>have a friend >only fallout game he's played is 4 >suggest getting NV over winter sale, base game is $3.79 and ultimate is $10 for gods sake > whenever I bring it up he just says 'ehhhhh' and says he doesn't want to 'dedicate himself to a game that seriously'
>1 friend has bad taste and/or just isn't feeling games "WAAAAAAH"
Andrew Wood
>1 friend is unwilling to try anything new or experience anything
Colton Howard
Fallout 4™ is a true RPG, unlike that awful New Vegas game...
Juan Lopez
how about you let him play whatever he wants you fucking inbred
Ayden Lee
people only ever use this argument when someone doesn't wanna try something they like. not everyone has to like nv you baby, and that's coming from someone who loves it.
Ethan Clark
I cannot understand Sup Forumss fascination with this game. My friend did the same as you and when I did eventually give in I played it for around ten hours and gave up. I dont want to spend hours slowly walking across a bland wasteland with outrageously lazy graphics. Its so incredibly dull. Endless walking and such poor gunplay that the developers had to actually put in a mechanic which freezes the game so you can choose where to shoot an enemy. I have no idea how this game got the acclaim it did but it comes across as lazy and boring. Is there any reason for me to continue playing?
Henry Baker
>PS4 and Xbone are announced >I'm the only one getting a PS4 >years later every decides to get PCs >they only play League I wish I had better friends...
Aaron Myers
>"wow this game is pretty fun i might as well suggest it to my friend" >"he doesn't have to like it, hell i'll buy it for him I'd just like him to see what I'm talking about" >perhaps he will thank me for the game if it turns out to be his favorite!
Hunter Brooks
Your friend is a nice guy putting up with an autist like you.
John Long
>he doesn't want to 'dedicate himself to a game that seriously' That's a compliment for an RPG game if anything. Quit being autistic.
Chase Garcia
I dont think you should be calling others autistic with a pic like that user.
Jacob Cook
i understand him though to be honest RPGs are games you really have to dedicate yourself to and put a lot of hours in. they aren't for everyone.
Blake Butler
can someone tell me essential and lewds mods for New Vegas?
Dominic Stewart
I've never felt true terror like I did when I would talk to an NPC, receive an objective, and then on my way to that objective get raped by that same NPC who had tracked me down.
Jeremiah Cook
You're not funny, if you really want to prevent cancer consider standing out in front of a shuttle bus.
Kayden Parker
NVAC, get the bug patches too. Project Nevada is only good for the grenade hotkey imo.
Angel Myers
name of the mod?
Landon Kelly
fallout games are shit if you're looking for gameplay desu maybe he means something like that
Jordan Cox
New Vegas is mediocre as hell, 7.5 shit at much, if wasn't for Sup Forums everyone would have forgotten about it already.
Colton Reyes
New Vegas is atrocious >Caesar is a pretentious twat who attempts to justify murder and pillaging like a degenerate with nonsense armchair philosophy >Worse graphically than 3 somehow >Half of the locations are empty (Ivanpah Dry Lake) or copy-pasted 2/1 room shacks >Literally no large dungeons and by extension no challenge what so ever >Everything in the game can be slaughtered easily by level 10 >Needs like 10000 mods to be playable >Horrible fucking radio (Mr New Vegas is the only redeeming quality) >Mr House and Yes Man have nearly the exact same questline >Legion has no questline at all on that note >Can skip half the fucking game by walking north >North of the map is empty >Camp Golf has fuckall in it >Unfinished plots everywhere >Only good DLC was OWB (Lonesome Road was only decent as a combat marathon) >It has homosexuals in it >The Strip is empty >Horrible dialogue
Parker Flores
>start a new game, make my character etc >finish talking to Doc Mitchell, he tells me that Goodsprings is a nice town and to come back to him if I ever need anything >character can't move or do anything - "What? fucking broken ass game" >suddenly the good ol' Doc is violently raping me on top of the couch >goes on for what feels like hours >animation finally ends, character is laying on the ground covered in cum while Doc Mitchell stands up and smokes a cigarette
T-Thanks, Doc.
Hudson Thomas
srs post, I don't get why some of you guys love to gargle that NV cock. Played through 4, was good. Played through NV, it just felt like more of the same, except with a lot more sarsaparilla. Personally I found the scenery to bit a bit blander than F4, and the ceaser/NPR conflict to be boring.
Luis Harris
Sawyer's mod Some guy series and some mods to update the facial textures
All you need
Isaac Allen
I'm hesitant to start any RPG because they are major time sinks if I play them the way I want to play them. You can breeze through some in a few hours but that's not really enjoyable for me. I like to investigate everything, max everything, and that means dozens or hundreds of hours. In that time I might be able to complete five other games (more variety.)
The flipside to that is RPGs provide great value (as in, hours of entertainment per dollar.)
Jonathan Jones
>legion has no questline at all
Ayden Harris
Any mods that fix the sluggishness/lag? I know the engine is absolute garbage but its a fucking nightmare to use any gun outside VATS even when you have constant 60fps.
Kayden Miller
I didn't enjoy the first few hours either, or even my first playthrough. Only after finishing the story and exploring the desert without caring about the quests did I really start to get into the game. The game takes some time getting into but the atmosphere really grows on you.
t6m armor replacer unless you're into fag shit then kill yourself
Luke Roberts
>walk into NCRF to do some quests before I rek the powder gangers and become vilified >get horribly raped by the doorman before being allowed to enter >get raped at least 4 times in the lobby >make it to the courtyard and see at least 20 fucking powder gangers added from a mod >get raped a dozen or so times before making it into the warden's office >get raped by the powder ganger doctor, get raped by the bodyguards >"Holy fuck I finally made it to Eddie. Time to get this quest and turn around and fuck him" >Eddie proceeds to threaten to kill me, tryout doesn't give me an option to say no >puts a collar on me >rapes me some more, lets his men have their way with me too >can't betray powder gangers anymore cool
Eli Murphy
Not stutter. Its hard to describle but the game feels slow. Its like a mix of mouse acceleration + lag/delay. Fallout 3 had the same issue.