This is the NEO GEO. Say something nice about it

This is the NEO GEO. Say something nice about it.

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When will the price drop?

both my arcade sticks have a rainbow button layout because i think its really cool

Wind Jammers is my jam.

it had the best fighting games and windjammers was awesome

No one did run'n'gun'n like you did.



GOAT spritework specially Metal slug

four bright buttons and two joysticks

>4-in-1 Cabinet

I lost more quarters to those things not from losing the game but due to the cabinet randomly resetting due to its shitty hardware. For that reason I preferred the single cabinets

Aren't 1 Slots expensive now due to people turning them into $1000 game consoles? Fuck, EVERYTHING about the neo geo is expansive. The controllers, the cords, the games, the system, even the fucking flash cartridge that takes 3 minutes to load a single game is like $500.

Michael Jackson!

expensive as fuck

>4 bright buttons
>referring to one player's A, B, C, and D buttons
>and 2 joysticks
>referring to both player's sticks
What did he mean by this?

What Did SNK mean by this?

Clearly the fact that two people could play at once.

where's your emulator

So is that type of stick originally a Neo Geo thing?

The handheld system gave you your daily Horoscope in the options menu. I still think this is the coolest feature of any handheld ever.

It'd probably get repetitive and be badly translated though.

What are everyone's 6 favorite games for the system? If you have to fill up a 6 slot with just six games, what would they be?

It just gave you a rating of ?/5 stars for each category. Still pretty damn cool.

>TFW 5/5 in every stat for a single day

Metal slug 1 to 3
KOF 99
Real Bout 2


>that video with his "sister" in it

Holy shit, that girl is hitting all of my buttons all at once, god damn.

that neo geo is being raped by a registered sex offender.

>that neo geo is being raped by a registered sex offender.

That's a joke right?

He probably means in a time when arcades were still relevant.

WINDJAMMERS MAAAAN. Those were some of the coolest cabinets but fuck they were rare in the arcades around me. Windjammers, Samurai Showdown, Ninja Gaiden, oh fuck son!

>Want to collect neo geo games
>Every single one on eBay is a bootleg from south korea

I just want a real copy of Baseball Stars 2 for my arcade machine. I know there's multi carts, but they fuck up from time to time. Why are there so many fake neo geo cartridges out there?

Repro carts are flooding the market and just wrecking it for all retro cart games.

You can't buy anything worth more than $40 without going over it like a damn forensic investigator to verify it's real or not.

I wouldn't care about repros if they were labelled as such and sold cheaper, but they aren't, and it sucks.

>You can't buy anything worth more than $40 without going over it like a damn forensic investigator to verify it's real or not.

Fuck man. I just wanted to own Metal Slug & Baseball Stars 2. Is the neo store the only verified source where I can buy carts & not worry about them being fake?

>I wouldn't care about repros if they were labelled as such and sold cheaper, but they aren't, and it sucks.

this x forever

No there's probably more.

Retro game sellers are just as mad about repros as we are because people are constantly trying to trick them into buying them, too.

>eBay search Metal Slug MVS Cart


>From Czech Republic
>From Korea, South


puzzle bobble
metal slug 3
neo drift out
dunno whether to pick magical drop 3 or money puzzle exchanger for the last one

>No PCB pictures
>No Refunds

I see why nobody collects for this thing.

Everyone who sells repros seems to charge $40 for them as a minimum.

Most of those are made using $5 games and then just cleaning the cart and adding a repro sticker.

It's shitty.

The repro dreamcast games you can get are significantly cheaper. They are pretty much the only repro shit that isn't a scam.

>Calling bootlegs "repros"

But seriously just buy from US sellers and open up the cart when you receive it. There are boardset pictures for every game released for the dang system just compare. I understand it's frustrating having to wait for such a thing to come up and a non-stupid price but that's the nature of the beast.

>just buy from US sellers and open up the cart when you receive it.

What if I want an expensive game? Waku Waku 7, garou mark of the wolves, pulstar, etc. You want me to drop $300-$500 on an MVS cart just to find out a game is fake?

If only there was some way to get your money back if the item was not as described. Honestly if you're gonna drop a couple hundo at this point just get a NeoSD or wait for Darksoft's flash cart, no point getting in now.

It's the commonly accepted terminology for it in the hobby. It started with people reproducing things that were either lost, not released in a region like terranigma, or romhacks.

Repro worked fine then.

It was only after the huge retro collecting boom where a bunch of assholes started making them for valuable regular games and passing them off as real.

>Repro worked fine then.

The term bootleg implies deception. People aren't loading up old boards with eeproms just to NOT rip people off. A repro is something to lower the price of an otherwise expensive game.

>repro carts are flooding the market
>still no repro metal slug 5
>still no repro Windjammers
>still no repro Samurai Shodown V Special
>still no repro Garou

>4 slot board stops working send it to 2 places over the course of a year to get it fixed
>neither of them can get it fixed
>mom buys me a 1 slot board and sends it to my house
>the board wasn't even put into an anti static bag before shipping, just lets is loose in the box with those plastic sacks filled with air
>can't test if it works because cabinet audio difference blows up the audio amplifier on the board
>order an adapter
>plug it in
>board doesn't work

>>still no repro Garou

I've read on the neogeo forums that those exist, though I'm not bothering looking it up. Shit, there's machine soldered bootleg carts now. That's what really scares me.

pretty sure Garou got re-released a few weeks ago on the ps4.

