Lol so true

lol so true.

-_- ?

waiting for the edit

holy shit that is totes me #healerproblems #MMOs #mygroupsucks #pullaggroanddie #kickthetank

Where's the healslut edit?

Rely mak u tink



How it actually is.


If you cant keep with fast paced pulls ill just boot you and find a new healer, tanks have auto-que too m8

( ≧Д≦)

>be healer
>no one thanks you at the end of the dungeon


i play easy support characters because i'm insecure about my abilities and it's something even i can't fuck up

but in the end, being an attention whore is way more fun than being a whiny little bitch.

>Wanting to be thanked for not fucking up your job

I don't play Females healers in MMO's. I prefer more Fatherly healers.


>tfw I only play mercy when I'm not trashmouse
>spout healslut memes but play seriously while using my mic for callouts and heal the shit out of my team
Feels great

>expecting thanks for doing your fucking job

Put your chastity belt, healwhore.

Healers are the most jaded fuckers in the world (of warcraft), and I can see why. I never really healed, but the handful of times I tried it gave me a new appreciation for the shit they do.

This, I don't agree with the tank moving too fast point, if you can't keep up you're not doing your job. If the tank over-extends and pulls too much, that's a different and distinct problem.

And this is why you all healers deserve death.
Fucking faggots do your job and then fuck off. In most games even dpsing is harder than pressing some fucking healing buttons.

>hurr your just doing your job why should I thank you
Spoken like dps shitters who have never played healer.

>be damage dealer
>every member of the party doesn't personally suck your cock
get a load of this pleb

the funny thing about DPS players is that they're little the most populated and disposable players in any given game and they feel so important

how the fuck does that even happen? how can they be so stupid?

maybe you can answer, user?

why don't healers just solo the dungeon if they're so great

I'm a tankbull. Now shut up and heal me like a good little slut

Enjoy dem rage timers boys

Nah, I don't need sexual stimulation, just the gratification of getting the job done.


>also a frogposter
Checks out.

>dps who expect to be healed through damage meant to kill them
>tanks who pull more than they can handle
>dps who pull aggro off the tank and run away into another pack of mobs while they panic

t. never thanked another class in their life

y-yes mister tank, sir. Please pull out your big health bar so I can heal it up so it's nice and throbbing.

>do mechanics fine
>do mechanics fine
>fails mechanics because they're played by literal retards

thank god i was a tank first. no if i ever happen to have aggro for any reason at all, as dps or heals, i know to just run right to the tank and sit there. i dont even think about it, its just automatic.

I can always go back to my husbando

Maybe if I ever play with people who are exceptional, I will
>be tank
>group is all new people
>spend a solid hour walking them through fights and explaining mechanics
>get thanked

Who's that brown cutie¿

Unironically possible in Aion and not a bad way to grind. Clerics gonna cleric.

>[DE] Rebecca
I want to eat her ass out so bad, damn.

>doing mechanics


>mains Junkrat
Don't touch Mercy ever again

>heal slut
>also plays the twink boy

>Wanting to be tanked for chosing to be a heal bitch

Do you thank the DPS for killing everything? No, right? Why? Because that's what they're expected to do.

So why the fuck should I thank you for doing what you're supposed to do?

>he still thinks that the "dps being shit" meme is true
Now heal me, faggot

People should only be thanked or given a "nice" when they're doing really good.
>When the tank doesn't lose aggro at all
>When the people fuck up but the healer keeps everyone alive until things are unfucked
>When a DPS does exceptional amounts of damage at a critical time

Note that the tank has to do good the entire time while the other roles have situational times of glory.

>first time playing an mmo seriously
>decide to main a healer
>everyone in my guild thinks I'm a fucking god king of healing even though I'm not doing anything special
That's when I realized most mmo players are literal retards who are shitters.

Sure do. Nobody cares because being a girl gets me a free pass to be terrible.

>When the tank doesn't lose aggro at all
No, that's normal. I thank the tank when he moves the boss/adds in the best way to make me DPS.
>melee DPS
>mechanic requires me to go in a certain place
>tank moves the boss nearby to let me DPS while being there

>So why the fuck should I thank you for doing what you're supposed to do?
Because unlike you, I'm not playing a game where my target is entirely predictable and will do the same thing the same way every time.
>put down healing aoe
>retards stand right on the edge where they get no healing
>someone gets a DOT that's ticking for a ton of damage
>they keep running away while I try to chase them down and cleanse it

>I thank the tank when he moves the boss/adds in the best way to make me DPS
Right, that too. Grouping the mobs together for easy AoE damage. I just took that for a given since it also makes tanking easier.

