FFXV Updates and DLC when?

It's already the new year where the fuck is the holiday pack??

Other urls found in this thread:


January 24th.

new alternate (non canon) endings as dlc based on certain in game actions coming along with story patch, no date on the story patch.

High probably you'll be able to create a "donut steel" to be a apart of noctis' crew as a party member. Tabata considering expanding it to a possible retcon/add on to the main game -meaning voiced lines, placement in the plot, etc.

they lied to you get over it

Read the fucking thread dumbass. Literally post ahead of you explains the road map and provides a date.

Dead game get over it

so why are you mad?

you weebs are dumb. fix your life and maybe you won't have anger issues.

shit game.

Got any links?
What's a donut steel?

it's autism for original character.

i know, it's hilarious! reddit totally wouldn't do it.

>no 60fps patch
>no VR
>no holiday pack
top fucking cuck

>same day Yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria and Gravity Rush 2 come out for the weebs
>same day as Resident Evil 7 comes out

Literally who will care?

>Sup Forums now ask for DLCs
I want to go back

The holiday pack has been out for a while now

>what's a donut steel
I hate to be that guy but holy shit lurk before posting, it used to be a fucking rule

Was writing do not steal really that hard?
I don't need to learn retard terminology for discussions

how about stop throwing your shitty memes around that nobody cares for who isn't on the spectrum

DLC will be coming out for more than a year. Time to relax and just take it easy for a while.

A more interesting question is what will be shown off at the Jan. 30th FF event.

It's not a meme being thrown around, fucking donut steel has been used forever around here are you guys serious? Again I hate using this "meme" but go back to whereever you came from

Lurk moar faggot

>lurk moar
No one uses those shitty memes anymore you retard

I have no interest in learning the language of idiots. Kill yourself for memorizing pointless things and getting angry when others do not.

I can't believe a no way fag edit of this hasn't been made yet

I want to pick up the game again already and start from scratch this is taking way too long. Doubtless I won't be finished with Witcher 3 from scratch anywho

You don't have to memorize something that it's used frequently. You'd know that if you browsed for more than the 2 days you've been here faggot

>comparing a game update/DLC to a game release

Holiday pack has been out.

The fuck is the Carnival tickets for?

An in game festival taking place later this month. I have no idea what the dates ate

It's on the 24th I think?

non canon endings?

It's metal folded so many times, it becomes sort of like a donuty shape, but infinite in force distribution. You'll need it to craft Noctis' Ultimate Weapon

Not to mention Kingdom Hearts 2.8. Can't wait to tickle Aqua's pussy.

Didn't you hear? Single player games now have timed events as if it were an mmo.

what is exactly the roadmap update? link someone?

Digimon World Next Order also came around that date too
Though not many people seem to remember Digimon World 1


Is someone keeping track of all the dlc promises, what Tabata a promised hasn't always been officially confirmed.

He didn't said about non canon endings. He said that there will be different ways to finish bro's DLC's, which didnt change outcome in overall story.

>being too stupid to "learn the language of idiots"
Fuck off to whatever you came from then promptly kill yourself, shit stain. We don't need more of you retards poisoning the gene pool.

Yeah, instead we post sad frogs now. Do everyone a favor and kill yourself immediately.