What have they done to my beloved Tales series?!

What have they done to my beloved Tales series?!

>Combat is so confusing now, no basic combos
>Artes use up no TP, no consequences for spamming
>Mystic artes can be pulled off aftr one single attack, break artes and specials can be used indefinitely.
>Renaming spells that already exist just to make them seem new instead of using iconic ones
>Protaganist is literally a bad fancharacter dressed in black and red, with a demon blood claw that sucks out people souls
>Cast is wholely unlikeable. Generic tropes with no unique spins, and overdesigned nonsense armor
>Skits are 2-3 minutes long and take up the whole screen now
>Penis jokes and sexual innuendos every single skit and victory pose
>Plot already looks pants on head retarded with no serious goals or development.

Why can't baba just go back to the days of Phantasia-Eternia when the plots were enjoyable, Combat took skill and the game was just plain enjoyable? I'll even Take fucking Vesperia or symphonia over this dreck, at least they understood the fundementals of the series. But this? God this THINGs existence is just making me cry.

R I fucking P Tales Of series 1993-2016

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I tried the demo and battles were just everyone in the party yelling over each other constantly about every action they make. Most irritating weeb shit headache I've seen.

The series died with Vesperia, if it wasn't already dead by Symphonia. To me, it died after Eternia.

More like 2003-2003

As much of a symphonia fag as I am, Discreditng Phantasia, Destiny (R) and Eternia is outright blasphemy

I was going to bother replying to your stupid wrong facts but I find it easier to just call you a retard.
Have a saged (You) too I guess.

I've never played those so I can't say for sure, but all the other Tales I've played were disappointments.

Play classic tales, It's miles better then this newfangled drek


If i die and they make me replay the last 20 minutes of a game, the game is 100% uninstalled.

Single player games should be easy and fun to watch.

>all this shit
>plus censored and denuvo
Sasuga bamco

Why not show the PSP versions of Phantasia and Eternia? I mean, aren't those the latest remakes for each?

PSX is more accesible and easier for everyone.

So is the PSP (and its emulator). What's your point?

never played JRPG before, is there any modern one i should start with?
i was thinking about getting this game but now everyone saying it's bad

OP is a faggot, wrong and has a shitty opinion.

You didn't play the game.

Best "modern" JRPG as of the past 2 years is the Trails of series. Look into it.

I played the Demo. I don't want to play the game now. I've played more then enough tales of in my life to know this isn't proper Tales.

PSP version has no translation?

I'm more angry that they threw away the series defining staple Linear Motion Battle System for a Non Linear Free Run Battle System.

Is the battle system really very confusing? I am bad with those game. I dropped Resonance for that reason. My retarded mind just can't handle it senpai

Maybe not Phantasia, but Eternia for PSP was localized. In Europe.

>I played the Demo.
Correct. And yet you mention the story being bad. Thanks for proving my point, you didn't play the game.

I want rebirth and Destiny 2 senpai.

I understand not being able to handle Resonance of Fate but how the fuck can't you handle a Tales game?

Put it on easy and just spam A.

Why was Vesperia so perfect, bros?

I can handle Tales games. I mean I don't understand Resonance at all. Is berseria that confusing too? I rather not play on easy desu

>And yet you mention the story being bad.

The story is literally velvet and her quest. Theres no deep underlying theme the way other tales games are, we've known this since last year. Even Zesteria/Xillia had simple as fuck character based plots

The premise means fuckall in the quality of the actual story.

I liked it, thought the combat was smooth and responsive and so were the animations. I don't have a problem with the skits since they've always been non-interactive anyways, I like how you can do them anywhere now.

I actually found most of the characters design great except for Laficet or whatever the little kid's name is; his necklace is massive and just looks plain retarded. The rest of the casts design look tame compared to other JRPG bullshit.

I actually loved the characters from the demo, I thought Velvet was going to be turbo feminist edge but she actually seems likable.

Won't purchase because of Denuvo though.

You didn't play the game, how could you know if it'll turn out to be bad in the end?

>Cel shaded art style that aged well
>Simple but effective skill system
>60FPS during battles
>The final evolution of LMBS combat
>Over 80 hours worth of content
>Full voice acting
>Has best girls (Judith and Rita)

>Died with Vesperia

What's it like being gay

I dunno, you tell me.

>Expecting me to slog through 80 hours of mediocrity to get a good ending i could look up on youtube.

