*knock knock*

>*knock knock*

Jesus christ I know this game was influenced by Lovecraft but they didn't have to include his racist undertones. I mean come on it's 2017.

>Literal walking dead apocalypse shit going on
>Ruins everywhere
>knock on a door
>"That time'a'tha week again, eh, guv? fack off"

the night of the hunt is a common thing in yharnam though.

Who even cares about racism in 2017?

Did raimi write this?

>hanging out in Old Yharnam
>some dude starts shooting at me with a Gatling gun
>no faggot ass spic nigger chink mentally ill nigger faggot shits allowed

Geez Louise Miyazaki

no miyazaki did. though i dont know how he let it slip by in developement. i heard Miyazaki recently got in contact with raimi

it was a different time

What are they even hunting? Werewolves aka scourge beasts? Then how come they don't attack the two crawling around on the bridge?

>You'll get your yharnam blood when you fix this damn dooooooor!

They turned while they where out.

After all, the hunt is meant for actual hunters not yharnamites.

Those are what you're hunting.

They're close to becoming beasts so they need to get taken out too. Anyone who's even remotely sane who isn't a Hunter stays inside.

No, they think they're hunting beasts. There is a scourge beast crucified on in a fire pit at the beginning of the game, with like a dozen huntsmen all gathered around it. When you knock on doors and the people refer to "the night of the hunt" they mean the nights when all these guys come out to hunt beasts, both real hunters and the mobs of angry men aka huntsmen.

>After all, the hunt is meant for actual hunters not yharnamites.
Says who?

>reading Lovecraft
>protagonist has a black cat
>names it niggerman

>Get Bloodborne at launch
>Load up game, full of excitement

Fucking lovecraft.

Lovecraft was pretty intolerant of other races, it's really obvious in his works. Sorry to ruin your view of him.

the hunt is sort of a double-entendre
Hunters hunt blood-crazed fiends, and then it's implied that some enjoy slaughtering infected so much they just start killing people for the fuck of it at which point "the hunt" just means giving in to the blood/basic instinct and slaughtering people because you like it

i've restarted bloodborne 4 times because it just sucks so much dick

what's the point of even playing it to completion apart from posting about it on Sup Forums

They're going crazy user. A lot of them have weirdly extended limbs and babble like loons when you come across them. They're turning, they're just not full crazy yet.

The Hunters do the Hunt. The populace is supposed to stay inside. They're hanging out with mutant dogs and giant trolls, just because they occasionally kill an actual beast doesn't mean they aren't crazy and turning. Otherwise they wouldn't attack a person that's clearly a Hunter, wielding Hunter weapons and dressed in Hunter garb, and that appears entirely healthy.

black people have intolerant views of others.
sorry to ruin your view of them

why do you restart?

>"How quickly the nigger burns."
Why ruin a perfectly good game with racism?

Other races were/are intolerant of other races, why is his special?

Because when I reload my old save I forget where I am or what I'm doing and then try to see how quickly i can run through the first half of the game now that I know what to do and where to go

Frodoor da door!

It's really not THAT common.

>That's a cute outfit, did your faggot Great One, Kos, give it to you?
Holy hell, Miyazaki

It is common enough to be fairly normalized, at least

>Sorry to ruin your view of him.

>knock on door


I just got into the Nightmare of Mensis and the Nightmare Frontier, how much longer is it? It kind of feel like a slog. Also is the DLC any good? I heard it lets you play things out of order instead of completely linearly like it's been so far.

His black cat was called "Nigger-man" and his villains were either aliens or colored people or aliens pretending to be colored people

Only tumblr fags apparently.

Everyone knows niggers are spending all their time playing NBA 2K17 and being bullet magnets for cops.

Mensis is close to the end. The DLC is the best thing FROM has done yet and is also linear.

i'd sell this shitty game if I wasn't autistic and gamestop wouldn't only give me $7 like the jews they are

>knock on the door
>japarese war crimes no happen!
Jesus Christ Miyazaki

Kind of glad to hear it, the atmosphere is too edgy, dark and samey to me. I might give the DLC a try then.

>knock on the door

how did he get away with this?

are you literally retarded? it shows in game that they are all turning into beasts and one of the symptoms is they hallucinate and think other normal people are the beasts. why are you people all so fucking stupid?

It's common enough that everyone has conventions for it and has lived through multiples of it and most of the NPCs we meet have been moonlit hunters during one.

I mean it's not particularly subtle about it, even if it doesn't outright say it. The nights of the hunt are marked with a full moon just as the beasts resemble werewolves ergo one every two weeks.

Being in Mensis is the perfect time for the DLC if you haven't done it before

>and one of the symptoms is they hallucinate and think other normal people are the beasts
show me where it ever explicitly says anything like that, smart guy

This is my first playthrough of the game, should I just beat it normally first? I dislike the setting and it's made me quit at least twice before but I think I can stomach at least another playthrough now that I've got past most of what I disliked.

The Shadow Over Innsmouth was basically a story about the dangers and disgusting abominations that are created from miscegenation

Lovecraft wrote it when he was horrified to learn he was partially Jewish from a great grandmother

Literally me

>make black hunter
>fight first enemy
>defeat him
>as he collapses he says "this town's finished...!"
Literally never happens when I make a white hunter wtf

Only some say Kosm

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Iove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a nigger.

>Lovecraft is a shitty meme writer
>people stop liking him because muh racism rather than because he was a hack
Well whatever works I guess.