>Metal Slug 5
Not particularly liked and the Jamma board was still pretty cheap last time I checked
Now that one is annoying, hopefully the PS4 port doesn't suck eggs.
It exists and it sells for hundreds because people are morons. It's also an annoying conversion because it used unique hardware due to its large size, I think maybe SSV has the same board but I'm not sure.
I've definitely seen boots of Garou but I don't think they've done a new run since the MVS was still in production.

Honestly you're not going to see many new bootlegs coming out because most chinamen are fine with those shitty multicarts.

One of the bowling alleys in my city had one with four slots in it. All occupied with Metal Slug games.

I just explained to you that the only reason they are called repros is because they USED to have legitimate uses.

When I said
>>Repro worked fine then.
That's what I was talking about.

The only reason they are still commonly called repros is because that's what people knew them as before. I'm not arguing with you they aren't bootlegs. I'm just using the common terminology the community uses. This is not the argument you think it is.

Does this look like a bootleg? Sticker matches the MVS scan wiki, & it's a U.S. seller, but there's a sticker on the side of the cart that looks Chinese that says not to open it or it would void the warranty, & that is EXACTLY what I would do back in the day if I wanted people to never check inside to see if it's fake. Plus there's no board pictures.

Please teach me, oh neo geo masters.

I have a 4 slot in my living room and i love it. Hoping to buy the flash sd cart eventually but its like 600 maple bucks. Would be amazing to play a pretty much pure version of anything tho

>but its like 600 maple bucks

How much is that in real money?

Samurai Showdown 2
Garou mark of the wolves
Metal Slug 1-3
Last Blade

At that price I'd say go for it. If it turns out to be a boot you're not too far in the hole while you wait for your Paypal refund

Last I checked it was a bit over $400 USD but it shipped from some European country. Stone Age Jew is going to start selling it soon so you could get it domestically but expect to pay $15 for a cartridge sticker.

Somewhere around 500 usd i believe.

Twinkle star sprites
Samurai showdown
Bubble bobble
Street Hoop

>Stone Age Jew is going to start selling it soon

When? Do they have a release date for it?

I'm more concerned about the warranty sticker having been taken off once already.

Neo Turf Masters
Metal Slug X
Karnov's Revenge
Samurai Shodown 2

How can you tell? What am I suppose to be looking for on that sticker?

I seem to recall them saying later this month but I can only find "early 2017" on their social media.

Your fighting game was amazing

>Your fighting game
>Posts Atomiswave game

hey user Thanks for the game

What's she look like now?

Since I think SNK is doing well again, you think they'll revive franchises like Fatal Fury and Metal Slug?

They said they're working on a few new projects at the moment. The big rumor is Samurai Shodown is next.


my nigga

I have that for ps2. it's aight

Metal Slug got slapped on PS4, so who knows.

Where do you usually get legit arcade machines (mainly the old ones) these days?

Planning on getting some to start an arcade in the future.

from arcades that went out of business

im not joking

I went to Toys R Us to buy one after saving up allowance, but I was just short and had to wait a week. When I came back a week later with enough money, they stopped carrying them.

What did I miss out on?

my friend you should have used their layaway system

shoot, I meant a Neo Geo Pocket btw

The best version of SNK Vs. CAPCOM.

It has four bright buttons and two joysticks

KOF 98
Magical Drop 3
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug 3
Blazing Star
Puzzle Bobble 2

>tfw my local smash melee community is now organizing Windjammers tournaments as well
This game is fucking nuts.

my nigga

no neo turf master?

looks sturdy

Metal Slug
Metal Slug X
Neo Turf Masters
Shock Troopers
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
Baseball Stars 2

Cross Swords
Metal Slug 5
Neo Turf Masters
The Last Blade 1
Shock Troopers


great fighting vidja.

i also recall some decent baseball games

>Paying a dollar to play an arcade.



The other joystick is his dick.

So you're saying these new games flooding the market outright don't work at all?


>there's a sticker on the side of the cart
I have seen and handled thousands of these carts over the years, and I have never, ever seen one of these stickers - even on a bootleg. US carts usually have a US warranty sticker on them. Pic related. I have no idea what that chink shit on that cart is, and I'm willing to bet no one else does either. Whatever the case, that cart has been opened at least once. Fuck knows what was done to it.

Looking at the listing itself, the cart is legit. I'd bet money on it. By "cart" I mean the plastic case and label. I can virtually guarantee the board inside isn't authentic, probably scavenged to create a boot of a much more expensive title. (But then why not "recycle" the whole cart for a boot? Why try to sell a legit case with a fake board of AF2?)

For reference, what the inside of that cart SHOULD look like...

>Plus there's no board pictures.
This isn't always a red flag, but it should make you a little suspicious if there's anything else that doesn't add up, and that's certainly the case here.

>SNK making a comeback
>arcades are dead

With all the fighting games on the system, what are some good lesser known games worth checking out?

No, I don't even know where you got that from.

>Most often place I've seen SNK cabinets

Magician Lord

might want to look for redemption shit arcades that has a section dedicated to non remdeption arcade games and ask for the owners email and shoot him one asking if he's interested in selling any of those ones, and if they are rented you ask for who they rent it from and contact them on if they would be wiling to sell it

Find a better name for a character Caffeine Nicotine