What went wrong?

What went wrong?

best plot

Time. Thanks to time. Uchikoshi became bored of his original draft and destroyed his climax out of sheer apathy.

it set up too many plot points for ZTD to cover

They went multiplatform and while trying to appeal to sonyfans, they lost everything that made 999 a masterpiece.

I agree. They lost sudoku which was the best part of 999.

Uchikoshi is a hack.

Nothing, it's a great game and you've shit taste if you think it's bad ;3

VLR was great, but the cliffhanger was fucking lame.

Seems most people agree that ZTD dropped the ball.

They thought that 999 needed a sequel

Basically this.
Was too animu for my taste, with stupid as fuck plot-twists, and absolutely lacked the grim atmosphere from 999.

Removal of pixel art for 3D abominations.
Took too long to get any of the endings because almost all of them required you to have some prerequisite on a different branch.

Nothing, it's my favourite 3DS game.

Because 999 recycled half the plot points from the superior Ever17 while VLR was written without copying from a better story. Not that 999 was bad though

999 didnt need a sequel and it shows in this game. It was fine.

Nothing. I genuinely can't think of a game that had me as hooked in the past few years and the amount of twists in it were amazing too. Shit taste OP.

Now ZTD was a heap of shit.

You can basically sum it up as

Trying too hard to be Danganronpa, wrote mysteries so complex that they couldn't explain them without resorting to a heap of bullshit

999 > VLR >>>> ZTD

i didn't even finish ztd, but vlr was alright.

Infecting them with Rad-6 so they wouldn't notice the gravity reduction was clever in my opinion.

But I've almost never felt as angry playing a video game as when I'm in an AB game and Alice is involved.
>Ally, no reason to betray brown titties
>"Who would vote ally? snickering_whores.gif"
>Fucking BITCH, betray
>"Why would you betray me like that"
>Alice just got cure for rad-6
>I'll ally, she can't betray me

And they still expect you to feel sympathetic for her. What a pointless character. She wasn't even a real mummy.

complex motives etc etc.

Seven lying goes against his personality.
Akane's/espers's powers are inconsistent as fuck(jumping between timelines with your body and everything, really?)
Junpei falling for a girl he barely knows is retarded as fuck.
Sigma never noticing he is old as fuck is retarded.

Did Seven lie? I thought he was just misremembering from time fuckery.

the retarded timeskip to the far future

Uchi said he was lying, or not :^).
There's no time fuckery either because Akane can jump between timelines and stream Junpei thoughts, but only during 999 because word of god say so.

>'VLR > ZTD'
>having such shit taste

There is nothing good about VLR's story that makes it any better than ZTD.

Characters interactions are better, puzzles are better, little to no Akane, etc...


Puzzles aren't story and all characters except Dio and Luna are more retarded than AA's Gumshoe.

>le 999's charactrz r bland guiz
>VLR's had soul guiz
Why do people say this?
Because of the lame voice acting and awkward/colorful 3D models?

So? It's still the better game.
Everything about ZTD is retarded.
Akane and Junpei are a mess.
Everything related to esper powers is non sense.
Sigma is the dumbest character i've ever seen

Luna was only decent when you find out who she really is.
Seeing her as you go into the AB room after finding it out was chilling as fuck. Favorite moment in the game.


>it's still the better game
Tell me three things that VLR does great that isn't the puzzle rooms and "character interaction"

You can't.

>Everything about ZTD is retarded.

ZTD has the best setting out of all 3 games. Hell, it made the concept of AB game actually make sense. Arguably, the writers still managed to miss a lot of potential even with a top tier set-up, but it's still better than 999's game-is-supposed-to-be-about-death-yet-it's-comfy or VLR's everyone-can-get-out-yet-people-betray-to-escape-hours-earlier (only Dio betrayals makes sense.)

I agree VLR was way worse at parts, but the amount of content and how everything came together narratively made up for the weaknesses.

The esper powers aren't balls to the wall retarded.
So that's 3? Things VLR does better than ZTD.

Is no one gonna come clean for ?
So, we all agree 999's characters aren't bland, especially compared to VLR's?

Better OST too

Endless tears were shed with that ending.

>The esper powers aren't balls to the wall retarded.

I only see one point. Two more to go.

999's characters actually felt believable compared to VLR.

Tell me three things that ZTD does great.

You already mentioned the other 2 plus the ost. A game that does 4 things than the other is definitely the better game.

>they wasted all the all-ice set up with alice

The sequel. VLR was great, ZTD was the messed up one.

