets a bit stale after a while when nuclear war is usually stated or implied to be the reason why we die off.

Pikmin does this so perfectly

>mad scientist with huge ego resets the universe

>gay priest resets the universe

Yeah, how come every game has to be "muh nuclear war?" I want to see a game where the apocalypse is caused by an omnipotent god-computer.

Just imagine it. A cyberpunk game where all the augs are, unbeknownst to anyone, actually zombies remotely controlled by a malevolent rogue AI who pulls the strings behind the curtains? Essentially, once you got an aug implanted, the AI would uplink into your brain and assume complete control over your body, secretly biding its time until most of the human population had gotten augmentations, and then the AI would use all the augmented humans as an army of parasites? This would all be gradually revealed over time, until the grand plot twist at the end would be... your PC, that you are using to play the game, is the supercomputer that you've been fighting against all game, and the final boss battle is some really meta shit where the AI fiddles with your game settings to get an advantage (e.g. caps your framerate at 30, lowers your resolution so that you can barely see shit), and every time you got a hit in your screen would go black for a second, and eventually the boss battle would culminate in the game crashing?

>fantasy game with an ancient civilisation
>ancient civilisation is out of place high tech, borderline sci-fi levels of high tech

>game is set on the wreckage of an ancient civilization
>spiritual sequel comes out later and it's set in the ancient civilization at its height

Final Fantasy XII was great. Getting Belial and Queklain as summons was one of my favourite moments when I played it as a kid.

i'll fight you

>fantasy game with extinct ancient civilization
>turns out you have been one of them the entire time

>The game's suspiciously Catholic religion is evil
At this point I'd be surprised if I played a JRPG and the church wasn't secretly behind everything.

>hero fights final boss gets nearly beaten
>everyone you've helped throughout the game suddenly appears to help
Fuck I love that even if it is incredibly cliche

>minor/joke character turns out to be the final boss

I fucking love this.
Pokemon XD and Madworld did it great with the Mayor and Black Baron respectively. I should have seen it coming, but goddamn they still surprised the shit out of me.

Have you tried filling your mouth with a jojo reference?

Poor user, now why would you go and do that; sealing a thread's fate.

Damn i'd play the shit out of that. Make it user, I believe in you.

Im sorry, it was a good game.
Cant we once talk about this game without ironic shitposting?

where do you think we are?

In Dragon Quest most churches are save points or where you go to resurrect characters.

There might be an example where I'm wrong, but generally the churches in DQ are pretty normal and not at all evil.

I can't help but love this too. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I love it too, feels so nice

BRAVO TARO 10/10 game

>if you didn't help enough people you die

Okami does this really well with its final boss fight, especially since Issun, essentially your Navi for the game who is a total bro, is the one that rallies the world to your aid through his painting and reminding the masses that you were the reason their lives are better now.

>fantasy land full of elves, dragon girls, and other sorts of monsters
>they were actually almost all the products of genetic engineering by an advanced civilization that left earth before its otherwise inevitable destruction


what game does this?

I would if I knew a lick of programming and/or how to design and/or build a game.
Ideally, it'd be a mix of Morrowind and Deus Ex. You'd have your skills, your birthsigns, your classes, but stealth and gunplay would be god-tier.

Also, you may ask, why would you be able to rebel against the omnipotent AI supercomputer if you're controlled by said omnipotent AI supercomputer due to having augs? Again, the supercomputer is your very own PC, so your controlling the player character would fit perfectly - you're using the PC to control your player, just like how the PC controls everyone else with augs. In fact, you rebelling against the computer would be part of the AI's grand design because you somehow were the final key in triggering the apocalypse, so you'd be controlled by the PC in every sense of the word. Pure pottery.
And then the next game would be a post-apocalyptic wasteland that had all this augmentation technology, but absolutely nobody would know its origins or history - in fact, all records of history before the apocalypse would have been completely erased. You'd slowly piece together, throughout the game, that you are on the very same world as in the previous game, and the apocalypse was the very same apocalypse from the previous game, and the final scene would be you reawakening the AI by accident.

>the cute girl that's been your party member throughout the entire game turns out to be a remnant of the civilization
>she's the reason it ended

>happens in the game
>the anime doesn't let this happen and leads to the team losing the final battle
I guess it could become something interesting.


>that "he's too powerful we can't win" moment before final boss dies.

No fuck you, I pounded him into the ground, he doesn't stand a chance someone pls acknowledge it.

eternal darkness, sanity's requiem

>timeskip in the middle of the game

>timeskip for no reason


>Help out a bunch of powerful people throughout the game
>Suddenly most of the city is turned against me and I have to fight a fuckload of dudes
>Think that some of the people I helped will help me, whether through supplies, information, or combat
>Nobody does except for some rando that works for the villain I gave drugs to 15 hours ago

99% of the time they're flat out good guys

>super edgy character warms up to be a total bro
Or better
>antagonists henchmen switch to your side
>they don't betray you and believe in your cause more than some of the original party members

What game
kinda reminds me of shadow run?