Third Party Pro Controller: 29.99 EUR
Nintendo Switch Hori Accessories Leaked
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Zelda Breath of the Wild branded carrying case looking shit for your controllers with cleaning cloth and a rectangle thing that does something too: 29.99 EUR
Ethernet jack for Switch, may be USB 2,0 just like the Wii Ethernet jack
It may be called a LAN adapter but in actuality it allows you to connect to the internet using an Ethernet connection rather than Wi-Fi.
Enthusiast level arcade stick, don't know how it connects to the system
>2017 still doesn't have a build in lan adapter
if this is being announced and being sold, that means some fighting game is in the making for the Switch, right?
perhaps MvC Infinite? Tatsunoko 2?
Source for all this or is this just another "leak"?
well I mean you could also use it for other arcade games like shmups and whatnot so there doesn't necessarily have to be fighting games coming otu for it to use this thing
jesus fuck this things going to have slow as fuck downloads
Tekken might be on it because Namco. And maybe SFV and MvCI too, since Capcom was one of the listed third parties for the system.
>printout pictures
Get better wifi
More like a port of Pokken
Former gamestop employee here, we use printouts to store in the catalog that showcases upcoming games and accessories that you can preorder or request. These printouts would go into clear sleeves that then get shoved into a binder and displayed at the front desk.
Kek, no. Maybe Tekken if Harada feels like porting it, but Sony bought the rights for SFV. Capcom is mainly listed because of Monster Hunter
lol, the switch isnt' even powerful enough to run sf4
Don't lie to me
>"serious games"
>smash bros controller
its gonna feel fucking weird playing pokemon with a controller
The 3ds did it. 2/10, made me reply.
Pokken doesn't use an arcade stick. Yes I know an arcade stick can be used for it but it would be more detrimental than anything.
Need this.
ill call bullshit on this 1, is an step back from WiiU and the paper says fucking 30 EUR
Even for the arcade version Pokken uses a special controller, which was released as a WiiU accessory already, pic related
The Wii used the same type of adapter though
right, WII (and was like 10$, not 30$), WIIU had native ethernet port, and is not like they save that much money or space not putting in 1
i know reeeee maximilian, but he does get hints of things earlier than everyone else
>99% chance it will be Tekken 7. Very similar situation to Tekken Tag 2 on Wii-U.
what the fuck is that?
>defeats the whole basis of being detachable
I honestly expect myself to just use the Switch exclusively in handheld mode a few months in, and maybe for local multiplayer. Nothing gonna change with Pokemon.
It's not like they saved much money by not including the charger for the 3DS in the package, but they didn't.
A skin.
And the skin is 3 parts so still detachable.
werent that UK only?? also I find it rare that the 1st page of the leak is on English, but ALL the leaked pages are on, whats that, french?
Harada (Tekken) retweeted the Switch event. Take that as you will.
Tekken and Pokken.
>Nintendo makes their controller fucked up beyond all recognition
They do it every time
user asked for a fighting game. Pokken is a fighting game.
A stick would still work.
No one uses a stick for Pokken and there is absolutely no reason to make one for Pokken when it already has a dedicated controller. When will you idiots get that through your thick skulls?
I didn't say they "made it for Pokken", you autist.
Relax, son.
>>Nintendo makes
Regardless there's no fucking point mentioning the damn game.
>nintendo makes
you're legitimately retarded
holy hell that d-pad looks absolutely disgusting.
>that 360 d-pad
Silly user. Ethernet IS LAN.
WiFi is WLAN.
The Wii U didn't have an ethernet port.
Still, there's no way an adapter like this costs $30. I got a used one for the Wii U just a few weeks ago for like 4 euros, and I remember them being 20 euros when the Wii was new.
>Asymmetric analog sticks
You know this leaked days ago, right? This is OLD NEWS, user, OLD FUCKING NEWS