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Video Games #3645
Video Games
Ori and the blind forest
Do you wear subtle vidya clothes in public?
I honestly think the Switch's virtual console might be able to carry it until Mario Odyssey
Why do we like her again?
Down for maintenance
Metal Gear Fuck Sam
Which Nintendo series would you like to see a direct for next?
Opinions time:
Autistic heavy metal music starts playing
ITT: Games/characters that died out before they could live to see themselves become the villain
Just traded my dusty Wii U for a PS4 like two days ago to pick up the Kingdom Hearts and Persona games coming out for...
Games people forgot were released
Vergil is featured in the last game you played. How motivated are you?
Gamestop Oversold BOTW Masters and Collector Edition
What went wrong?
So what was the superior game, and why was it the first?
The "main" female is garbage compared to the optionals
How do I git gud
Shes hot now
And also, will I mix the broc flower with the xander root together whenever you bring both to me
Wander around
Vidya quotes engrained into your mind
ITT: Video game references in TV shows
PS2 and GameCube Resident Evils are nearly identical
Gravity Rush 2
ITT: you're raifu
Event character Fire Emblem
Ask a guy who works in video games anything
In a video game, would you rather play as the leader, the follower or the freelancer?
It really is sad how many people are writing this game off just because one area """"LOOKS"""" like Sonic Adventure
Will this be a good game, Sup Forums?
What did Bowser Jr see Sup Forums?
This is Norman Jayden, FBI. Say something nice to him
Just got fired from my cushy salary job
How the FUCK do you remember 100's of combos in fighting games?
This game isn't very good
Things you can say about your video games but not your future president
Are you a casual or are you a "hardcore" gamer, Sup Forums?
Best Story of 2008?
Are realistic graphics a bad thing for gaming?
Why the fuck can't I play JRPGs?
*sigh* Why can't Nintendo do this for Metroid? They don't even have to show anything...
What's the American dad of video games?
Are you hyped Sup Forums?
Why is bethesda so lazy?
Would firing him and putting someone else in charge of NoA really change anything when the Japanese offices are the...
I'm going to work
What is the better deal Sup Forums?
Winter update tomorrow. It fixes about 80% of the shit you all bitch about every time one of these threads comes up
Stop pretending to like games Sup Forums likes
People here seemingly worship graphics and technical progression as the best part of gaming...
Frieza just arrived on your planet...
Why the fuck is portable gaming still popular ?
You have 1 (one) billion dollars to spend in (and only) the videogame industry...
Why do Japanese games tend to attract more fanart than western games?
ITT: Games nobody played but you
Game ends on a cliffhanger
You can preload Niohs "Last Chance" Beta now
You are now the King of Vidya and can place a 5-year hard ban on ONE THING in games...
Did an AMA
When are we getting a Metroid Direct?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Do you play vidya with your mommy, Sup Forums?
ITT: Games that made you cry
Why was this undebatably the best Fallout DLC ever Sup Forums?
Have you ever tried speed running?
Not knowing HAOS is best Resident Evil boss
Gonna enjoy the fuck out of this game
Yfw 1 HP left
Pt. 2
My dad killed himself yesterday. The only figure in my life I cared about
Looking for a game with a giant selection of killing implements. guns melee and any weird shit
I can handle the cutesy chibi art style
Sup Forums Moderator AMA
That time you fell for the hype
So after the maintenance, we now have reincarnated Anubis hitting 900x. Anyone running any of the new leads?
ITT: worst playable race in a game
Which is the better game, including dlc?
Reggie: Switch matchmaking and lobbies handled through phone app
So i just bought a Launch edition ps3
The Lena Dunham of Video Games
Bandwagon time
Hey Sup Forums which one should I play first?
Dark souls 1
Do you think Persona 5 will be a hit in The United States?
3DS Games Thread|Pls No Troll
ITT: THICK Vidya girls
I'm going to cancel my Switch pre-order. I was hyped for the Switch...
Assassin's Creed is /v secret favorite series
Anime saved Fire Emblem
Remember me, Sup Forums?
Unpopular opinion thread
Best game trailers
Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild
Why is Vidya sci-fi armor getting more and more shitty...
