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Bump because people need to know
exactly one year. like any other unbeatable DRM before it
Kinda worried that CPY is the only one able to do it. He's gonna get targeted hard by the companies and might get fucked somehow.
all denuvo games are garbage anyways
Watch Dogs 2 was released 2 months ago
if he doesn't use apple,facebook or google he'll be fine.
kat was rated out by apple(at the same time not willing to crack terrorist phone)
>there are people on Sup Forums who gave ubisoft money for watch_dogs2
just so you know
how's the driving?
denuvo got really popular last year around this time
now games get cracked left and right
>Release : november 2016
>Cracked : january 2017
Right... One year
I still don't want to play it.
So you're telling me that pirates "cracked" a game that is behind on sales, and recently offered a three hours of free gameplay?
They better damn well admit they used the demo as a method of entry, or I will suspect this is just going to be an excuse for next quarter's earnings report.
Not gonna pirate. Not worth mty time.
It was about $13 here, so I was tempted for second since it's cheap and dead season
but then I noticed language lock and decided not to buy ubisoft games ever again, their english dub is alright most of the time
every other language is unbearable
Who cares about that shit?
Who the fuck even cares about WD2?
They announced it yesterday that they cracked it
The demo is console only right now.
canĀ“t they just do battlefield 1?
My dad really wants to play this game, but only the single campaign then never look at it again.
I'll download this out of spite.
Real MVP
I am cumming right now
Thank you CPY
Console shit
>GTA with Hackers
>usual boring custom stuff
What level of irony are they on?
Remember to turn on Temporal Filtering, otherwise the game is unplayable unless you have a monster GPU
It gives a 40% fps boost
Is there an outfit that doesnt make you look like a someone who lives san francisco
>being a pirate
Stop being poor and get a job
shouldn't you disable all AA to gain fps?
TAA is blurry shit
I don't want to play ubishit even for free
Do you know what temporal filtering is?
Sweet dude.
I should have checked rarbg myself but eh, I don't want to fuck up my IPT account for private tracking
25gigs is pretty small
Ubisoft please leave and never come back. Or make better games, one of the two.
What trackers do you people use? Pirate bay is completely shattered.
This convinced me to give it a whirl. I'm not up for no 80gb bullshit.
who the fuck cares about shit dogs 2 crack warhammer total war motherfucker what the hell are you doing
Literally proof that system requirements are meaningless
Also Is ubisoft the only dev that bothers to compress their games now?
FC Primal was 10 gb smaller than FC4 and Watch Dogs 2 is only 3 gb more than WD1
warhammer is already cracked
why don't you crack it yourself :^)
Private trackers will always be the best.
They're cracking ubisoft games lately
It's not
I'm waiting for F1 2016 myself. I guess our games are on the backburner until a significant patch and/or dlc comes out for it.
Thats why they did WD2.. patch just came out.
Thank you
nobody cares about shit game
linux version is cracked
I wished those ubisoft generic open turds would never get cracked, people would just forget about those shit games even faster
Spend time cracking games that are interesting at least, like Dishonored 2
>mfw poorfags brag about being able to pirate a game they are to poor to afford
I kek every time.
I don't play shit games just because they're free.
Watch Dogs 2 was sickeningly bad. It felt like the developers seriously didn't give a fuck about the game and just cranked out what would appease the lowest common denominator instead of centralize into a unique, cohesive experience.
I remember nothing about the game. I'm gonna have to be sold hard on WD2 just to bother downloading it for free.
I might play this cause I liked the first one.
I don't like the look of the main character though. Puts me off.
don't do it, it's terrible, full of meme retardation, characters trying way too hard to look cool, and the same old Press X to evade police """""gameplay"""""
Denuvo plz
Everyone prepared to pirate Berseria? They won't get a cent of my money for a game with DRM :)
Pretty feet, is there a barefoot version?
Not sure. Is it good? I'm willing to play weebshit if it has some sort of redeeming value.
Denuvo employee, please vacate the thread before you are arrested. Thanks.