Setting, pacing, the ambience-like music, the fact that the 'Kamaitachi No Yoru' system was actually used unlike VLR, Q-Team's and D-Team's FQB passwords were given out more naturally (besides Dio End, in VLR the way the passwords were given out felt out of place), characters don't act like retards that they do X just because.
Also Mira's personality (not counting the murder stuff) is what Alice's should have been.

ahem, have you missed the "that isn't puzzle rooms and character interaction" part?
learn to read

I was able to emulate 999, no way in fuck am I buying one of two dead gimmick handhelds.

PC rerelease when

>>PC rerelease when


And that doesn't count because you say so? Get fucked.
VLR is leagues ahead of ZTD

If Carlos went back in time and waited months to save Junpei and Akane, why does he only appear in one specific timeline?

Why does Carlos, the man who is motivated to save lives, not even try to stop Zero during 10 months just so he can meet with Junpei and Akane?

Why does Akane have no qualms with leaving their alternate selves to die along with D-team even when it wasn't necessary to do that at all?

Why, during the end of the game, is SHIFTing presented as a moral dilemma when we've been SHIFTing all through the game?

Why is it established in ZTD that espers's powers strengthen between each other while in VLR it was established espers absorb other esper's powers?

Why does Delta let Mira roam free to kill people then kill her for being a murderer?

Why is Akane characterized as a cold and rational person who would take any means to achieve her ends, even being implied she is millions of years old due to all the SHIFTing she did, but then in ZTD she doesn't act anything like that and goes crazy when something happens to Junpei, even though she put him in a lot of dangerous situations along with Sigma in VLR?

Why does VLR establish that Junpei and Akane might not get together due to Akane's cold nature and Junpei realizing she wasn't the person he thought she was, but then ZTD ignores all of that?

Why are Sigma and Phi so fucking useless after they were trained specifically to stop the spread of Radical-6 in Dcom?

Why do neither Sigma, Phi, or Akane suspect the old man in a wheelchair of being Brother?

the sequel

VLR was still a better game than 999

Not that user, but
>characters don't act like retards that they do X just because.
Really? ZTD is full of this shit.
>Also Mira's personality (not counting the murder stuff) is what Alice's should have been.
Mira had no personality. She was a walking plot device with tit jiggle.

It's difficult to boil down the reasons to one word

>Why do neither Sigma, Phi, or Akane suspect the old man in a wheelchair of being Brother?
That one's easy


There was nothing interesting about Santa. Snake was just an edgy "Mr. Perfect" that did this "wow flashy edgy superhuman" thing during one end.

There's nothing endearing or memorable about Lotus. She just bitches and is useful during this particular segment in the game with her L33T H4X0RZ skills.

Akane is generic love interest, bland as fuck character until the TWEEEST at the end.

Junpei is boring as fuck. Ace is just a twirly mustache villain and not even half as charismatic as Dio.

So, no. VLR had a better cast of characters, easily. Tenmyouji, Sigma and Luna were especially great. Dio was a better villain than Ace. Akane was also better in VLR.

>Junpei is boring as fuck.

How so?

>grim atmosphere from 999.
What grim atmosphere? I was expecting 999 to be much more intense when I played but honestly, people barely die at all.

Lotus choosing to get in the chair and get tortured because Seven can't fit and Junpei is a faggot was endearing and memorable.

Akane wasn't that bland, the scenes with long misunderstanding jokes were funny, especially the elevator one. They were mostly optional too, so no complaining about that.

I liked Ace a lot, "I'm messed up and just want to be normal, don't mock me and my disorder" is a lot better motivation than "My brother trained me to be a super assassin and I'm super loyal and also I wear circus clothes for lols".

999fags bitching about >muh grimderp atmosphere even though VLR is miles darker than 999.

>not even half as charismatic as Dio.

Maybe, but still more clever in his plans than Dio ''Give out all my bomb passwords'' Left.

>I want to get cured from this medical condition so I'll become a mad psychopath and kidnap children and watch them die for the lulsies

No, Ace is a fucking shit villain.

When they say grim they're getting confused with the dark industrial setting. It's not very dark

*It's not very grim

>I want to get cured from this medical condition so I'll become a psychopath and kidnap children and watch them die so I'll get cured from this medical condition.

Don't see the problem here.

I never caught that in 999. They fucking thought of everything.

>ZTD is full of this shit
give me examples of 6 different characters doing irrational shit

>Mira has no personality
I disagree, though I can't say I'm surprised to see somebody say that. Q-Team is really underdeveloped, after all.

Main twist made no sense at all.

I haven't seen you bring up a valid point besides puzzle rooms. You know VLR is shit.

So, wait. Why couldn't old sigma's consciousness just go to young sigma's body before he went through Nevada so he knows shit?