ITT your favorite games from your childhood
Here is your controller bro!
Remember, Real Big Boss is off doing actual cool shit without you
What will be satired in the next GTA?
This woman is more beautiful than any girl in Awakening/Fates
This is Freya. Tell her she's the best Dragoon
Does Horizon Zero Dawn have an actual shot at competing with Breath of the Wild?
Are you going to main Baiken when she comes back in Revelator 2?
E3 2017
Why is this allowed?
How is it?
Traditional Style Side Scrolling Metroid in Development
Buff when?
Sup Forums unironically thought this character was good enough to be a playable fighter in smash bros
Which games have the best asses?
Did she make MGSV better or worse?
Manage to get deeply into a game
How old were you when you built your first gaming pc?
Say something about Konami
ITT: Games with godly atmospheres and settings
Game go's multiplat
I fell for the mechanical keyboard meme...
Vice or Mature?
At times, you've been... challenging to Nintendo. What's the worst thing you've said, and say it to my face
Lets get a comfy WoW nostalgia thread going on boys
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia already sold out on amazon...
Metal Gear Online thread
What video games do furries play?
You have ten (10) seconds to explain why you didn't vote for the best Lord
Notch's new house
Something just tells me Animal Crossing will be next
This is how Nintendo is represented in human form, with three children
Stop playing video games
Try to go 100% pure and purge everything
Who loved you more?
Blizzard redeemed
What is the best controller you have ever used?
You have 21 days to explain why you haven't preordered Nioh yet
Sup Forums tell me a better Spider-man game than this
Are there any japanese games/franchises that are way more successful in the west than in their home country?
Golly Sup Forums, what could it be?
Can we all agree that the Nintendo switch is the most pro consumer device Nintendo has put out?
Itt: inconvenient truths
ITT: Casual Filters
Is the Nibelheim incident the greatest piece of vidyakino there is?
Here's your mouse, bro
Now that Mei is confirmed fat, what's your excuse Sup Forums?
Yume Nikki Thread
Character reloads their weapon by simply twirling it around instead of inserting a new magazine/battery/energy core
Final Fantasy XV is the best JRPG
Will Sakurai finally drop the TP designs in the next Smash?
Is Smite a good game?
The fuck was his problem?
What are some good lewd games Sup Forums? I want something like a dating sim , kinda like meet n fuck but not shit...
Is there a single console game that runs worse than this?
Tfw you meet with your friend but they have brought their gf/bf and ruin everything
A game about a curry nigger
Most Hardcore Mario?
You play vidya with your significant other, right Sup Forums?
Not a childhood friend
Anyone here getting InJUSTice 2?
Has anyone beaten/mastered ALL snes games?
So why do we give a shit about this tranny again?
What are the chances that Nintendo will backpedal on some aspects after the negative reception? Namely the price...
Melee thread
Sup Forumserdict?
Heroes give villain a speech about the power of friendship
Thoughts on the Steam Controller?
Just got xcom 2 off humble monthly bundle
Why do people say that the Call of Duty franchise releases the same shit every year...
Switch to possibly get a 4K dock
Sup Forums I beg of you...
Tried to pause and pressed start during the credits
What did Blizzard mean by this?
Sup Forums says it's shit
What are some horrible games that you like? I don't know why I like FO3 but I really do, despite it being an awful game
Tfw I have to play the inferior version of Zelda just because I was at work the day Switch pre-orders came and went
Terrible video game music
What arw some good puzzle games
Ask me anything
Any of ya'll niggas going to buy this?
What the fuck was her problem?
How hard is this game?
Defend this
ITT shit games with 10/10 OSTs
ITT: Name your favourite for each console
'Member when she got sucked into a jet turbine?
Was gonna play this today but $40. Just gonna wait for it to go on sale. Seems like a good jrpg...
......woa..h... *mind blown*
Pick two companions for an epic 50 hour journey
Filename thread
What went wrong
Last thread got archived
What's the best game to ever be made: in your opinion?
Has nintendo finally lost their damn minds? 90 fucking dollars just to connect to the TV
Take that, Switch haters!
