What drugs are best for gaming?

What drugs are best for gaming?

I recommend bleach.

The usual alcohol and weed.

Water, Celery, and fresh air like a true contrarian.


majihuan + caffeine + alcohal

You can do better than this, man.

DUDE as always

That mixed with a little bit of meth for some nice overwatch/battlefield sessions.

E.Y.E. on a light dose of LSD is pretty fucking nuts.

Is it me or does it feel like Sup Forums has been shitposting more and more lately? It really feels like there is an increase in newfags and cancer.

Pic related op? Tons of competitive gamers are on amphetamines. Weed is pretty nice for immersing yourself in a game though.

Sup Forums has always been this way you are just getting older and realizing how toxic and how much a waste of time this place is as a whole...you wont stop coming though.

Actually crystal is the best for gamean.

dude, sodium hypochlorite



Bathsalts all you need my dude.

Mxe is best. It makes you feel like youre in the game.

Playing DOOM on DUDE is fucking amazing

small doses of LSD for me ends up with more of a stimulant effect than a psychedelic effect, then again my body completely ignores amphetamine and methylphenidate so who the fuck knows whats up with that

That's pretty normal. Hallucinations and shit only come with relatively high doses (though it obviously differs from person to person). Below that it's mostly heightened sensory input.