The game is relatively straight forward dude. Maybe if you stopped replaying the same parts over and over you would have more fun with it.

Nah, do the DLC. It's the best part of the game but it's also the hardest non-chalice part as well. I say it's best to go around Mensis because that's when you have the levels and weapon upgrades to do it.

lovecraft was a kike??

dafuck ?!


ruin?! you just improved it my good man

if you think the game is a slog then you're not going to like the DLC because its basically just more bloodborne

It made me laugh. The OP's post reminded me

all the people who are turning into beasts including the boss literally refer to you as a beast and act afraid of you as if you were a beast trying to kill them. why are you even voicing you opinion if you havnt played the game? are you just pretending to be retarded for (you)s?

>His black cat was called "Nigger-man"
It wasn't his cat, it was his grandparents', and it was a pretty common name for cat s at the time
>and his villains were either aliens or colored people or aliens pretending to be colored people
He portrayed "degenerate" whites as villains just as often, and usually black villains were just superstitious and ignorant goons rather than straight out malicious

>its a Sup Forums steals Sup Forums memes and overdoes them episode




One every two weeks seems to be way too often. And IIRC the little girl only went through one.

All of them?

Racist Spiderman is the best thing to come out of Sup Forums since Baneposting


no matter who they marry, Jews consider anyone descended from a female Jew to be Jewish

this is why they get pissed when Jew men marry outside the tribe but don't care when a Jewess marries out of the tribe

I will keep that in mind, thank you.
I like the gameplay, it's a touch easy but it's more Souls games, which I've been dying for lately. The entire atmosphere of the game feels like some teenagers were trying to think up the coolest bloodiest stuff they could.

He even married one, but sometimes he would forget she was one and go on antisemitic rants until she'd remind him that she was a kike


so Sup Forums was right again..

Miyazaki "nigger annihilator" Lovecraftian motherfucker

There's zero evidence for that claim and the fact she gives us the music box because Gascoigne so often forgets his family points towards the fact she's gone through it pretty often.

Nah, it's too difficult to be fun for me because I didn't have an aggressive playstyle in Demons/Dark.

The funny thing is that he was pretty much slightly more cynical Berniebro with classical education.

>The game sucks so much dick
>Because it's too hard :^(

>"the confederation will always have my blessing...and all niggers must hang"
How did this game even get released

I never played Bloodborne, can someone explain the joke here?

Sister Freide is literally unbeatable. It's the hardest boss in the history of gaming. Anyone saying they beat her is hacking.

the game is heavily inspired by lovecraftian lore and lovecraft was a racist

I beat her after a solid 10 tries. I used Gaile tho.

>"Prepare yourself for the worst. There are no humans left. They're all fresh-hungry niggers, now."

Jesus christ did the ESRB not catch this?

It was a different time

Summoning means you didn't beat it

Oh okay, thanks. Wasn't everybody racist in the time Lovecraft was alive?

As a jew myself I've always wondered what a kid born to a Jewish mother and Christian father would count as. Would he be both? Could he get circumcised and baptized? And what about vice versa? Would that count as being born to/as an atheist?

fuck off

i guess, doesnt really make him any less of a racist though

The joke is comprised of two parts.

The first part is inherent to Bloodborne itself. Throughout the game (but mostly within the first few areas) you'll come across various doors and windows you can knock on to get the attention of NPCs inside. Sometimes you'll be greeted by a helpful NPC, sometimes an NPC you can meet face-to-face later, sometimes you'll get a bit of lore, but the vast majority of the time you'll get a voice just telling you to go away, blaming you for what's happening, or laughing at your misfortune.

The second part is what is fast becoming Sup Forums's second renaissance. OP will post a picture from Sam Raimi's live-action Spiderman trilogy along with a fake quote designed to be shocking or offensive (the most oft used being pic related, the actual quote is, "That's a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?" but is changed to something like, "That's a cute outfit, did you suck your faggot boyfriend's dick for it?") followed by,
>Jesus Christ, Raimi
>How did he get away with this?
>Why wasn't this in the news?
Or something of the sort.

What OP has most cleverly done is applied the second part to the first part in order to prove the age-old hypothesis that Sup Forums died a long fucking time ago and the only faggots who still go there do so to pick clean the bones of long-dead memes in some flaccid hope of making a sequel to Baneposting that absolutely nobody wants and most importantly he's a double fucking nigger who needs to an hero immediately.

Is that the first draft of your KYM article?

>how to ruin a joke: the post

dude if he doesn't get it he should lurk more or just read the thread.

>Hey man, stop throwing shit on my big pile of shit, you're ruining it!

Fuck off

Christians are just cannibal wannabe Jews, who followed Gods kinda cool son/ human incarnation.

Pretty much, but Lovecraft was exceptionally racist

You can cleanse yourself of the taint by accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour.

Holy shit, someone who is actually helpful and can make a well written and thorough response on Sup Forums? You win an internet for not being autistic.

I'm not lurking Sup Forums, fuck that. They're probably just as autistic as us but about a subject I don't care about.

You can't be jewish and christian by definition, and you aren't born a christian

I don't want your internet and I'm offended at the implication that I wasn't being autistic you fucking autist.


>You win an internet

Fucking kill yourself. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

>You win an internet for not being autistic.

Fine then, I'll keep it you ungrateful cunt.

>*knock knock*
>open up the door
>it's real
>with the non-stop pop pop and stainless steel