Haytham did nothing wrong
Haytham did nothing wrong
Yes he did. He porked a dirty injun and had a shitty son.
Also, he lost and picked the losing side in the war.
Sure he did
>there will never be an AC game about young haytham traveling europe while killing assassin scum
why live?
>Not conquering exotic pussy
Haytham is a real man.
>race mixing literally got him killed
did he pay the toll?
You shut the fuck up about Ziio and Connor, they are innocent in all this.
>Also, he lost and picked the losing side in the war.
Except he didn't pick the losing side.
He wanted to control the patriots from the shadows.
Getting rid of a strong ideologue like Washington was key to that.
Assassins Creed Rogue
Miscegenation is wrong OP
Can we have so more villains that aren't templars?
Maybe there's a guy who just does some shit, assassin's try to kill him while templars try to replace him.
Haytham wasn't a villain
main antagonist, then
He saved Connor from hanging and ended up getting the American side of the Templars sidelined for a while.
well you've got the virtual tsundere goddess from space
That's even worse.
That's like asking to play as an assassin who aren't assassins. Besides, you have Black Flag which is just Edward going around being a degenerate
he racemixed
Implying you wouldn't
That's what was going on when they were taking on the Khans.
I fucking hated the opening bait and switch of that game. The whole game should have continued from Haythams point of view, playing from the Templar point of view would have been great but instead we get Indian Forest Gump
Nah he means the part after Rogue but before 3.
Connor is a pretty cool guy. He kills white men and doesn't afraid of anything