I'm not spending $60 just beause a character has a happy ending. It's not a book, it's a game.

Played demo and it was first tales game I've touched and didn't understand jack shit about the battle system. Maybe "battle demo" just expects you to know you some stuff.

It was finished before DLC exploded and everyone starting holding back content to sell later.

How many hours worth of content this have?

The demo ran pretty well on my piece of shit recycled computer and the combat wasn't total garbage, so I'm probably going to buy it.
Fite me

Why would you think it's anything like Resonance of Fate though...?

It's like a Tales game. Zesteria was a dumbed down Tales of Graces. At worse, it will be Graces. What is confusing about that? The only one I can forgive you saying is confusing is maybe Xillia 2.

>I don't want to play on easy

Then git gud? I mean the difficulty choices are literally there if it's too hard for you. Don't ask for the game to be simple if you stick the slider at a difficulty made to challenge people with skill.

You can even work your way up to higher difficulties if you find easy too easy. It's progression dude.

Vesperia? Main story is 90+, Sidequests and extras 130+ + replayability in higher dificulties, and collection autism.

It's a very well known fact within the Tales community that the series died when Team Symphonia and Team Destiny merged around the time Xillia was being developed.

Vesperia was the last game made by Team Symphonia, Graces F was the last game made by Team Destiny.

>Admits to actually not playing games, instead looking them up on youtube.

There we go, this is OP, gaze at his glory.

You mean potato toaster can run it?

I really don't like that they went with Xillia's style instead of Vesperias. Xillia isn't ugly, but Vesperia is much better looking in my opinion than every other Tales game.

>Assuming I'm OP
Theres your first mistake. I just chimed in on your wrong opinions.

Fuck off underage.

Because OP say it is confusing and the only confusing game I can think of is Resonance? I found all Tales games OK. Nothing confusing about Xillia too. But many people said this game is shit confusing so...

>wrong opinions
This coming from a fag who wont even play the game.


I mean Berseria

Played Graces? Imagine if your A and B arts were combined, and you can chain them one into another up to 4X for new artes on the 4 button layout.

>the COD of RPGs somehow managed to get its own Sonic 06

If Xillia 2 was fine for you (2, not 1) then there is no way you will have a problem with this. OP is shitposting. It's not even a "If Resonance of Fate is Chess this is Checkers" type deal, it's a "if Resonance of Fate is Chess this is tic tac toe."

If I never played a Tales game will I still be able to enjoy this then go back to the Sup Forums approved titles?

>CoD of RPGs
This isn't a Final Fantasy thread user. Tales of would actually have to sell on name to be CoD worthy.

The game was really fun to play co-op with. These new Tales games suck ass with co-op because of the new camera system and the game mechanics try to screw you over (Xillia and Zestirias link system)

Don't do it. Just go and play the good ones. Start with Phantasia, Symphonia, or Vesperia, depending on your comfort zone, and then work your way from there.

Phantasia if you want to start from the begining and like 2D RPGs

Symphonia if you want "The middle ground" RPG to teach you basics, and how the system works

Vesperia if you want the best in the system, be warned, nothing amounts to it, so its better to play it after you've played others in the series, since it is the crux.

Yes, but if you don't enjoy this realize it's not that good of an entry to the series. IE don't pretend you know this entire series is shit because you play this mediocre entry.

I have an HD 4870 and a Phenom II x4 on this machine and the game ran smoothly enough for me to not notice any significant frame drops. Didn't have an fps counter running or anything though.
Up to you to decide if this is potato territory or not.

I thought Tales games have always been button-mashing combat since they were action jrpg instead of turn-based jrpg.

>0.000000001 pajeetbux have been deposited into your account

If you try button mashing in PS3 Vesperia, you die quickly. Enemies (especially humans) tech out of your hits and punish you fast. The gatsuo boss was the ultimate shitter check against bad players.

I like it, suck it nerd.

I button mash it just fine though? The only boss giving me legit trouble is spiral draco


>I'm a degenerate, so witness me and be amazed!

Witnessed, now go bug someone else.

>Combat is so confusing now, no basic combos

lol wut. berseria has one of the best combo system out of all the tales series since you can create custom combo strings.

with that said though, youre pretty much right on the other points.

>Protaganist is literally a bad fancharacter dressed in black and red, with a demon blood claw that sucks out people souls
>Implying this is bad

How does that make any sense? You'll have more success button mashing in the average turn based JRPG (since you can get through most by spamming the regular attack) than a Tales game.