You have no excuses to not be playing this game
In the US when you buy a game in store for like 60$ do you also pay a sales tax?
Reggie: Switch Matchmaking and Lobbies Handled Through Phone App
Is this the sexiest running animation ever?
ITT: characters who will be in smash 5 (the fifth smash bros game)
Reggie interview - the Switch
Why don't Mirror's Edge games sell well?
New vegas story is shit and the courier is shit, the desert is shit and nearly everything in nv is shit...
Sometimes you need to take a step back and realize how fucking retarded this game sounds
Have videogames impacted your health in any way?
Are nier fans pervs?
Nowi: Tharja, you're so boingy!
Does Sup Forums like the binding of isaac?
Did you buy their game, Sup Forums?
Say something nice about Elphelt RIGHT NOW or she'll shoot!
Be me
Why haven't you bought Lens game?
A package from Japan???
Nintendo Switch Software Discussion
That's a big game
Do you have any hope for the Zelda series?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Hey there Nintendo Fans
Hey Sup Forums what's the most accurate version of the Loveless cover...
Risk of Rain ROR
Do you own any gaming clothes?
Your opening statement?
What killed him?
Zelda is on Wii U
What's in the box, Sup Forums?
Which dark souls first boss is the best first boss?
Good or bad?
Sup Forums, have you ever revealed your power level in real life?
Post 3x3 the power...of the Nintendo Switch
STILL no games where you play as a cow
In fifteen years. kids will recognize the left more than the right
PS4 Thread
A trailer that came out not even a week ago almost caught up to a year old one
What sound does it make again?
Arms looks pretty fun
Who /wiiuversion/ here?
Was it really that bad?
Demon's Souls
Yfw RE-Make 2 becomes a Switch exclusive
Isn't the Switch supposed to be next gen?
Gravity rush 2 thread
Grief for the Nintendo Switch
FFXIV 3.5 Update
Reggie lowkey confirms new Metroid
Is this going to be the only good game of 2017?
Well, Sup Forums?
This game is so unbelievably shit
Why does a yaoi game have such an intense opening?
What's the general consensus on this MMO ?
Hey Sup Forums I messed up
What makes Overwatch a bad game?
Tfw they're destroying my favorite title
Final boss music is a reprisal of the battle theme
If you killed her, you're a monster
Why do all white women in games look like pigs?
He could self finance a bunch of games and slap his name on it for credit but he doesn't why
Battleborn suffered from overdesigned characters
If it integrates gamepad well like Diablo 3 did I will seriously give it another shot
Post favorite game
Guys, what can you do against an army of war elephants?
Why do we allow this to happen, Sup Forums?
Why do I always get hyped for Nintendo products and never for XBox or Playstation?
4 packed servers
Neptunia is LIT dude!
Does Sup Forums truly believe that a large company like Nintendo that has survived for DECADES DOESN'T know what...
F-Zero fans huddle up, we're getting a game soon
Someone's kidnapped Rosalina! We've got to help her, Sup Forums!
I am buying a Switch at launch and there is nothing you can do to stop me
Stop expecting Half-Life 3
Is this just as bad as the previous game?
Be spoiled that pic related is a murderer
You asked for this
Did anyone play this? I held off on buying it despite loving the first...
You pre-ordered Kiryu's game, right?
More than 500 viewers... he's gonna make it!
Memes aside, is this good? I've never played an Uncharted game before
What are some PC games that I can play as a skelington in?
Gothic 1 cancelled expansion
Sup Forums doesn't think "stronk womyn" are a thing
Erm umm, so how am i dead exactly?
Resident Evil 7
Instant pull / kill combo
Well, I finally did it - I finally had gay sex. And, because I'm not out yet...
Can Sup Forums fix PCX2 emulator?
4 games
Gotta go, wife aggro
Dude it's all fiction lmao
FE is getting so much love
Breath of the Wild Sup Forums General #1
So, why do I can vote daily? Wouldn't one vote be enough?
Will you be getting Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia™?
Do your job and vote for the sexiest Fire Emblem girl. No excuses
Zelda out
N-Now that's strategy...!