This sold like utter dog shit, this will enrage ubisoft LOL
>nobody realizes that they got faster
it used to be 3-4 months, now it's just 2
Why would you pirate it if it's a bad game? Checkmate you fucking retarded faggot
Oh the irony. WD2 is leagues better than 1 and was actually decent for 30 bucks. Dishonored 2 is worse than 1 and is not worth the 50 bucks for it.
The cracking groups stated they were going to leave it alone for a year to show piracy had little impact on sales. That time has now ended.
Why would a Denuvo employee care about people pirating?
If anything he's a Ubisoft shill
Denuvo guys should be happy their games get cracked so they work on denuvo v4 and sell their new product
>Watch_Dogs 2
Not interested.
>With Denuvo
Definitely not interested.
Still not interested.
Why? All he has to do is spread the information if they start that.
I don't think so.
Besides, CPY will just crack it.
3DM chinks are good for nothing.
CPY is the savior.
No, care to enlighten the rest of us?
And then they'll make another one and get payed by dumb publishers for it
I get the feeling they aimed at this game on purpose to see if it being cracked helped or hinders sales.
If people get it for free now, then end up liking it and want to play online with friends or get dlc they might buy it.
>Dishonored 2 is worse than 1
Are you smoking crack? What a ridiculous statement, Dishonored 2 has the best level design I've seen in any game the last 10 years
>dropped PC gaming as a buyfag last year because of Denuvo finally broke the horse's neck.
>suddenly don't have to care about mediocre games, because they are available on PC.
>or can be pirated
>or have a free demo
I could download free stuff, but my console dashboard is full of GREAT video games I have yet to finish. And for 2017 I'm literally drowning in great releases, so I can quickly forget the 2016 flops.
I just wish they would crack something i care about
I bought it last week in steam sales
Luckely Planet Coaster isnt cracked yet
Why drop it? You get objectively better multiplats plus pc exclusives. There are more pc indie exclusives that are good than the ps4 has games. And I have a ps4.
>DUDE why wont they release a proper PC version?!
>DUDE why do they use denuvo?!
this is why. I sent the torrent link and a link to this thread to ubisoft, I seriously hope they leave PC market forever.
got it with my 1070 and no matter what i do i get mad stutter and low fps drops.
maybe the cracked version is better
>There are more pc indie exclusives that are good
than the ps4 has games
such as? I wanted some recommendations but Sup Forums never responds to the threads I make
>pc indie exclusives that are good
name some
>be happy that Denuvo got BTFO
>realize that the only Denuvo game worth playing is Doom
Watch Dogs 2 was a decent version, and now it doesn't have Denuvo.
>I seriously hope they leave PC market forever.
I hope so too.
The last thing I want is Ubisoft getting money from uninformed people on PC.
Yet another crack release window literally wasted for utter garbage game like this.
hope you enjoy early-access survival, MOBA and MMO, because that's the only fucking thing you'll be playing on PC in a few years.
> I seriously hope they leave PC market forever
a man can dream
also 50000 is 35% :^)
i really hope, at some point, CPY share some information about their methods internally within the scene. relying on a single scene group for all denuvo titles is unwise.
and nothing of value would be lost
I'm certainly not going to miss Open World Game where you climb towers to reveal a map full of pointless collectables #3127894901775981348190
Ubisoft games aren't worth the fucking bandwidth. They make the worst trash in the industry.
Only CPY fucking around with denuvo while the other sit still and pretend the game didn't exist.
>35% of pc gamers
Steam alone has 12 million concurrent users
which makes that sample size 0.4% of pc gamers.
even so dont act like pirating isnt a thing on consoles and handhelds either.
>realize that it's 70 fucking gigs
yes let me just go waste a significant portion of my bandwidth for the better part of the next day on downloading Cuck Fetish Simulator 2017
probably runs bad like watch dogs
There is no single GPU setup that can properly max out WD2 at 1080p, except maybe the new Titan X
Temporal filtering is a must
old Minecraft
>FC Primal craked
>give it a try
>somehow run worse than FC4, which run worse than FC3
It was complete waste of time, the last time i decide to give ubisoft game a try.
What part of "Denuvo" did you not understand?
Ah, once again, proof that very fat Denuvo shills were just angry consolecuckies all along.
Valdis story.