Zelda Switch vs 11 year old game


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>11 year old interactive movie

Fixed for ya, buddy


New top of the line console vs console from 2012 with hardware from 2006

>corridor "game" where you're forced to "play" in a specific way to advance
>massive open world game were every action has a reaction
ok man

please stop
I just cancelled my preorder to wait for reviews...

nintendrones are in full cocaine mode today

You hypocrites say this, but Nintendo fanboys have been gushing over the Zelda trailer which is cringy as fuck.

Why is there so much shilling against this game?

sure thing sonygger
see, i can play the name game too

>shilling against


Neokikeshitendo is just being awfully rude at this point and unconditional Nintendicksuckers will continue to defend them to the death.
Even if Neokikeshitendo took a shit in a glass and sold it sealed for maximum preservation moisture, Nintendicksuckers would still preorder it, causing preorders to sell out (just like with the Switch)

not an argument, buttshattered Nintendickcaresser

I'm kinda warming up to GMKs soundtrack

Fuck off that bullshit weak bait sonygger.

but he made a good point though

different hardware
it was still developed for wiiu, and apparently their (downclocked) tegra k1 cant into certain effects, or at least until further in the dev cicle

same happens for some ps2 remasters on ps3, and blueprint is usually decent

The word you are looking for is slander.


What a thrill...

>one high resolution image of something
>one low resolution image of something vaguely related
Is this the new form of consolewars? Did this place get stupider in the past few years somehow?

You can't shill against, you idiot. Man, the intellect some of you fuckers posses explains a lot.

I bet you have a hair-trigger for calling people retarded, though, right.

remove orange filter, the game

not an argument



So this is the power...

IMO it's very inconsistent. There Wii U looks better, elsewhere Switch.

Perhaps but the point is that the switch should always look better than the WiiU, for obvious reasons.

>posts image
>not an argument
>posts image


>Man, the intellect some of you fuckers posses explains a lot.

>Can't spell possess.

Kill yourself you peerless spastic fuck.

not an argument

not an argument

I have yet to see an actual comparison screenshot without jpeg artifacts or being a screenshot of youtube at 480p

Nintendont BTFO

It's because the only real comparison of the same zones we have is from E3 last year and what was published last week.

Honestly there are no up-to-date images for both consoles

You stupid fuck, welcome to v. Is fun to rip on popular games.

17:52 onwards is why I want it on Switch. Wii U can't do dat lighting and particles without slowdown.

Jesus fucking Christ, the Game Cube could literally run BotW.

>Nintendrones will defend paying $300 for a new console with game cube hardware.

Why does the game look so washed out and muddy?

Nintendo would make so much money if they just made PC ports, with an enthusiastic community that would fix this shit day one.

>Shitpost - The Post.

>always imagined how amazing graphics would be in the future
>if I were to go back in time now and show my former self what we had

Jesus... What an embarrassment. Bad timeline... Narcissa timeline.

Thanks for doing the the God's work that is BTFOing assblasted, straw-grasping, in denial Nutendocucks, user


That ghosting could be an artifact from him moving

What did you expect?
It's a fucking tablet. Combine that with Nintendo and their stunning ability to be behind one generation concerning technology this is the result.
How are they still in the console business anyway?

>I prefer graphics and cinematics over scale and gameplay


I'll just leave this here

nintenyearolds btfo how can they ever recover

Nintendo never really cared about graphics, they want to make fun games. Why don't you guys realize this already?

these comparisons are between an old build of the game and a new one... in the old build bloom was cranked to 11 and cellshading was far more rough. if you look at the newer build they have turned down dynamic shadows and softened the cellshading to a more natural light. bloom was turned down quite a bit as well.
its like they were going for a more cartoonish windwaker type look, but at the last second they decided to be a bit more realistic. post the one where he is in the waterbed/cryochamber while he is getting up. if you look at the hair in that one you will notice the textures are better on switch

The Wii U build is 8 months old, it's more than likely changed.

When DigitalFoundry starts posting legit release day comparison videos I bet no one will fucking post it like this shit does.

I'm most excited about Mario becoming irrelevant like Sonic.

stop using buzzwords
also in the current era of consoles theres no excuse for your AAA game to look like shit

They have more than 10 people working on each game, they can do both.

nice shitposting :^) sonycucks maybe one day your netflix machine will make a fun game


>Screenshots comparing WiiU and Switch versions
Can't wait for ones with added PC comparison

>that doctored footage
holy shit nintendrones are delusional

>implying Nintendo is AAA

Shut the fuck up.

The difference is that Zelda is a true open world experience with Asscreed towers and all while MGS3 is a carefully crafted semi-open world game.

Clearly Zelda is superior. All the modern open world games prove that this is THE concept to make a great game.


Why do trees in video games rarely have visible roots? The bottom of a thick, aged tree rarely just sprouts up perpendicular to the ground.

funny how that video doesn't show the difference indoors where the Switch lacks dynamic shadows, ambient lighting, volumetric fog and bloom.
Watch this one instead


gamers don't leave their houses how would they know that?

The impression that I'm getting is that all of these images mean nothing until the game comes out because they are all from different sources.

ITT: nintenyearolds fighting over which pile of shit tastes less shitty

>graphic comparison without using both native resolution

It's a Zelda game, the reviews are all going to be super positive

>how can people like these games, they don't even have GRAFFIX

good lord, Sonyggers are fucking subhumans.

Are you actually going to kill yourself when this game BTFOs Horizon Dawn?

>H-hehe I-I'll call MGS a m-movie! T-that'll absolutely BTFO these s-sonyggers, gonna c-chop trees down in my epic No.394584565855485 open world game.

>they believe the wiiU streams were the final build


Yes, it has gotten drastically dumber around here the last few years, with a huge dip in quality in the last month or so for some reason.

Even SotC looks better.


>plays like any other game, nothing revolutionary
>looks like shit
>full price game
it amazes me how nintendo shits in your mouths and then you thank them for it.

Legit comment in a troll thread, I do love how they improved Link's design from the first trailer, not quite as lithe. Link isn't huge but he's still a fighter.

you win the award for most buttblasted faggot on this thread

they had to remove his clothes because the switch and wii u were not powerful enough to render them


loving the irony of sjw trying to appropriate ords they hate like that.

Wasn't that Wii U footage shown a long while ago?

I'm sure it's updated in some way shape or form.

SotC had like one colour in the whole game, just with different brightness.


top has colors
Sometimes I can't tell if SoTC is a black and white game or not
I say this as someone who has played SoTC a million times
Also graphics dont fucking matter

>mgs 3
Nigger I've never even played that shit and I could tell you it has more interactivity, gameplay and TECHNOLOGY than 99% of modern games

I'll fuckin' bet lol.

okay have fun playing pong for all eternity


pfff.... more like nintendo switch-off


Every company is guilty of this

Microsoft cancels games, ruins third parties, pushes ads and started the trend of paid online. People still accept it.

Sony pushes dumb shit out like PSVR, PS4pro, has their fair share of cinematic exclusive garbage like the Order 1883, they started doing paid online, and people still accept it

PC has Early Access garbage, Nvidia being cunts with their graphics cards, and often get shitty ports of console games, and people still accept it.

Nintendo overcharges for their underpowered hardware, expensive peripherals, and push stupid fucking gimmicks, and people still accept IT.

Gamers as a whole gargle down a lot of shit and are thankful for it, welcome to the entertainment industry, now open up buttercup.

says the namefag

Sonyponies keep shitposting. They are afraid. As they should.

wtf i love nintendo now

I blame casuals and normies.

ITT: Sup Forums vs 11 year old OP