They're just happy that somebody wants to be a healer, pretty normal reaction IMO. There's a reason why healers never have trouble finding a group.

yeah, its why i dont bother looking up class guides at all. its pretty obvious how to get the most bang for your buck, so i just work on getting rotations and cooldown usage tighter and tighter. i looked up a mch guide just to see if guass barrel was mathcrafted to decide if it was a gain or loss of dps, since im not using a parser for ff14.

>play healer
>tank and one DPS decide to go out of their way to be massive assholes the entire dungeon, making huge pulls that are hard to keep up with (because it's a mid-level dungeon with less tools at my disposal) and intentionally standing in AoEs
>shit on me every time they get low even though I make sure they don't actually die even though they're literally trying to
>don't even get a commendation from the other DPS who wasn't in on it

Nah, they thought I was hot shit. They even asked me to give a little seminar on healing for my class.
>dps guy introduces himself before explaining dps
>used to be in a top guild with several world firsts. was one of the top players in his class on the server
>then it's my turn

>don't even get a commendation from the other DPS who wasn't in on it
Wow, must be hard pressing Medica II and Cure II every once a while right?
>tfw playing the Alpha healer, the Scholar
>literally dpsing the whole time
Feels good


I bet you loved that cyberbullying don't you, you slut


I was playing SCH though.
And I was still pumping out full cleric stanced Banes on each pull.

I dont play MMOs but I make sure to always play support.

Snipers are useless fags
Medics are too busy being selfish
But in the end they all run out of bullets and need my help.

Best class

don't post pictures of my wife

I just want to talk to cute sissy boys and love them.

Because without us you won't live long enough to get those kills. WE decide how long you live, not you or the enemy.

medic support is the best support though

>make sure they don't actually die even though they're literally trying to
lel what a cuck.
I used to be like you though. If I saw a damaged bar I just had to heal it no matter what. Do everything I can to keep people up. Now I don't give a fuck. Some dumb shit wants to stand in red because MUH ROTATION then let him eat shit. The only time I feel alive though is when shit hits the fan and I see how many retards I can keep alive.


From biggest to smallest,

That healer in your static
The Tank
Average DPS
Other healers
DPS that stand in puddles

ACTUAL healers

Tanks should be at the top

>players that don't thank anyone in their party

absolutely disgusting

>not actually attributing sizes to each one
also tanks #1

>tank thinks he's gonna be the leader and set the pace
>the dps just ignore him and pull whatever they want

>Top DPS
>tfw I never heard someone complaining about my DPS

>and then he dies
>and got kicked as well

They usually make very dumb decisions. For instance instead of helping the team cap a point, he'll chase down a low health or dead teammate to revive him only to get immediately picked off. All because he'll get extra XP.

I couldn't get a boner while fucking a 9/10 asian hooker but this makes me diamonds, what's wrong with me.


get that disgusting res out of here

>you will never be able to heal or play support with out Sup Forums and /vg/ cucks constantly pushing the "all healers and Cock starved sissy boys"

>tfw tank calls you a good girl

L O N D O N ?


>Tank takes more than a minute between each pull
>Tank actually bothers to do Ready checks or mark enemies

I didn't let them die because if they did then they would have the last laugh. They were trying to die on purpose to prove I was a bad healer.

there it is

stereotypes exists for a reason, you sissy boy


>Play DPS
>Accidentally pull too much aggro too many times
>Fag actually tells other players to stop and let me get killed
>I take on four mobs that would take the entire group to beat and self heal at the same time
>Basically carry the entire fucking team
>Log out after the boss but not before telling them to eat a dick



>be healer
>don't heal tank when he's taking damage
>wait until he gets into the red
>he visibly starts to panic, uses all his cooldowns to stay up
>just as he's about to die, I burst him back up
>continue healing him as if I'm gently stroking his cheek and whispering that it's going to be ok
>do this for every fight

>playing an mmo that needs healers


>tfw the tank isn't able to keep hate in a modern MMO

They literally hand that shit out like candy in your standard rotation. I can't comprehend how people continue to fuck this up. You have one job.

>take on four mobs that would take the entire group to beat and self heal at the same time
Sounds like a piss easy game to be honest.

How accurate is this?

Worse fucking meme ever-

Literally who gets off on being yelled by teenage nerds with a voice that sounds as if they were overweight.

Healer/tank romances is where is at.