Dark Souls One

I bought Dark Sous for myself for a Christmas Present. I freaking love the PvE.
PvP? Not so much.

Quick quesion: How do I report a cheater?

Buy some indictments from the creep in the bell tower

I just read about this actually. Issuing an indictment doesn't report cheating to the game's developers.

I'm going to assume you're trolling

Sorry dude, I didn't know you were taking it that seriously. In that case you can go fuck yourself for being a touchy asshole

Wanting a fair fight makes me a touchy asshole?

99 times out of 100, someone's definition of cheating seems to include using experience to bring high-grade gear into low-level zones to shit all over people.

If you're playing Dark Souls and you're NOT cheating, you're not playing the game.

The only people not hacking Dark Souls are noobs who don't know how to reply to this thread or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Not taking any damage? Just stood there and let me hit him like 30 times and didn't take ANY damage?

You don't.

You get salty and hope you don't run into another one.

The end.

So kick that fucking poofter off a ledge, he's not paying any attention to what he's doing anyway.

He sees you and he sees he has a sword in his hand, that's all.

He wasn't near a ledge. The first time I kicked him, he one shotted me.

fuck me, well played. i honestly didn't see that coming.

>report a cheater in dark souls
okay dude maybe you should lurk a bit before posting

So, run to the nearest ledge. Anything that looks like it's above a killbox or high enough that the fall would kill you (usually when the camera forces itself forward).

If they're any kind of smart they'll refuse to follow you and probably leave after a while.

stay safe mom

>being an apologist for hackers on Sup Forums

PvP Watchdog my dude.

Or just grow a thicker skin and get over it. There are plenty of other people out there who actually play fair.

k. next time I'll run to the ledge and hope he doesn't realize what I'm doing. I'm sure he won't figure it out.

In the mean time, how do I report a player for hacking?

There's a difference between being an apologist and not running to Sup Forums to cry like a whiny little bitch because some twat knows how to use cheat engine.

If you're so bothered by it, you can report them on Steam. But you didn't think to look at that at all because you were so blinded by impotent rage your first thought was to complain to your cool friends on Sup Forums.

just ignore it lmao

i invaded this one dude in DS3 and he was invisble and kept teleporting around and dropped those glowing stones all around me and when i tried to black crystal out i exploded or some shit

then i got over it and invaded someone else

>literally the exact answer to OP's question
>took sixteen posts to get it
never change, Sup Forums

>it's your fault you can't kill a hacker, get gud nub
Never change Sup Forums

Op isn't crying like a whiny bitch. You seem to be projecting a little bit.

>reading comprehension
He was explaining to OP how to beat a hacker. what part of his post implied he was trying to justify hacking?

my answer is the answer for pussies though, the real answer is 9 times out of 10, you can easily kick a cheater off a ledge because they're either busy trying to BM you or are just legitimately garbage at the game.

I never get hatemail from anyone but cheaters I dump down the elevator in township.

>report them on Steam

Funny! No, but seriously, the hacking on Dark Souls 1 has gotten way way out of hand lately. I would say a majority of players are hacking now and the only way that happens is if the developers just don't give a fuck anymore.

we know it's you faggot.

Op wasn't asking how to beat a hacker. Op was asking how to report one.

By suggesting there was something in the game he could have done to beat the hacker, your implying the reason Op lost the fight is due to poor skill rather than to an unfair advantage.

>I would say a majority of players are hacking now

Wasn't Dark Souls only like $4 over the Christmas steam sale?

>report them to the devs who have moved on from this game
Yeah, that'll sure do something

They cut it down to prices like that for every sale, I got it for less than $3 during their holiday sale three years ago

There isn't anything you can do to gain retribution, Op. From Software doesn't give a shit and they haven't given a shit for a very long time.

Your choices are:
A. Accept it and play anyways.
B. Quit playing
C. Quit playing and don't contribute financially to games made by From Software.

>Playing multiplayer games on pc
Let me guess, youre just pretending to be retarded

Let me guess, you're just pretending to be a filthy casual


Haven't had an invasion in months.