Holy fuck

holy fuck

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that sticker says splatoon wii u nice try

Really bad photoshop

>says Wii U on the price tag

people will fall for this



git fukkd

>it's real
Holy shit

400 dollar handheld. Must be the Nvidia tax

Either fake or wrong.

Nintendo isn't this stupid.

>Nintendo isn't that stupid
Are we pretending the last 6 years didn't happen?

I bet a walmart employee tampered with the price sticker.

Superstore employees, can you do that?


Nintendo knows its fan will gobble it up

Super easy at walmart.



Can't you just manually tag the price?



>implying press won't gobble this up like the big dick microsoft slapped on their forehead

>On a console
I don't know if walmart does it, but I can say the retail chain I worked at didn't do preorders for anything, didn't matter what the product was

I wouldn't mind paying that much if it they went the extra mile and used the Tegra P1, and also it included a game, but the general public is expecting a lower price so it would probably be a bad marketing decision, unless the demand is high enough to make up for it.

>top image is low res, so you can't really see the blurry text
>close up is higher res and the text is really clear
Nice try.

>$399 USD



We did it Sonybros....we did it.....

>poorfags ITT

Yeah, one tag is easy as piss for even non-employees to fake and stick anywhere.
When online prices start showing up Ill be more convinced.

Also, do regular retail stores (non-game stores) actually take pre-orders on anything?
Just seems odd.

What on that shelf would be selling for $400 anyway?

fucking lol

If it's really $400 I think I'll literally die of laughter

>Putting out pre order tags and stickers for something two days away


Look closer

Nice try Sherlock but they're taken by the same guy.

it's the same fucking resolution

Wtf are you doing Nintendo?

[spoilers] in honesty though, its probably a ploy by Walmart to make the Switch look like a great deal no matter its price point. They presale it for $399 then Nintendo drops the real price and Walmart drops theirs in turn. Then they put up a sign reading "Roll Back : Was $399 Now $250" or whatever and they sell it like hotcakes to gullible parents. [/spoilers]

That's so retarded that I believe it.

They're seriously only giving 2 months time for preorders?

what am i looking at


at what you fucking coon.

What, do you need an extra month to figure out whether you want it day one or not?

Checked wallmart online, there's a 400$ mario kart 8 bundle. Also the sticker might be bullshit, it's not like they're hard to print if someone's working there.


Its been ripped

>just want to buy a 3DS bo one sells it any where
This is fucking gay



I can't be spending that kind of money in such a short amount of time. I need to put in like 20 a week.

It's ripped. And you can barely make out thatp art of the sticker is overlapping the drop off above the Wii U games.

Is this loss?

So there should be another 9 at the back but that's been ripped?

>It's ripped.
So what?

It's over, no one will buy this when the ps4 and bone are $300 or less

Nice try. That's Canadian price based on the barcode

Walmart does preorders though you can't trust them to have the game or whatever day one. Honestly preorders in general are bullshit

So it's like 50 USD?

>higher res
Are you THAT retarded?

More like 249 USD


I hope its real, nintendo would make a good software only company no more gimmick shit forced on anyone



but seriously if its that amount ill be surprised/spoiler]

>Increasingly desperate man posts again about how desperately he wants Nintendo games


I just bought a PS4 Pro why would I want to blow the same amount of money on inferior hardware? Hell I'd buy an Xbone first at least it's comparable.

you know ninty would fucking DIE with their franchises

they would NEVER fucking let mario go

>get closer to something
>it's easier to see

you are a retard if you think it will be 399 usd

this is bad for nintendo

Seriously dead on arrival if it's that high.
$250(with included game) is the max I'd shell out.

It probably is the amount. I just sent my best friend the OP image and he's overnight stock manager and he said it's the price of the Switch. I live in Nova Scotia Canada.

Jesus how much do you make?

okay then don't get it faggot nobody cares

399 Trudeau Dollars = 299 US Dollars or 299 Euros

>Bestbuy thinks it's $250
>Target thinks it's $300
>Walmart thinks it's $400 CAD
They don't know yet

Having worked as a stock clerk at Walmart for a few years, I can't tell you now this bullshit. The barcode only tells you things like what product it is, what batch it belongs to, and gives a reference so you can determine how many you have left in stock. It doesn't include branch information, that is found on the receipts and isn't even a barcode.

>Attempting to reason in the latest shitpost thread

The OP picture is from Canada

Fake and gay

It's not going to be $400, morons.

It could be fake, but I won't be surprised if it's real. Nintendo has been fucking up so much that this kind of thing is pretty standard for them now.

Calling it now, not only is it going to be $400 but Nintendo is going to finally switch to a pay for mp model just like ms and sony

yay, more shitposting material until tomorrow

$399 CAD
$329 USD

are you ready???

nah Ive regrettably bought every nintendo console and most handhelds
theyre dead to me the trash gimmicks ruined too many games


You know you can scan the barcode with your phone and get the data too right?

no 250 + wii sports equivalent or no deal

>300 usd

Is this a fair price?

I think the price might be for the deluxe edition model that will probably come with some other accessories like that car mount thing that was shown in the trailer and an extra controller or something. I can't really think of anything else that would make it $400

>I've bought all their stuff guys! You can trust me! Why would I lie on the internet?

>70 less than ps4 pro

DOA, rip Nintendon't.

>TFW the switch would still cost $100 more in Canada then the PS4 500gb model

>Less than what I paid for my day 1 Wii U
>For a console that actually might have games
If tomorrow goes well, I might be ready.

$400 cad
$460 with tax in my shitty province
$if it's 400 America it will easily be over $600 Canadian with taxes

I dont have anything to prove to you, sorry dude

>We will never stop getting fucked in the ass by taxes and price gouging.
>Everyone here just accepts it.

Why do you think I no longer work as a stock clerk.

Is this irony? They already did and it's garbage

Nintendo has no problem shitcanning their franchises with mobage, they just won't have any others choice if they're really asking 400USD for hardware that barely keeps up with bargain bin tablets