>Nintendo still don't understand the concept of region free devices

They understand the concept all right. They just don't give a shit about weebs like you.

What has weebs gotta to do with region free shit?

I just want some games that US fags get first

They understand it just fine, they just want to control the market prices as fully as they can.

>Sony still don't understand understand the concept of love

>have a EU PSN account
>buy US box version
>can buy DLC from ps store
Nice goldie, faggot. It's all the same shit, just slightly better or worse from case to case.

Welp wait
I wasn't following anything regarding Switch
It's confirmed Region Locked?

You can make a us or jp psn account and buy the dlc if you want.

>I'm retarded

They were pretty clearly implying region free with the airplane

>make a US PSN
>can buy dlc

trust nintendo fags to be retarded

Bayonetta 3 and new MonHun reveal tomorrow.

You are going to cry, sonypony.

Region locking is good for gamers.

Why do you think certain regions get shit on?

The CEO of gaming companies dont know shit about gamers.

If lots of gamers import they dont get that they are importers, they just see that certain regions arent as profitable as others and shit on those low profit regions.

This is also why a lot of companies pander to feminism, because again they dont know shit and fell for ((studies)) that tell them 50% of console gamers are female.

Region locking keeps markets looking realistic and tye CEOs invested in places like the EU

I am going to shed a tear for anyone who thinks a repetitive grindfest like Monster Hunter is worth playing, that's for sure. I finally gave the series a real try with MH4U and played for about 40 hours since people say it'll click if you just keep at it. It felt more like a second job than anything else.

>What are all their handhelds before the 3DS?

No, event is 9 or so hours away, OP is causing trouble based on some probably true shit

Do you think that you can't travel with region locked consoles?
That's not how region locking works.

>have to make multiple accounts
muh trophies!

>Nintendo no longer understand the concept of region free devices

Oh good
I really hope it's not locked

It was symbolism you fucking autist. Imagery of travel and no borders has specific implications.

[You] or something

Takes one to know one. And yours is clearly showing.