A question to all non-polish slavs on this board: how popular are games from the Witcher series in your country...
My dog just ate the headphones I got for Christmas. A40's from Astro. They were most comfortable I've ever worn...
What are some good 4 player coop op games for me and my friends to play?
Boogie will die in your lifetime
What went wrong?
I honestly thought they would be playable in Smash shortly after this
Why can't Nintendo do this for Metroid? They don't have to show anything...
Best DOA, no contest, no debate
This is a next gen Nintendo console
So it's settled then. We're voting for our boy Ike
What in the HECK was this game called again?
Is it worth playing today? I hear nothing but good shit about it but I've never played it
What's the best YuGiOh game and why is it WC2006?
Whats the hardest singleplayer game you have every played?
Make a hybrid console
What if Snake was a girl
Gamer fuel thread
Why do people shit on games like Call of Duty for being the same shit over and over but Dynasty Warriors games get warm...
Which characters do you want to see in Mortal Kombat 11?
Hey guys we just unveiled the Switch
That's it, for the first time since 2004 World of Warcraft is under 1 million players as of 1/18/2017...
Tfw you upgrade your PC
Did you see the new trailer Sup Forums?
Will Dawn of War 3 be any good?
No game where you have 99 ways to die
Nintendrones BTFO yet again!!
ITT: games only you have played
So this.... is the power... of the Nintendo Switch
I'm downloading The Last Remnant now. any protips?
Just got back from the store
What the fuck is wrong with those colors? Whenever I see the new Zelda they seem muted, dull...
90 days after announcement
Who was in the right here?
ITT: Steam Profile Pics
What's the most embarrassing videogames related thing ever?
Are you ready?
How are you guys enjoying Gravity Rush 2 so far?
Is Geralt the most well-written playable character in a game ever?
I work in video games, at a company in Silicon Valley that mainly produces MMOs. I can answer most questions you have
Stealing Nintendo's idea
There are no perfect game compan-
Still no power full female knights and generals in video games
Are there any games that never end? That I can never get bored of. MMOs don't count
No dude, it's my Nintendo Switch™ so I get to have the left Joy-Con. You can use the right Joy-Con
Fire Emblem Direct
Name 1 (one)(uno)(eins)(ett) (en)(un)(unus)(yksi)(moja)(wahed)(jeden)(ekab)...
Easy Allies
Anyone old enough to remember when one could actually debate whether the N64/Gamecube was stronger than the PS1/PS2?
Are you excited for yandere simulator? Looks fun
Would Sup Forums play vidya with me?
ITT propaganda games made by jews
If I have never really finished a Zelda game before, what game should I start with before BOTW comes out?
Tfw getting old
You plan on playing video games with your children, right Sup Forums?
What class do you main in TF2?
Play 100 matches of competitive over the course of 20 hours
On bus
Do you think video games as a medium will ever sink to a level this low?
Get shot
Why do people keep comparing these two? They're not even in the same league
What are some games where the MC feels powerful?
Quickly now, name ONE good pc exclusive
Toadstool, Peach
Historical Game
Why was this game better than Mario 64?
So what did you play today Sup Forums?
"The 3DS is targetting a different group of people then the Switch is" says Reggie
So is this thing dead?
LOL: Vintage Edition
Post your worst vidya fuckups
Sony fags screeching about Switch
Why does everyone hate her? She seems really nice
How good are you at Puzzle Games
Please select a name for you character
He's the Nintendo Switch producer
Tao Pai Pai has just been hired to assassinate you, last vidya character you played as has sworn to protect you...
Armed and promoted with a bow in official art
(C91) [Mamushionigiri (AmasyokuJ[CJ])] Hajimete no Nintenbon Ashley wo nadete! (WarioWare)
What went wrong, Platinum dropped the ball so hard on this
Pillars of Eternity 2 tease
Nintendo probably won't let you choose who to romance
How big is Reggie?
Do you run a channel? Is it successful? Are you to be the next...dare I say...e-celeb?
What is this expression trying to convey
ITT best generation
Injustice 2
So you're on vacation and this guy slaps your gf's ass. What do you do? Oh yeah, he's 5'3" 286 pounds, all muscle
Is Evil Within worth playing? If not, any recommendations on pc games that came out in the last few years?
