I think it is the hero of time and is the downfall timeline
Ganon either blew him the fuck out before he got the ocarina when they met at the gate or right as soon as he pulled the sword (possibly sending him to the same phantom dimension [twilight realm] he sent phantom ganon to). Sheikah had to use the mirror to get him back (hence being right handed) but also had to heal him. Using the mirror gave them all that tech. They used it to beat ganon but the battle destroyed the old castle (seriously, the area around the temple of time matches oot castle town near perfectly) so they built the new one. They also knew it was temporary so they came up with other defenses like the seal keeping him in the new Castle
There will be one dungeon for each region but only 4 of those will be main dungeons and directly related to the story. Those will be massive and will likely require venturing in multiple times as you come to places that you will need keys/secrets to get past. The other dungeons will have awesome weapons or items (like the grappling hook and boomerang which will be optional and only make things easier) and will be the size of old zelda dungeons.
Each weapon variant will have a "master" version which will be lore based (megaton hammer, great fairy's sword, etc). These will not break but will have special characteristics which, if the durability falls to 0, will no longer be active and make the weapon less useful
There will be crafting and repairing. There will be property you can own and spruce up. You can also get a boat.
The happy mask salesman will be in the game (hopefully selling masks that will have benefits like the bunny hood increasing speed [a dream would be goron rolling and Zora swimming])
Seasons will be in the game
Michael Hill
>caring about zelda lore or continuity
nintendo babbies never fail to amuse me
Xavier Fisher
>I think it is the hero of time and is the downfall timeline
>Ganon either blew him the fuck out before
Alright, let me stop you right there. First of all, how the hell could it take place in the Downfall Timeline when no such thing has ever been confirmed in a game? What's that age-old adage? Show me pics or didn't happen.
Or tell me when did Sheik and Link have sex in Ocarina of Time? They had to have sex because Aginah and one of the maidens says you are the descendant of the hero.
Landon Lopez
Its the Wind Waker timeline that's why there's Koroks
Kayden Williams
>Legend of Zelda >Timelines
its funny you autists actually believe this shit
Carter Fisher
Not as funny as imagining you preaching to people about something you don't care.
Ethan Ross
bump for the official last BotW speculation thread on Sup Forums
This is it bros. The last one. ;_;
Andrew Mitchell
player housing would be cool
Adam Peterson
I'd Like to see items like you said, optional and to just make easier what you can normally do
William Walker
Nicholas Myers
I wonder what kind of new and old races we're going to see on BotW.
Jace Powell
Like Animal Crossing? Might be cool, if houses are this game's mask gimmick.
No way Jose.
I have a theory that Kass and people like him can only be seen by Hylians.
Matthew Ortiz
Houses would be a great rupee dump and could give a place to easily store items you want to keep but don't want on you at the moment
Charles Ortiz
Joseph Young
It's gonna be a weird ass merging of the timelines. For some reason these paralell universes crash and we end up with this desolated world with bits from all the timelines. Sheika technology has something to do with binding these realities and once shit went down the some of the tech went rouge.
Link is not an earlier Link but rather a artificially created vessel for the hero's spirit.
Logan Myers
This "failure" timeline is absolute cop-out bullshit. Fuck the historia for making shitty fanfiction canon.
Kevin Turner
I agree, though the damage was done with wind waker fucking everything up. OoT was supposed to be the prequel to the 2d games and it was. Ganon was defeated but not killed, Link went back to the past so couldn't stop him when he came back, step in all the 2d games. But then here comes ww with that noodle armed faggot fucking everything up and making another timeline necessary to explain the bullshit
Really though, all titles, except direct sequels, should have just been explained as retellings of the same story. Legends change with time
Joseph Moore
If the timelines are converfed, should we call future zelda games post convergence if sequel or pre convergence if earlier? Wonder how the timelines would react? The toon zelda verse still has a Vaati not encountered.
Elijah Campbell
I mean things could have easily been worked around with Ocarina of Time's two timelines, Child & Adult Link's, but another storyline had to be invented for the sake of convenience which throws a wrench in any other obvious connections.
Doesn't help that they kept introducing games as "the first game in the timeline" with Ocarina of Time, then Minish Cap, then Skyward Sword, etc.
Jonathan Evans
>I have a theory that Kass and people like him can only be seen by Hylians. That's unusual to hear. Are you saying the humans have some grudge against the bird people and Kass? Share your theory, please.
Jose Perry
>goron rolling around an open world >ramping off fucking mountains >crashing into enemies and making them explode >mfw we will never get that
David Jackson
The transformation masks from Majora would work so well in an open world game like BotW.
Deep sea exploration as a zora would be the shit.
Anthony Smith
>doing fucking dolphin jumps and then going into the depths of the ocean, fighting off sharks and shit >goron rolling around at mach speed >flying as a deku and bombing the shit out of niggers from above
They really would
maybe we can hope for an expansion/dlc
Also, what are the chances that deku's finally come back as an npc race?
Carter Watson
>goron rolling in a giant, open, world
Muh dick
Samuel Ross
>no deep sea exploration as a zora
Jeremiah Young
Most of the masks would
>bunny hood increases running speed >all night mask increases stamina >scent mask allows you to more easily track certain ingredients >bremen mask to more easily tame horses/other animals >blast mask for physics fun >mask for truth for lore >stone mask for increased stealth
One can hope
Kevin Thompson
>Romani mask for cooking/possible farming bonus >postman hat for possible delivery side quests >Don geros mask to increase spawn of critters >captains hat/gero mask/gibdo mask to access mini dungeons >troupe leaders mask to decrease merchant prices >couples mask to increase relationships if they're in the game >giants mask to increase strength