ITT shit games with 10/10 OSTs
ITT shit games with 10/10 OSTs
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It was a great game, quit being so fucking salty.
mario galaxy
Every JRPG ever made.
It was actually really fun.
Just didn't have to be a Banjo Kazooie game
Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby.
I don't remember a single song form this game, what in the fuck are you talking about?
you remember any songs from banjo kazooie? If so then you should remember songs from nuts and bolts
Is any of this shit memorable? Rate, hate, appreciate.
This. Nuts and Bolts is a good car-platformer. It's sad that there will never be another game like this.
>all those sweet arrangements of treasure cove trove
fuck yeah
I fucking love nier
but the gameplay is shit
everything else is elder god tier
>good car-platformer
>literally nothing to explore in the worlds since all missions come from stationary NPCs
>way too many missions force you to use prebuilt shit
>way too many missions just have you go through rings
>Grunty fights are just holding a button in front of her while all your other shit auto fires
it was nice to be able to create things but the main game was fucking shit
if it didn't have banjo on it, it would be completely forgettable
The car crafting was fun but the missions were shitty and the worlds were empty. Not a good game.
Sonic 06 had some comfy sounding instrumentals
>good car-platformer
There's no platforming. You drive or fly to a location, sometimes escorting a thing or dragging it behind you with a sticky ball. The levels are empty and you're just going up ramps if you're not in the air. Aside from 3-4 missions (depending on the door variant of the level, which was a dumb idea since the only difference is whether it's day or night and they reuse the same cast despite having a mountain of established characters) there is nothing to do since there aren't collectibles, events, or secrets. You can't even say the areas are meant to be a playground for your vehicle when the garage has a test track with a bunch of room to try out your vehicles.
The story is pretty bad too.
Easy answer
Nier's gameplay is a solid 7/10 t b h
Even in the custom-building levels, the vast majority of the time you win just by strapping the best engine to the best fuel tank and adding 4 of the best wheels or some wings.
You can fiddle around for hours making autistic little dune buggies, but it doesn't fucking matter because the game itself requires barely any thought.
even the music is bad though. At least compared to other FFs
woah hold up
I literally am so autistic to write essays on Sup Forums why 13 is bad but I gotta admit the music is great
>when the violin kicks in
All of Jun Senoue's soundtracks are great.
I don't need to click the link to know that it would be grating
And in Banjo Kazooie all you do is ride Kazooie's fat dong through every level or fly to a location, how is Nuts & Bolts any different?
I like you
>Mario Galaxy
>shit game
Wouldn't say 10/10 but I liked it.
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2