Elder scrolls thread, orc master race edition
Assuming 343 wasn't complete fuck ups, how would you have wanted a new Halo trilogy?
Xen wasn't that bad
The whole staff of Bioware dies from food poisoning from a company paid trip to PF Changs
ITT party members you would execute if you could
You've been transported back to the 1960s during the peak of the Vietnam war
Obscure games thread
Not only is it bigger than Skyrim, it is probably a better game as well
Nintendo fans create the best fan art
Hungry? Thirsty? Horny? Head on down to the New Vegas Thread
This is a holy outfit
We have over forty thousand lines of recorded dialogue
I want to fuck that console?
It can't really be the size of Skyrim x10 c-can it?
How do you feel about how FFXV was released and ended up being the best Final Fantasy since X (or IV if you are...
What went so right?
Grove Street
Why is this game so overlooked compared to the other Resident Evil games?
Cut content / Beta Thread
10/10 character designs
Should I buy Spaltoon if I've never played it?, all these Spaltoon 2 vids are getting me hyped
Give it to me straight: Are people who complain about framerate being 30fps over 60fps serious...
Where is she Sup Forums?
Sony bros don't realize how much in love the world is with the Switch and Zelda BotW already
Does Gravity Rush 2 fix the issues that really pissed me off about the first game?
I've got a question for you:
Dragon Age Inquisition
Samus Aran
What the fuck we her problem?
Why are leaftards incapable of understanding how currencies work? No...
Khajiits are the niggers of the Elderscrolls universe. Discuss
What was the appeal for romancing Tali?
He pick Russian tanks in any WWII game
Just finished chapter 3 and the game is becoming a slog. Should I keep going or just drop it?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
What is the closest vidya equivalent to pic related? Exploration, adventures and sometimes combat
What would you like to see in the inevitable Final Fantasy X-3?
Rank these from 1 to 4 in order of most important and let's see how superior or shit your tastes are
New game comes out
Why is this design so great?
Why didn't they do this?
Is Hazy Maze Cave the most well-designed level in Super Mario 64?
Vidya characters that you would kill for more porn of
It was just revealed that Gabe Newell is worth over 4.1 billion dollars. For comparison, Donald Trump is worth 3...
ITT purest girls in vidya
Realistically, where does nintendo go from here?
Now that it's been a year since the video, can Sup Forums admit that TJ "Henry" Yoshi was right?
Any good android games?
This is a 6 month old rabbit. Say something nice about her!
Be depressed
Thoughts on Chihiro?
Are you getting it for Wii U or Switch? or Cemu
Why go away from classic zelda?
What was the worst campaign and why was it Night Elf
So is this a collection of all the kingdom heart games or is this just a remaster of 2...
It's happening
The worst multiplayer maps of all time
Its a dan-moved-to-giantbomb-east-but-is-still-polluting-giantbomb-west episode
Dude, spoiler
Nintendo Switch Red Pill
This hero literally has no counters
Switch Cards are Smaller than 3DS Carts
Press F
What the hell was this guy's problem? I couldn't understand a damn thing he said
Were you able to preorder?
Does final fantasy 14 have a good dungeon and raid finder? Also let's say I play as healer...
What made pic related the best RPG ever?
Playing this for the first time, should I try not using the powers? the description make them seem overpowered...
Nioh New beta
What company going to bankrupt this year
Tell me which games to get
I installed Antibirth but I want to turn the stats on the HUD and I can't find an option for it
Shills get out
Paid online Monster Hunter
You have just been tasked with making a big budget trailer park boys game
Did you remember to thank your healer today Sup Forums?
But seriously, this should come to the Switch
Here's ya controller, mate
Switch Thread
Banned in New Zeland
Worst ult in overwatch
Sonic Battle thread
What are some good archery games?
Another settlement needs our help. I'll mark it on your map
TIL Matthew Perry was a huge fan of Fallout 3 and presented Ellen Degeneres with a signed copy of the game on her show...