Zestiria was pretty bad, why someone wait global mod for zestiria?

Drown yourself in Lincoln park

That is far better than my potato. Oh well should not get my hope up

Try playing on Unknown mode

This is bait right? You have a material that functions like an artes ball, can skip artes in the tree with steps like Zestiria, just about every arte has the ability to branch via button hold, and you have your four trees you can setup in any order at the base.

Not to mention that there are other things like stepping for positioning, the different levels of break souls, tag combos, a plethora of mystic artes with different conditions, OTG setups, juggles, and trap setups which have been a thing since characters with mine-like attacks starting to popup more often now (Raven is a notable one from the past and this game has Rokurou with mi no kata, Eleanor with rocks and so on).

Berseria OBJECTIVELY has deeper combat than any JRPG released this year. It leaves Shitsona 5 and FF "Just Tabata my Shit Up" XV in the dust.

Any Tales game is mindless button mashing if you don't change the difficulty from "normal." The games are designed so that if you are shit at action games you can still beat them, but if you want a challenge and have to actually utilize the systems you can change the difficulty and do that too.

Pro tip: Dashing a certian number of times before beginning a combo will skip to the corresponding arte in the chain

Ie 1st dash skips to the 2nd arte, 2 dashes skips to the 3rd

Just dropping by to say that I finished the game and that OP is a faggot like always.

>skits being 2-3 minutes long is a problem


>Have giant sword on your back
>Cut people with knives

This also looks really slow. Doesn't look that great.

>Any JRPG released this year

Nier will have better combat than this. Persona probably too. Will of course be miles better than FF15, but I mean...who cares?

Wow this seems confusing when I read it. Maybe I should try it first before listening to op

And yet its still mediocre in every way to earlier installments. Berseria needlessly overcomplicates things that don't need to be. Hate to be that guy, but Vesperia had it right, Simple interface, good combo capabilities, final strikes, and the tried and true Tales of LMBAS taken to its max.

Berseria has auto free run,, (No grid locked combat), No Semi auto, An annoying 4X combo string to pull of artes/spells, and the battle arena is crowded with too much shit going on at one given time, with a terrible camera to boot.

Don't act like this is an improvement, because its a severe downgrade and a middle finger to the series.

>>Have giant sword on your back
>>Cut people with knives

It's part of his character arc

>Nier will have better combat than this.


See Go shill on NeoGAF.


Play Symphonia for best girl. Or play Eternia since I think its the best 2d Tales game.


>Ragna the Bloodedge
>Fucking Bloodedge

>Artes use up no TP, no consequences for spamming

That's blatantly wrong though. If you just span attacks and run out of crystals not only can you not attack anymore, but you also take more damage and get your guard broken more easily.

Everything else though yeah.

nier is more of an action/adventure game than jrpg

Spiral Draco is a joke. Spam Final Gale with Yuri and you win.

>better combat than this
No. I played the demo for 10+ hours and can safely say Berseria has better gameplay.

Persona 5 is casual turn based garbage, not even worth mentioning.

> No Semi auto
WTF are you talking about?

Is this their take on the SO5 Tiddy witch but flat instead? Their lewd outfits are very similar.

>It's part of his character arc

Didn't know that. I go into games blind so don't look up anything about them. Still wish I could use a zankantou.


This is always what people say when they have no argument but still need to make a post to show they are right. Nier 2 will have better combat than every Tales game ever made. The demo already proved that.

Stop trying to fit in so hard and fuck off.
Liking something doesn't mean you're a shill.
We've had plenty of Berseria threads where people actually talked about the demo civilly.

the battle system is a evolution of the shit you played in graces F. weren't you fuckers saying it was the best battle system ever? now take that.

Berseria became SOV midway into development, And not in a good way.

People post combo videos from tales games a lot, but you never ever actually need to play like that. I don't really see why posting a video of someone taking 30+ hits to kill something from what I assume to be a random encounter is supposed to look appealing to anyone.

The demo showed that it's casualized mediocrity on the same level as other nu-Platinum games like Legend of Korra, yes. It won't have better combat than Berseria let alone the old gen games like Destiny 2.

That goes for every single Tales game? Turn up the difficulty and you'll get shit on without knowing what to fucking do.

>literally sweating bullets now that your """"game"""" will inevitably join the ranks of NMS and MN9 as unmitigated shit