They did that with every character. Snake was Prince, Ace was Lion, Lotus was Dancer, I forget the rest.

I thought they were really clever with the minor twists. Making Clover 4 so she could go by her real name was a neat little thing, for example.

>pirate ZTD
>coin flip
>guess right
>credits roll
There are people who payed 40 dollars for this.

so would you rather have the sequel bait follow through and tell one last story to try and fix the mess of ZTD or a leak of the original game's story at the cost of Uchi committing suicide due to his failures?

>people unironically defending that shitpile ZTD

Everything about Delta was fucking nonsensical, and don't get me started on "muh aliens" and that retarded cloning machine thing. The game's only saving grace was Carlos, because he managed to be the only lovable retard in a game full of retards and retarded design and story decisions.


Both and an actually finished ZTD with that.

The latter. Uchi should commit sudoku for that failure of a game and his bullshit reasoning of "the secret VLR ending was non-canon" to cover his fuck ups.

It's rigged so you always get the coin flip right the first time, not that you aren't baiting.

Winning the coin flip in some universes was quite obviously required for the plot.


Post best girl

I don't even get why people like Carlos either, he's retarded half the time, doesn't say anything memorable and his most noteworthy acts result in him failing to act in time or get reworked into a gay meme

Because most of the cast is as retarded or even more retarded than him, and at least he is the funny kind of retarded

nothing, best in the series

Shoot me. Don't worry, I won't die.

>people unironically defending that shitpile VLR

Everything about Kyle was fucking nonsensical, and don't get me started on "muh slow brain virus" and that retarded cyro sleep machine thing. The game's only saving grace was Luna, because she managed to be the only lovable retard in a game full of retards and retarded design and story decisions.

>give me examples of 6 different characters doing irrational shit
>give me examples of 2/3 of the cast acting retarded when most of them don't even act at all and are just in for the ride

But ok let me try

>Sigma sending his children to pre-war Germay.
>Diana tazing Phi and letting Radical-6 escape.
>Phi being afraid of getting double poisoned.
>The whole Carlos 2 shit.
>Akane going through with plan in the end that leads to VLR instead of just shifting back and trying again.
>Delta's plan to stop the terrorist.
>That monument of retardation that is Q-Team epilogue.

Bet I could find retarded moments for Junpei, but it's been some time that I've played it and he never really did anything in the story except being an edgelord.

She's pretty hot

>you'll never program true reproductive capabilities into Luna, and subsequently impregnate Luna and leave her to care for the child alone, breaking her mechanical heart as you find another roboslut to bang


>Sup Forums liked Ever 17
>Sup Forums liked 999
>Sup Forums liked VLR
>ZTD comes out and it's disappointing
>"Fuck Uchikoshi! Fucking hack!"

I wouldn't say it's full of it, but there are some instances.

>But if I did that... I wouldn't have met you guys!
>Lets blow ourselves up with this antimatter reactor instead of just playing the AB game. D-team? Who cares about D-team?
>Akane showing little emotion over all of the deaths that Junpei suffered in both nonary games she created/helped create, but going full yandere every time something happens to Junpei in ZTD
>Sigma and Phi literally arguing over a fucking button
>Eric shooting up everyone at all possible times
>Lets have a baby while trapped inside an underground shelter with limited food and no way to get out
>Sigma and Phi ''Who could this old man in a wheelchair possibly be? Certainly not Brother'' Klim.
>Q ''lets break out a murderer out of jail'' Team.

>people unironically defending that shitpile Junpei

Everything about him was fucking nonsensical, and don't get me started on "muh Akane" and that retarded Funyarinpa. His life's only saving grace was his puzzle solving abilities, because he managed to be the only sudoku solving retard in a game full of retards and retarded design and story decisions.

Disappointment is a sharp venom. Lead a community on for 10 years and see what happens to you.

And also
>Phi ''KILL ME AND BURN MY REMAINS instead of waiting for a quarantine team to get here'' Klim

>Zero Time Dilemma is actually an anagram for Zero Dilemma Time

>Snake was Prince, Ace was Lion, Lotus was Dancer
How do those apply though?

I played 999 and VLR back-to-back and liked sequel more. Puzzles were better, jumping between plotpoints on flowchart was fun and for each great revelation in 999 there were five great revelations in VLR. The only thing that got worse was art.

ZTD is a hot mess though.


Snake was walking around with fancy-ish prep school clothes, and he obviously had his eyes closed, which generally looks snooty and pompous if he wasn't fucking blind.

Ace has a sort of mane thing going on with his hair.

Lotus looks like a stripper.

That's all there is to it.