Sup Forums will argue against this
Stay mad
Meanwhile at Irish Sup Forums
Switch is over priced REEEEEE
Gimme yo moneys
Competitive is fucking retarded
Just bought this. Was it a good choice? The RX480 will apparently perform better in the future...
I like how every person I have seen so far complain about motion controls are fatasses. Really makes me think
How is this acceptable?
Triss or Yennefer? Help me Sup Forums
Grass is green
What game has the best graphics?
Ocarina of Time
What's the best deal you got on an old game?
What move do I make?
What are some PS1 game that have not aged like shit?
Cold steel / kiseki / towa
Want a drink Sup Forums?
Why do people ignore all of the GOOD shit nintendo is doing...
Is this game gonna save the Switch?
Wouldn't it be funny if klonoa was a girl
Splatoon I'm Sorry
Have a friend
I can´t believe this
What games could the IR Camera on the Switch be advantageous for?
Look at this side boob
What is the Gangnam Style of vidya?
Realistically speaking, what are the chances of earth surviving a flood infection?
Aside from the obvious Alice games and games with Alice-themed levels...
Do you have good expectations for splatoon 2?
You groove you lose
Just admit it Sup Forums. You want Nintendo to die, stop circle jerking and actually kill the company
Remember when games used to come first?
Yfw the new Zelda is more massive than Skyrim in scope and size
Is this accurate?
So, I'm playing through Undertale for the first time, right now. Just beat Undyne
This is Nepgear, say something nice to her
I hear they're raising the prices for games in the UK soon. THINGS ARE LOOKING PRETTY GOOD
Senran Kagura thread
Giving away games!
What was the last boss you had a hard time beating?
How isn't the wii the best console of all time? It has better games than the ps2
Wanting the Switch to fail is stupid
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet? All firmware is hackable for free. This time you literally have no excuse
What country should i play?
Is he /ourguy/ ?
Why? It's the third game in the series, it shouldn't come off as a surprise anymore
Why do people take video games super seriously? I thought they were just here to let us have fun
ITT: "Oh yeah, that happened"
Now mortals...follow me into the abyss
Sup Forums is a clusterfuck of nonstop shitposting
I will drink from your M&B thread
What videogames are a must-play for any gamer with selfrespect?
Why did the Pro flop so badly Sup Forums?
Meanwhile in Sup Forums-mansion
I want to ______ Ribbon Girl
Would you get a Switch?
Is he our guy Sup Forums?
Give me a completely meme free reason why this game is bad
What console have objectively the best looking hardware?
How do I motivate myself to play video games?
Necromunda game confirmed
What is your go to class in mmos/rpgs/dungeon crawlers/etc?
If Wii U was so bad, why CemU is getting so much success?
Switch revealed
Why are combat sport games the only good sports games
Make a smart ass edgelord that wants to kill everything
I'm having some trouble, Sup Forums. Do you remember what this thing's name is?
Do you enjoy older games more?
Hand over all your tem flakes and nobod gets hurt
What is the vinyl of video games?
ITT: we predict features which will appear in GTA VI
Holy Shit I guess that leak from a week ago was right. The west is getting both Utawareumono sequels this year
"Clunky" is codeword for "this old game doesn't have auto-aim...
2017 best gaming combo
So can we agree that in 2017 a softmodded PSP is still a handheld well worth keeping around?
There hasn't been a good western game in years
Playing Uncharted and my father comment about how the graphics are good
Tfw Ankama is great at world building but shit at actual gameplay
Why did nobody ever notice that the President of the United States looked identical to Solid Snake?
Be honest Sup Forums, did you defeat him?
Fire Emblem Thread
Zelda Switch vs 11 year old game
So, "now that dust have settled" what's the consensus Sup Forums has for this game...
What does Sup Forums think of FotNS Ken's Rage / Hokuto Musou games?
Implying humanity still exists after january 20
What game lets me be a real mothafuckin G?
Where the fuck is the PC version!?
Have you ever almost cried because of a game?
Reggie Interview
I'm looking into playing the entire dragon quest series this year. Are the Android versions servicable for 1-3...
Buy dont starve on a whim
There will never be a Pokemon game better than this
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...